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  1. maneth

    EpDis: Secrets Of The Soul

    It's not my favorite episode, but neither is it my least favorite one.
  2. maneth

    Why Is Earthforce Still Using Star Furies?

    Both, I guess. No matter what you do, someone's always going to get killed in a firefight. If it's still effective, why change for change's sake? After all, pilot training is time-consuming and quite expensive, and would be necessary for a radically new design. Not to mention the manufacture of...
  3. maneth

    Why Is Earthforce Still Using Star Furies?

    Why change it if it's good enough to do the job with an acceptable number of casualties?
  4. maneth

    EpDis: Dust To Dust

    That's a very good point and not one I was aware of, although I'd say it hardly counts as a spoiler.
  5. maneth

    Why Is Earthforce Still Using Star Furies?

    There have been upgrades, even during the five-year story arc. I think the zeta squadron had better Starfuries than the others, and certainly Bester's black starfury was a different beast compared to the standard issue. NASA is on record for saying they might build something that looks like a...
  6. maneth

    EpDis: Dust To Dust

    I don't think they died out, at least not voluntarily. They went literally out of the galaxy, but to survive there for any length of time without possibility of resupply, they had to become incorporeal. The Vorlons and Shadows are interesting creatures. Certainly the Vorlons have some corporeal...
  7. maneth

    EpDis: Dust To Dust

    No, not all hybrids are sterile, especially not in the plant world. Lions and tigers can crossbreed to form ligers (male lion + female tiger) and tigons (male tiger and female lion). Their habitats normally never intersect in the wild, so any breeding is accidental in zoos, or possibly...
  8. maneth

    Season 5 - Dull?

    I didn't really like Byron and the plotlines involving him. Still, it was an interesting season, even if not quite as action-packed as 2-4.
  9. maneth

    EpDis: Passing Through Gethsemane

    Yeah. Don't get me wrong: even though I don't have much time for religion myself, I love this episode. It's just so incredibly human and well acted and written. Not quite my favorite, but definitely on the shortlist.
  10. maneth

    EpDis: Passing Through Gethsemane

    Yeah, and if that isn't hypocrisy, I don't know what is. :p I still think that by and large organized religion has been the direct or indirect cause of more evil than good in the world, although I don't question the good it may do in individual cases. I don't agree with Marx on much, but I do...
  11. maneth

    EpDis: Passing Through Gethsemane

    I don't buy the whole Christian dogma bit at all, so the episode was, to me, rather pointless. I consider any suffering out of religious conviction to be well-deserved and completely self-inflicted, unless it's a case of brainwashed kids who haven't been exposed to the world and its variety...
  12. maneth

    Lochley - Good or Bad???

    I had no problem with Lochley. She was suitably human with her own faults. Of course, she was no Ivanova, but I was happy to see another strong but vulnerable female role. Even if she was too stunning to be believable... She was tough rather than strong at first because she was insecure. All...
  13. maneth

    "Rendevous with Rama" movie

    I do hope this happens, now that FX are finally good enough.
  14. maneth


    Yeah, I'm not a great Byron fan either so I quite like how that panned out. Still, it would've been interesting to see Ivanova continue on the show.
  15. maneth


    Yeah, I liked Marcus. Even though Claudia Christian is one of my favorite actresses and Ivanova my favorite character on B5, I don't think it was fair to sacrifice Marcus for her sake, especially since she left the show.
  16. maneth

    EpDis: The Parliament Of Dreams

    Oh, okay. Seems odd they'd switch over to other threads, though.
  17. maneth

    EpDis: The Parliament Of Dreams

    I viewed both G'Kar and Londo as quite conflicted from the start. I certainly didn't prefer Londo. Of course, further developments in the show bear that out. I liked this episode a lot, especially the end. I like the different aliens, but it's very difficult to make a culture heterogenous enough...
  18. maneth

    EpDis: A Spider In The Web

    That has to be inferred, though. There really isn't any conclusive proof.
  19. maneth

    EpDis: GROPOS

    True. I think his point was more that Gen. Franklin wasn't his direct superior. He'd certainly consider a request, but he wouldn't accept a military-style order. Given the way Franklin ran his home like a boot camp when he was there, he might've had some trouble distinguishing between civilian...
  20. maneth

    EpDis: The Long Dark

    I liked this episode when it first aired because I had a huge crush on Rick Biggs. On second and third viewings it's not quite so good, but still okay. I liked the character-driven episodes in general, and this is one of the better ones. I always felt sorry for Franklin in that he never seemed...