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  1. maneth

    B5 Episodes You Prefer To Skip?

    Me too, although it seems that humanity has finally moved beyond skin color or culture-induced racism by the time we get to B5. Of course, dark-skinned people call whites nasty names just as much as the other way, although they're less often in positions of power to discriminate.
  2. maneth

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    I'm unsure about many on that list. Do we know for sure Leoben is #2? The unthinkable is happening, humans and cylons making an alliance. It's certainly interesting to see how things work out. Looks like Baltar's monotheistic (disguised cylon) religion is gaining followers, perhaps even the...
  3. maneth

    Bruce Boxleitner to be in 'Heroes'

    Probably, but still a shame. Still, they didn't mention his so-far biggest movie role either, in Tron.
  4. maneth

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Some newsgroup posts by JMS himself strongly hint that he had not planned Valen's fate from the beginning. Hence the edit in The Gathering (Kosh to Sinclair: Entil'Zha Valen).
  5. maneth

    B5 Episodes You Prefer To Skip?

    Grail didn't make a lot of sense, but I don't hate it. Oddly enough, I never liked Comes the Inquisitor either, even though I have no trouble with Sinclair being tortured by Knights 1 and 2 in the first season. Maybe because the revelation of "there's a hole in your mind" blew me away the first...
  6. maneth

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    I love the show, and there have been some brilliant performances lately, as well as completely unexpected stuff. I must admit I'm less than fascinated by the Baltar-as-prophet storyline, but at least we no longer have to suffer the queasy quad of season 3! Although the Lee Adama/Starbuck kiss...
  7. maneth

    New BattleStar Galactica

    And that's just as well. Personally I'm an adult and don't want to watch only family-oriented fare. It's up to parents to regulate what their kids watch, and just because some parents neglect that duty shouldn't make it impossible for responsible people to have access to more adult fare. That...
  8. maneth

    Did Babylon 5 force television to get better?

    Like KoshFan said, B5 was too marginal a show to fundamentally change things for television as a whole. However, I do think that it influenced the genre quite a lot. BSG is making an attempt in that direction, even though the writers make things up as they go along a lot more than JMS did. Lost...
  9. maneth

    Some B5-Galactica Similarities

    And BSG is the closest yet to achieving that standard.
  10. maneth

    Two Big Crusade Questions

    That was the decision of the box. It wanted to get to someone with more power who was more useful to it. A bit like the way the Ring left Gollum to go with Bilbo.
  11. maneth

    B5 Episodes You Prefer To Skip?

    I love Believers, because it's all too believable. The sort of circumstances that shouldn't arise, but that do. I'm sometimes tempted to skip the "political" episodes, such as the one where the blonde political advisor with the horrid dead voice was sent to B5. It set my teeth on edge, although...
  12. maneth

    Scriptbook #15 Discussion - SPOILER WARNING

    And of course in the re-cut version of The Gathering, Kosh greets Sinclair "Entil'zha Valen". But that was done later.
  13. maneth

    B5 Episodes You Prefer To Skip?

    I don't feel tempted to skip any, except Interactions in real time. It's jaw-breakingly boring!
  14. maneth

    B5TV upgraded

    Really great. I didn't think to change to this cool skin... Thanks for making it the default!
  15. maneth

    Some B5-Galactica Similarities

    Both shows also have interesting mythology elements to them (as does Stargate). Not much new under the sun as long as sci-fi shows are made that borrow heavily from the American system of government. Which is far from universal on the planet.
  16. maneth

    Beyond the Rim

    Yes, I think you might be right GH. Another point is that for us who don't have the option of FTL travel, beyond the rim would mean something other than what it means in the B5 universe.
  17. maneth

    Beyond the Rim

    That should settle it, straight from the horse's mouth. Although some First Ones have used Centauri jumpgates when it suited them (the Vorlon ship in Deathwalker, for example), I would imagine that any First One ship would be capable of making its own jumpgate. But finding any sensible points...
  18. maneth

    Deconstruction of Falling Stars credits

    Similarly, Jerry Doyle is credited as Security Chief for the entire fourth season, even though Garibaldi resigned quite early on. I can't remember if they modified the credits for the TV broadcast, however... Although on my DVDs (complete universe, region 2) Delenn's appearance does change...
  19. maneth

    B5 Procurement Question?

    I can well understand why they don't have any large animals, but a chicken farm might be possible for locally-grown protein. One would assume they have some kind of synthesized proteins available, or they would have been a lot less keen to break off from Earth.
  20. maneth

    Best Garibaldi moments...?

    There are many fantastic ones, Garibaldi certainly got a lot of great lines! I wouldn't say it was my favorite Garibaldi moment, but one of the most heart-wrenching ones in the entire show for me was certainly when he broke his tooth on Mars...