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  1. KoshFan

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    Because they like nice safe guaranteed returns. Established franchises are much more likely to produce that than new ones. That can be taken comfortingly ("B5 has a passionate fan base!") or cynically ("The studios aren't interested in anything surprising... and B5 has always been...
  2. KoshFan

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    Ain't that the truth. I remember watching it back in the late 90s/early 2000s thinking, "I see what JMS is doing but that kind of thing doesn't happen any more." In my defense, I was young; in my prosecution, I was obsessed with history, so you think I would have known better. Then I rewatched...
  3. KoshFan


    Started to re-read Dune over the weekend. There's definitely a lot in there! More than I recall from... erm... twenty-plus years ago in my early teens? (Curiously, I've heard the inverse of the Nixon line... that Nixon only did what everyone did, but he made everyone distrustful, even though...
  4. KoshFan

    Scott Manley

    Any other fans of Scott Manley out there? Space and science YouTuber, heavy on the space. Actual knowledge of orbital mechanics, etc. His latest episode was on space stations. At one point in the video, he started... veering off course. And all of us here would know exactly where he was going...
  5. KoshFan

    B5 Reboot?? Is it true??!!?!

    That long? But then, I've been gone some of that time myself. But that's about a third of my life -- and yet I remember Joe. Strange, how time passes... and yet doesn't pass altogether.
  6. KoshFan

    special Guest Star - ...........

  7. KoshFan


    I will also admit that it's one of my own rules that "no ending is better than a bad ending," so I partially withdraw my earlier semi-objection. (How's that for hedging my bets?)
  8. KoshFan

    special Guest Star - ...........

    Tom Zarek on the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica leaps to mind -- a character far enough away from the actor's original role. But heh, we've already got a B5 precedent for that, don't we? Koenig as Bester. I'm calling it now -- one of our beloved original cast will play a recurring villain!
  9. KoshFan


    The difficulty of a "Part 1" movie is that you can't tell if it really did its job or not until you've seen and judged Part 2.
  10. KoshFan

    A thread about the future of B5TV

    Sorry I'm late, everyone. I only just heard. Good to see some old familiar usernames around here again. And thank goodness, Antony, that we talked you out of closing the place!
  11. KoshFan

    It Was the Dawn of the Third Age of B5-Watching...

    Probably a slip of the pen, honestly.
  12. KoshFan

    It Was the Dawn of the Third Age of B5-Watching...

    Viewing update: different library systems handle DVDs differently. The Ex is getting the DVDs one disc at a time -- and apparently is in some competition with other viewers, as there is usually a wait. I, on the other hand, got the entire season in one go, but with a little notice indicating...
  13. KoshFan

    It Was the Dawn of the Third Age of B5-Watching...

    Ahhh, that explains it. I also had the niggling suspicion that Londo was mocking the person he was talking about, which he wouldn't do for a friend. (Much.) (Well, it depends.) (Okay, he'd totally do it.) (Anyway...) So he was talking about somebody else. Makes sense.
  14. KoshFan

    It Was the Dawn of the Third Age of B5-Watching...

    Well, folks, I've finally done it: I've now seen all of B5. Yes, only just now. I watched Season 5 for the first (and heretofore only) time on VHS owned by friends, and due to some bad recording, we missed two whole episodes: "Day of the Dead" and "Phoenix Rising." I watched "Phoenix" today...
  15. KoshFan

    Severed Dreams Questions

    It's also worth noting that while the Minbari were reclusive, I don't think we know that they were uniformly xenophobic. Everything we know about them is filtered through the war, and that's not necessarily representative. The telepath girl (Alisa?) was going to be okay there, at least, so it's...
  16. KoshFan

    Severed Dreams Questions

    I can easily agree that the Shadows were trying to influence the Minbari -- otherwise Morden would not have tried to contact Delenn. It was his bad luck that the Minbari ambassador was secretly Satai, and therefore equipped with a built-in Shadow alarm, and was also someone who already suspected...
  17. KoshFan

    Babylon 5: What Should One Watch?- PART 2

    "Signs and Portents" is a marvelous ep -- I think I've seen it more than any other. But it really works best if there have been at least a couple episodes of "normal B5" (if there ever really was such a thing...), since it makes people sit up and take notice if they know that the Shadow ship is...
  18. KoshFan

    Babylon 5: What Should One Watch?- PART 2

    I'll pipe up for "Midnight." I think it does a truly excellent job of introducing the series. It's remarkable how much they managed to set up in that episode: the Narn/Centauri arc, Londo and G'Kar's eventual demise, the mystery of what a Vorlon looks like (and what the heck they mean when they...
  19. KoshFan

    The Dresden Files

    Two years is nothing. I'm still waiting on "Winds of Winter."
  20. KoshFan

    The Agamemnon - in Lego!

    Oh my goodness. That looks amazing. ...But I'll only download it if the rotating inner section actually rotates.