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  1. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Seems -- but I bet the actor who plays the Hound isn't actually horribly burned on the face. And Martin praises her pretty highly in that link.
  2. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Not emotionless but sort of emotionally strangled, I think. I reread the books this past month and loved how Renly eating a peach sort of became an obsession for Stannis... I've ordered the book and I'm hoping it comes the day after it's released (when I'll be at home) as opposed to when it's...
  3. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Ooooooh. He's definitely got the look. I only saw him as the Doctor, though, so my mental image of him is always whimsical, not iron-grim. I did wonder (with the offing of Sean Bean's Ned and Mark Addy's Robert) if they'd get another big name to play Stannis.
  4. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    It may not be stated outright in the books that the Lord Commander is Jorah's father, but it is in the appendices. Darn useful things, those, since they're basically huge lists of names and how the names connect. As to what made Jorah change his mind... also may not be stated outright, and...
  5. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    The show's made it more explicit, but yeah, Jorah had a change of heart. Somebody pointed out that this means two generations of Mormonts have picked promising young people and staked the future on them.
  6. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    The Night's Watch vows aren't succinct, but they are pretty impressive. Much like Khal Drogo's speech. Good point about Joffrey, I hadn't thought about that, though the incident you're referring to is indeed some time later, and this was in the moment.
  7. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Most recent ep was pretty killer. As a commenter said on another site, "A shitstorm is coming..."
  8. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    The gay stuff was broadly hinted at in the book, so I'm fine with making it exlicit -- especially as it's not really playing to any stereotypes. Sure Loras looks good, but he's also a pretty dangerous fighter. The whore flashing Jory was a bit unnecessary, other than to give Jory something to...
  9. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Most recent one was excellent, even without Jon or Danaerys. The plot quickens and thickens...
  10. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Most recent one was pretty heavy on exposition -- and the best one yet. Plot's kicking into gear.
  11. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    We're holding out hope for it eventually not being depressing. Incidentally, Martin finished writing the fifth book yesterday, so the series marches on.
  12. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Well, I can answer a few of your questions about the Wall: sometimes people have non-criminal reasons to get away from home. Jon, for instance, knows that he'll never rise any other way, because of his bastard birth -- but in the Night's Watch, no one cares if you're a bastard. Or at least no...
  13. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    A theme Martin doesn't abandon. It's worth remembering that Tyrion slaps his nephew around for not paying his respects, and then walks into the hall and demands breakfast. And yet Jory -- Ned's henchman, with no lines in this one -- has that beautiful/sad moment with the Stark girls. Ordered...
  14. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Just saw the second one. To me it felt stronger than the first, but much of the strength lay in the foreshadowing, so I don't know how other people felt about it. It does seem, however, that something important is missing: Jon Snow's direwolf. I know he'll be back but at the moment the albino...
  15. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    I think they're airing it like crazy for exactly reasons like this, hyp, but that might only have been Monday. The girl you're thinking of is Daenerys (Dany) Targaryen, and she's always unhappy because she's had absolute shit for a life. Getting married off and raped is just the latest....
  16. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Daenerys' wedding night was... rather worse on screen than it was on the page. But in retrospect -- considering Dany's whole life has basically been child abuse -- I'm glad they didn't pretty it up. It really should be awful. (In the books she's thirteen. And winds up having a great time. Which...
  17. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Second one, huh? You ain't seen nothing yet!
  18. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    Peter Dinklage, Sean Bean, Aiden Gillen, Lena Heady -- it's gonna be impressive for the talent alone. And if you haven't read the books... well, hang on to your hats, because it's quite the ride.
  19. KoshFan

    Farscape question

    I never saw S4, but I got the impression that they saw in John a like-minded student of wormholes, if one well behind them, a junior student in their area of interest, if you will, and they ran him through that episode of tests to see if he was worthy of the information. Deciding that he was, or...
  20. KoshFan

    Next Fire and Ice book out in July

    I was pretty pleased to see this. I loved the other ones so much I made a rule: I can only read them when a new book comes out. (This because at the time, I'd read Tolkien so often it was getting boring.) I haven't been able to open them up for six years...!