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  1. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    puppets wtf lol
  2. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    During WW2: Angel: "I'm not getting trapped at the bottom of the sea" Spike: "And I'm not getting experimented on by his government" hah
  3. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    I can sympathize with that- I struggle with my geekiness, embracing it, mocking it, deriding and/or praising it in others, etc. But I'm sure all you loser nerds know what I'm talking about. *goes back to computer programming...*
  4. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    "Cool" is one of those terms that is so vague and able to be used in any context that it's useless. Popularity is indeed more at the heart of the article's point. And when it comes to Spike, he was introduced to the show as the guy in high school that pushed you around and got all the girls...
  5. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    I'd say that's all pretty fair, what you said. It's worth noting that salon was an early and ardent defender of the show. I remember they would have an "award" called "The Buffy," given to a show that's underrated or misunderstood by the public, and that Battlestar won it once. So now...
  6. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Here's an old article I dug up from salon.com. It's typically bitchy about the last couple seasons of Buffy, but I agree with its central point about the "cool" people vs the outcasts, and Spike. http://www.salon.com/entertainment/feature/2003/05/13/spike_buffy
  7. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    The Harmony-centric episode was more amusing than I feared. Lindsay with the tattoos is a sweet hook. Now watching one with a crazy slayer and Andrew. I suppose this would be a cross-over with Buffy "season 8," which has Giles and Andrew rounding up the new slayers.
  8. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Hey look, Wesley's father is the same guy that signed a treaty with the Centauri. So what can I do to get the 90 mins of my life spent watching Gunn piss the office and Mexican wrestlers?
  9. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    I don't mean to say I hate Angel, it's just that it seems a lot more slapped together and less thought-out than Buffy, and more importantly it lacks the humor and diversity of characters. I was devastated when Tara, a minor character on Buffy, died, but I couldn't care less if Gunn or Fred or...
  10. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    I'll check out season 5. Does it at least have a real ending? I also got Dollhouse, which I heard mixed things about, but it has Faith and River, so you know, there's that. Back to Buffy, finale: Holy CGI. the running on the rooftops chasing after the bus. Also I lol at Principle David...
  11. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Series over. That was fun. None of it made sense. Gotta go now, post more later.
  12. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Wow Firefly was that long ago? Man I'm getting old.... Funny town, Sunnydale. Mass civilian exodus, school closed, but the Bronze is still open and offering live music.
  13. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Well I guess I see where Whedon & co. found the stars of Firefly...
  14. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    It certainly opens the way for a new order to be created....
  15. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    haha, Angel vs Angel reminds me of Superman 3. Fred or Gunn will die or leave soon. This is the pattern on these shows: couple on the outs get back together, so someone dies or leaves. Oz, Tara, Riley, Angel. Xander potentially getting back w/ Anya, and he's the more major character, so...
  16. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Well this is interesting: wiki told me that in the original plan for the Angel pilot they had a scene where Angel drinks blood from a victim, but they were ordered to take that out. Now in the middle of season 4, they put that in some flashback/coma-duel w/ Faith. Also, in Sunnydale Willow is...
  17. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Get It Done: The shadow show carousel thing was pretty cool. It looked like they presented the Big Reveal as the fact that the first slayer was created, but I kinda figured that. They didn't reveal why it had to be a girl though... the only thing I can thing of is how some ancient cultures...
  18. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Faith crashes through the police station window, bringing some much needed personality to the spin-off show.
  19. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Yeah well don't I look stupid now. So his mother was a slayer killed by a vampire- shall I presume she was the one Spike killed in the 70s on a NY subway?
  20. GKarsEye

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Prepare to have your mind blown: if there's a First Evil, is there a First Good? Eh? Eh? Think about it.