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  1. M

    The "SCI-FI" Channel

    Re: The \"SCI-FI\" Channel Well, at least it hasn't yet become the Black Scorpion network... yet...
  2. M

    Out of the limelight....but still working

    I've no way to leave the east coast rigt now, but MN is a lovely place! Good luck with the play, life in the twin cities, and thanks for keeping us in mind!
  3. M


    As long as we've veered onto Kosh (so to speak), here's something I've always wondered. It's obvious from the moment Kosh II comes on board that, at the very least, he has a different encounter suit from Kosh I. Perhaps Vorlons change suits every so often (the way we change cars), and perhaps...
  4. M


    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> on the rebound. And looking for tea and sympathy. Know anyone who could provide that, Joe?
  5. M


    Thanks for explaining that to me!
  6. M


    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> But it is interesting to note that when JMS was struggling with what to do about Sinclair as S2 approached (since he had realized that having the commander have a close, personal connection to the Shadows was too much to sustain)...
  7. M

    Seen the B5-actors in other shows ?

    Please tell me it wasn't that "willow tree" song! And yes, Vir (Stephen Furst) was "Flounder" in Animal House. Also, Bruce McGill played "D-Day."
  8. M

    Season 1 Bible for Sale

    I hope the winner gives it a good home...
  9. M

    Channe Takes On: "Things Left Unsaid, Part II"

    Re: Channe Takes On: \"Things Left Unsaid, Part II\" Thanks for writing this here!
  10. M

    A nice review over at Comics2Films

    Yeah, definitely worth a look.
  11. M

    JMS-Written Article for San Diego Comic Con

    Thanks for the URL!
  12. M

    most favorite B5 season intro & theme?

    #4, because it gets everyone into the act (well, the whole major ensemble, anyway). Then #1, because I love Michael O'Hare's voice...
  13. M

    Ever Herd of Sevylon 5?

    I've heard of it, but never spent a lot of time there...
  14. M

    When will we know?

    I'll keep my fingers crossed...
  15. M

    Does anyone know the numbers

    This is going off on a bit of a tangent, but does anyone know what the projected cost of a B5LR episode woud have been relative to the cost of a Stargate episode?
  16. M

    Does anyone know the numbers

    Yeah, 10:45PM Friday does not help, especially when you lose your lead-in show. More important, once Stargate SG1 left Showtime, I personally know several people dropped their premium cable package -- so they couldn't watch Jeremiah if they wanted to! Their thinking? Without Stargate, there's no...
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    When will we know?

    Does anyone know for sure when a decision will be made regarding Season 2 of Jeremiah?
  18. M

    JMS' future plans

    JMS\' future plans Assuming Jeremiah gets picked up, what does JMS' future work load look like? Assuming Jeremiah does not get picked up, what does JMS' future work load look like?
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    Seen the B5-actors in other shows ?

    Not only did Londo have a previous life as Dennis Franz' sidekick Sid the Snitch on Hill Street Blues; but Lou Welch was Dennis Franz' dirty previous partner, Tommy Donahue. Andrea Thompson appears in the movie Wall Street. She has a moment in a limo with Charlie Sheen. Of course, she also had...