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Search results

  1. K

    Alice of 'Alice in Wonderland' is cast

    Re: Alice of \'Alice in Wonderland\' is cast The game itself was quite good, and I can see it working if done right.
  2. K

    Dr Who 2006

    To be honest I don't think its gonna be any of the ideas above, although Im putting a lot of efforrt into avoiding the spoilers that are being shown during the week apparently (according to the voice at the end of saturday's episode). Davros would surprise me least, but I suspect whatever is...
  3. K

    Dr Who 2006

    Im happy with the new format, theres no way I could keep up with a serial any more, the way my life is these days. In fact Im happy with the new series as a whole, its been rather satisfying to watch.
  4. K

    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Re: Hitchhiker\'s Guide to the Galaxy Lets not forget the all important text adventure, I know people who claim thats the ideal hitchikers.
  5. K

    The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

    Did anyone see the BBC version? That was brilliant (though I dont know what the hell PBS is so it could be one and the same).
  6. K

    B5 information source

    Ive been wondering lately, whilst looking up stuff on b5 books and dvds, along with the rpgs, about b5 info websites. I dont mean episode guides, or in character info. Im talking about what novels, dvds etc are out there, what tv movies were made. Ive not been able to pin down a website out...
  7. K

    The new Dr Who....

    The League of Gentlemen link is promising indeed. I'd highly reccomend anyone who hasnt seen it to track it down.
  8. K

    The new Dr Who....

    she was formerly a pop star, and mediocre at it. Hot enough that I had a crush when I was about 14.
  9. K

    Star Wars Trailer, link here!

    http://www.filerush.com/download.php?target=swep3-480.mov enjoy! (I know theres a thread(pre trailer) about it miles back, but this needs posted!) if that one dont work, try starwars.com
  10. K

    Bad news about Tim Choate

    The one who was. I dont think any character who had so little screen time has had as much effect on me.
  11. K

    Foxtrot: Farscape Miniseries

    Ahhh, skipping spoilers1!!! When this gets to the uk I will be making my mum (who is bak home in edinburgh with the sky box) record it. Oh television, how I miss thee.
  12. K

    More various from jms - 6/15/04 5:58 am

    Sorry, PAL not Region 2, Im under the impression the coding is a minor operation compared to switching to PAL.
  13. K

    More various from jms - 6/15/04 5:58 am

    Im prety certain that given where its placed that means the Region 2 set will be hitting.
  14. K

    Saw two crumby movies

    I quite liked Love Actually when I saw it, months back at the cinema. But its not a movie Id go out of the way to see, I suspect I went to it with a bunch of friends from Tae Kwon Do, for on of the girls birthday or some other event. K.
  15. K

    Claudia's new scifi Britcom

    Re: Claudia\'s new scifi Britcom It sounds like its gonna be porn to me. Sorry but Bravo like showing titties aimed at geeky 15-35 years olds, this sounds lkes it gonna be a crappy Red Dwarf ripoff tity show. But then again it involves CC so that doesnt sound bad.
  16. K

    A Firefly question (spoilers)

    I dont recall the reference, although I watched it on normal telly in the UK, so Ive seen it all only twice or so. My expectation would be that the interview might be refering to an episode never filemd given the series' early termination.
  17. K

    Red Dwarf the Movie

    Off the top of my head there is "Infinity welcomes" "Backwards" "Only Human" (I think) and "better than life" read em all many years ago.
  18. K

    Episodes 7-9? (cut & moved)

    Well I always thought it would eventually happen, as we all know, GL hates money.
  19. K

    Episodes 7-9? (cut & moved)

  20. K

    Episodes 7-9? (cut & moved)

    Its entirely possible there arent any confirmable sources yet, the security around this would doubtless be tight. I found a few messageboards references to a tfn.net article sometime in january I think, couldnt find the article, Im far from certain, but Im tending towards CEs side for now. If...