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  1. P

    The "Sci-Fi" Channel, Really???

    Re: The \"Sci-Fi\" Channel, Really??? I would argue that this is random overlap. Virtually any two genres will have some overlap in their viewership, Lifetime movies of the week and Skinemax After Dark ..... whatever. I don't think that there is any strong corellation between SF and pro...
  2. P


    It's not a given, technologically. IIRC, at least one (and possibly both, I don't recall off hand) of the high def formats uses a different wavelength laser than current DVD's. (Light toward the blue end of the spectrum has a shorter wave length and therefore can use less physical space to...
  3. P


    Which is why I think that the market will demand that Blu Ray or HD-DVD players / burners be backward compatible enough to able to play existing DVD's. I think that most people will call their existing DVD's "good enough" even if they aren't as good of a picture as their new HD-TVs and HD...
  4. P

    Why a Babylon 5 Movie could happen.

    Let's go back and read the subject line, shall we? What's that word in the middle? "Movie" Radio plays are irrelevent to this topic. In the generic sense: Yes, of course she can. However, this isn't the Star Trek movies getting started 10 years after the end of the series. In the Trek...
  5. P

    Why a Babylon 5 Movie could happen.

    None of which addresses the issue that GKE raised about the ages of the cast. Everything that would have involved G'Kar and/or Stephen (plus Zathrus, from among the recurring non-regulars) is already completely off the table. Even assuming that there are no more such losses for many years...
  6. P


    I'll probably get these. I specifically refused to buy the sets without the original versions. Now they're putting out what I wanted. I'll buy it. And I'll ignore any later releases.
  7. P

    BattleStar Galactica Prequel Spinoff

    Except that those, and others, are *not* the same story ..... or even the same themes. Frankenstein, and *maybe* this prequel (we won't really know until we see it), is about the ethics and moral questions involved from the POV of the scientists. It both goes over the issues about whether such...
  8. P

    EpDis: Into The Fire

    I've seen quotes from JMS (don't know that I could find them again now, but that's a different problem) saying that the S4 cliffhanger, assuming that he had known that S5 was a go, would have been Intersections in Real Time. That's only a shift of 4 episodes by the *end* of S4. A View from...
  9. P

    EpDis: Into The Fire

    Well, Severed Dreams was delivered for its uplink a matter of minutes before it was due to be transmitted to the affiliate stations.
  10. P

    BattleStar Galactica Prequel Spinoff

    The interesting things is, in this case the prequel figures to have a *very* different tone, feel, and point to the proceedings than the current BSG series. From what I saw of the press release, this prequel is set around the original rise of the cylons to the level of sentience .... and how...
  11. P

    Star Trek XI .. after all?

    Sorry, I wasn't sufficiently clear. I meant that they never produced as many as 22 of those "socially or politically relevant" episodes in any given year.
  12. P

    Star Trek XI .. after all?

    (Quote snipped down to what I considered to be the core kernal of the point) It's true that they no longer need to hide in SF to get past the network censors. However, I would argue that the network censors were only half of the reason for needing to couch those things in an SF setting. The...
  13. P

    Star Trek XI .. after all?

    I'll tell you where I disagree with that. Another big piece of Trek (particularly in TOS), was taking on social and political issues of the day, but doing it in a sufficiently removed (SF) setting that people's knee-jerk emotional responses could be minimized to plant a seed of more rational...
  14. P

    Star Trek XI .. after all?

    Really? In TOS (The Orginal Series, from the 1960's) there was an episode that was titled "Mirror, Mirror". There's a transporter malfunction (naturally) and Kirk, McCoy, Scottie, and Uhuru are swapped with their doubles from a parallel universe. In that universe the humans ("terrans") have...
  15. P

    The Chronicles of Narnia DVD

    quote]At that tme it wasn't sexist, it was normal. The one does not imply the other. The fact that it was the norm at the time does not mean that it wasn't sexist. It just means that society as a whole was sexist at the time. I *do* agree that Lewis (or others) need to be judged with an eye...
  16. P

    And The Difference Between The B5:TMoS Situation..

    Re: And The Difference Between The B5:TMoS Situati Hey, if the character in the middle of that photo can show up in DS9 as a new style Kilingon, then surely they can go back again. ;) :D
  17. P

    Londo - Bialystock?

    I have heard of those (though not seen them, beyond one or two stills of Soul as Rick). And, yes, those were horrible ideas from the start. But I was referring to movie sequels intended to star Bogart and Raines.
  18. P

    And The Difference Between The B5:TMoS Situation..

    Re: And The Difference Between The B5:TMoS Situati That's "Reavers". And Reavers *were* humans ..... just humans that had been exposed to a particular psycho-active agent. Oh, and the upside-down cow fetus was in a carnival side show at the beginning of one of the episodes of Firefly...
  19. P

    Londo - Bialystock?

    Apparently, there were discussions of sequels for years. They would have followed Rick and Louis (Bogart's and Claude Raines' characters) and left Ilsa (Bergman's character) out of it. However, nobody ever came up with a treatment / script that the principals found acceptable / worthy. They...
  20. P

    The "Sci-Fi" Channel, Really???

    Re: The \"Sci-Fi\" Channel, Really??? That implies that you don't think that there is science-fiction in CSI. There are space based SF shows that make up less fictional science than CSI does. (One of my favorites was when their mathematical proof that a particular hypothesis invovlving sun...