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  1. M

    Babylon 5 Calendar

    Me, I'd be happy to settle for a galaxy or two... ------------------ "What's up, Drakh?" Michael Garibaldi
  2. M

    What should the new B5 books have?

    I think we're just speculating... IIRC, we went around a few times on this (or a related) subject a few months back as well. So if anyone wants to search the archives, I'm confident there are a lot of ideas there, too.... Myself, I'd love to know more about the beginning of all this...
  3. M

    Hello and a question...

    Welcome Aboard! To answer your question, there are some short stories that take place in the B5 universe, as well as unfilmed Crusade scripts that I think are considered canon. Other than those, you pretty much covered everything. Sounds like you've got a great background in B5...
  4. M

    Spoilers~~The great machine vs. the eye

    Yes, the Centauri Eye is: <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> A big, historic piece of jewelery that has been lost. IIRC, Londo recovers it, both as an act of patriotism, and as a way to advance himself...
  5. M

    Babylon 5 Calendar

    Really? Hmmm. So, what do you want? ------------------ "What's up, Drakh?" Michael Garibaldi
  6. M

    Babylon 5 Calendar

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kribu: I finally got the calendar. Looks great. And what's even better... when I got to the post-office, it turned out that another package for me had just arrived... yep, the Technomage trilogy. At last...
  7. M

    Top 10 Reasons I'll Probably Enjoy Rangers, No Matter How Imperfect It Is

    Re: Top 10 Reasons I\'ll Probably Enjoy Rangers, No Matter How Imperfect It Is quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by AntonyF: 3. No Byron. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  8. M

    SFC Alert: Revised Time Change

    So, who among us can watch B5 at 5PM Eastern Time? ------------------ "What's up, Drakh?" Michael Garibaldi
  9. M

    Spoilers~~The great machine vs. the eye

    My two cents: <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> The difference I see between the two is that the Great Machine is exactly that -- a great, big machine. The eye, on the other hand, seems to be made...
  10. M

    Timing of Franklin's Walkabout (deeper meaning?)

    Re: Timing of Franklin\'s Walkabout (deeper meaning?) Ivanova (second session): Every man I fall in love with breaks my heart; so I tried women, and that didn't work either... Londo: Doctor, I have this feeling I'm always being watched. Some people say it's just that I have a chip on my...
  11. M

    Timing of Franklin's Walkabout (deeper meaning?)

    Re: Timing of Franklin\'s Walkabout (deeper meaning?) BTW, Here's a great idea for fanfic -- pick one or more B5 characters, and describe their weekly sessions with a psychiatrist. And remember, if characters can be "dark," so can their shrinks? Imagine if Bester had an "advisor" who went...
  12. M

    Timing of Franklin's Walkabout (deeper meaning?)

    Re: Timing of Franklin\'s Walkabout (deeper meaning?) Well, Garibaldi blew three fuses. First, in season one, when Earth Force tries to blame on him an explosion -- he goes back to the bottle. Second -- and this one isn't his fault -- he's captured by the Shadows, given to the Psi Corps...
  13. M

    War Without End

    BTW: The best line in War Without End? <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Lucy and Ethel. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ "What's up, Drakh?" Michael Garibaldi
  14. M

    War Without End

    Yes, Joe D. is right to mention that we don't know if the trluminaries can only be used for one transformation each. As for who the three transformees are, well, we see Delenn and Sinclair go through theirs on the show. As for the third, <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1...
  15. M

    Timing of Franklin's Walkabout (deeper meaning?)

    Re: Timing of Franklin\'s Walkabout (deeper meaning?) Isn't it odd there doesn't seem to be a shrink aboard B5? I mean look at all these things people carry with them: Sinclair: I'm the only person in my unit to survive, and I don't deserve it. My life has no purpose -- if I could only go...
  16. M

    SFC Alert: Revised Time Change

    This reminds me of the old saying: "You lose some, and you lose some. But sometimes, you lose..." I guess we should be happy it's still on the air... ------------------ "What's up, Drakh?" Michael Garibaldi
  17. M

    War Without End

    Well, I'm not sure the change from Sinclair to Valen was complete on more than a surface level. Were that so, would not Sinclair's body chemistry have changed? <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> If that...
  18. M

    War Without End

    Trying to understand everything that's going on in these two episodes may be injurious to one's mental health. This would be a great series of questions to ask JMS, if one knows the moderated groups he frequents. Who is in the blue suit when, and how? What sends Sinclair flying across the...
  19. M

    War Without End

    On the SciFi schedule, we're right in the middle of seeing War Without End. It doesn't get much better than this, Sinclair talking like a Vorlon, Sheridan unglued in time, Zathras, etc. ------------------ "What's up, Drakh?" Michael Garibaldi
  20. M

    News post: Babylon 5: Invoking Darkness reviewed

    I'm still somewhat confused about this topic (the rest of the universe, too -- but that's another story ). <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> So, Weirden controlled "The Eye." But who controlled...