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  1. P

    EpDis: Falling Toward Apotheosis

    Ah, but is that Pat Tallman doing a poor job of playing Lyta, of Tallman doing a good job of playing Lyta as a bad actor.
  2. P

    Script book 5: abandoned concept for "Za'ha'dum"

    Re: Script book 5: abandoned concept for \"Za\'ha\'dum\" Almost certainly.
  3. P

    Script book 5: abandoned concept for "Za'ha'dum"

    Re: Script book 5: abandoned concept for \"Za\'ha\'dum\" That's possible. However, if Londo had been as aggressive in his opposition as we saw, and Refa was still in place on Centauri Prime, then I have a hard time seeing them wanting him in a position to know what their plans were. The Londo...
  4. P

    Script book 5: abandoned concept for "Za'ha'dum"

    Re: Script book 5: abandoned concept for \"Za\'ha\'dum\" Up to a point. However, Londo being a willing member in that group that far along in the story implies some different development for his character. This doesn't sound like the same Londo that gave Refa the first part of a two stage...
  5. P

    Script book 5: abandoned concept for "Za'ha'dum"

    Re: Script book 5: abandoned concept for \"Za\'ha\'dum\" Actually, I kinda doubt it. I suspect that the original outline in Vol. 15 will show Sinclair taking B4 around the time of "Sleeping in Light" (hence the older Sinclair in BSquared). This (the reference to the time rift in this memo)...
  6. P

    Problems with Cafe Press ???

    Yeah, all I ever remember seeing was the announcement of the shrink wrap, which should protect the books better from getting wet. I got mine today in pristine shape. I only ordered one though.
  7. P

    Eragon the movie?

    Eragon is, depending on your POV, either the title of the first book in a fantasy series (it appears to be planned as a trilogy; the second book came out last fall or late summer) or the name of the central character (human male about 16 years old as the first book opens). Eragon finds a very...
  8. P

    Eragon the movie?

    At a guess, I think that they probably have never heard of Eragon. Without an introductory sentence or two about "recent fantasy novel about a teen who finds a dragon egg and becomes the first new Dragon Rider in over a century", they just weren't able to orient on what was being discussed. I...
  9. P

    Conversion ideas

    I think that it had been mentioned somewhere before that, but it was a story told in the introductory section of one the JMS script books (as an aside, I have very few of the scripts because they generally differ very little from the shows that I already know so well; but the extended...
  10. P

    JMS in Playboy

    Jack is probably the king of scene-stealin ...... but we are also talking about Michael Keaton, who has been known to steal more than his share of scenes too. I really liked Keaton in that role. He played the combination of both sides of the Bruce Wayne / Batman dichotomy well. Not a lot of...
  11. P

    Londo - Bialystock?

    More in terms of the nervous ticks than the thought processes or attitudes.
  12. P

    Conversion ideas

    In my opinion the real answer is: "It depends on the individual being introduced." Since different people have differing tastes and preferences, different episodes, with different content, will apeal most to those varying tastes.
  13. P

    Babylon 5: The Memory of Shadows (2006)

    That was a movie that was "in development" for a while. It died fairly early in pre-production. I'm sure that a search of this site will turn up old threads with detailed discussions, including quotes from JMS postings about it.
  14. P

    Conversion ideas

    Oh, I don't know. That pan down the line of representatives of different Earth religions is an absolute stunner for a lot of people. (While not being *at all* the "typical SF" space explosion kind of thing.) And it's got a great, entirely encapsulated, example of a subtle detail that isn't...
  15. P

    Conversion ideas

    I considered Believers. I like it for much the sames things that you listed (although just how much it flies in the face of what you would expect to happen in TV SF, based on everything that had been made before, might be lost on a complete anti-SF person). The reason that I didn't list it is...
  16. P

    Conversion ideas

    Well, I presume that you've had the whole conversation about "novel for television" and "overall story being more than the sum of the episodes" etc. ...... and she still is insisting on *one* episode; not even allowing a sequence of two or three consecutive episodes (which allows a much better...
  17. P

    '24' Season 5 (SPOILERS)

    Re: \'24\' Season 5 (SPOILERS) I don't think that they would have bothered to bring her back just for what little she did in these past two eps. I see that as most likely having been a set up for further angst. That just seems to be how things go on this show. Jack telling what's-his-name to...
  18. P

    EpDis: Whatever Happened To Mr Garibaldi?

    On the other hand, I had gotten the impression ..... through G'Kar's prison sentence and G'Kar's loaning Garibaldi his copy of the Book of G'Quon ...... that the two of them *had* struck up a friendship. They may not have been the kind the of long time, intimate confidantes that would prompt...
  19. P

    '24' Season 5 (SPOILERS)

    Re: \'24\' Season 5 (SPOILERS) Just to be really clear, I didn't mean that I thought her behavior was *right*. Just that there were plenty of other things that bugged me *more* (like *anybody* taking that case past the security sign-in without having it opened; regardless of ID cards, which...
  20. P

    '24' Season 5 (SPOILERS)

    Re: \'24\' Season 5 (SPOILERS) It may sound odd, but that bugged me less than a lot of other things, in part because when she went back there she didn't know that it was necessarily a person who shouldn't be there. All she knew was that there had been some unexpected hiccup with computer...