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  1. P

    EpDis: A View From The Gallery

    Yes, it's a big galaxy and we (the known "younger races" of the B5 universe) certainly don't know everything that there is in it ......... But ........ There is the question of where Babylon 5 (the station, not the show) is. The station is not anywhere near any of the frontiers of known and...
  2. P

    EpDis: A View From The Gallery

    That is to say, that was intent before the demise of PTEN, and the associated requirement to get to a satisfying series conclusion by the end of S4.
  3. P

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: Actual B5:TLT News Even apart from the "yuck" factor: If you had been watching the series all along, you could spot where all of her lines had been lifted from. You couldn't keep yourself from flashing on those other scenes from previous years (or doing a bit of a mental search for those...
  4. P

    JMS giving B5:TLT hints?

    So last night I was reading the introductory section of script book #9 (which arrived yesterday afternoon :cool:). One of JMS's parenthetic asides ended with "Maybe one day that script will be written ......" (possibly somewhat paraphrased, since I don't have the text right in front of me)...
  5. P

    HDTV question re: new Star Wars DVD's

    Re: HDTV question re: new Star Wars DVD\'s Thanks, Joe. I was pretty sure that I had seen those kinds of display modes. I just hadn't looked closely enough at any recent interfaces to be absolutely certain that they were still there. And, unlike back when widescreens were first coming out...
  6. P

    HDTV question re: new Star Wars DVD's

    HDTV question re: new Star Wars DVD\'s I haven't yet gotten around to investing in an HDTV. So I have a question that was raised by reading the back of the box of the new Star Wars DVD's last night. Can the TV's easily be switched in and out of a mode where they display 4:3 pictures over the...
  7. P

    New 'Batman' villian named

    Re: New \'Batman\' villian named I think that in the above quote you need to replace the word "any" with "all". I can go along with the idea that not all of the ethnic / cultural issues were brought here from "the old country". Some of it was generated here. (Although, note that much of the...
  8. P

    New 'Batman' villian named

    Re: New \'Batman\' villian named Back when I was in college at the University of Michigan (we're talking 1979 - 1984), the pair of ethnic group that was *easily* the pair that was most consistently mutually antagonistic based on nothing more than knowing ethnic background were the Japanese and...
  9. P

    New 'Batman' villian named

    Re: New \'Batman\' villian named There is at least one other possible hypothesis, other than "copying Lucas". Note that when American movies use the all-good-guys-American-and-villain-British formula, that British villain virtually always has a relatively "posh" accent ..... never a working...
  10. P

    Babylon 5 and HD...

    I don't think that it's that easy. What I think it was that they lost was the files that were inputs to the creation of the existing shots ..... basically detaild CAD-type files that were the blueprints of all of the ship classes and such. If you had scenes rendered in stereo, so that you...
  11. P

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY! To quote Ivanova (in Sic Transit Vir): SIX!?!?! Whoa! :D :p
  12. P

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY! I don't think so. She's already seen such S3 eps as Ship of Tears, where we see that Lyta can now block Bester. She is clearly not a P5 any more. "A good question would be: Why? A better question would be: How?" Bester in Ship of Tears IIRC.
  13. P

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S4- Non-Spoilers ONLY! Well, Lyta was a P5 ........ before she went to Vorlon space.
  14. P

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY! Now that you have that piece: Under the heading of "hiding in plain sight" ..... You could always go back and look closely at Londo's death dream way back in Midnight on the Firing Line (S1 Ep 1). What's Londo wearing? And who is the only...
  15. P

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY! "Need" or people telling you to watch them as a group is all irrelevent. If you have them all available (like on DVD's), once you start that set you will watch them all. Regardless of how late it gets and how early you need to wake up, or...
  16. P

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY! Are we talking about the Babylon 5 Scale of Rating Episodes? Or do we mean on the General American Television Scale of Rating Episodes? ;) I think that Exogenesis is a so-so ep of B5, but still well above average on the general American TV...
  17. P

    EpDis: Confessions And Lamentations

    Really? I wouldn't take that for granted.
  18. P

    The Gathering

    Well, in the specific case of B5, they have specifically said that their "B5 alien repitory(sp?) company" wasdone that way in large part to save money. Apparently a nontrivial cost is the up front part of the process where they have to do full head casts of the actors etc. in order to start...
  19. P

    The Gathering

    Just for the record, it's not just SF shows that do that. If you start actually looking at the guest credits for a show such as (for example) Law & Order you'll see a ton of people with multiple different guest credits. (For example, Michael O'Hare has 2 different characrter credits on L&O.)...
  20. P

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY! Depends on how you count Space 1999 ........ Joint US / UK ...... 2 seasons.