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Search results

  1. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    His reaction to "Babylon Squared" was everything that I could hope for. Gosh, this is fun!
  2. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    Bwahahaha. He's really good at this.
  3. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    The man raises a good point about Lianna Kemmer. She is indeed one-note in her pursuit of Garibaldi. Oshiro's idea that an acknowledgment that Santiago is always under threat, and that therefore Kemmer's paranoia is totally justified, makes a lot of sense and is a little bit of a missed trick.
  4. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    Bwahahaha. He gets it.
  5. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    "But this idea of ancient beings who roam space and are basically impossible to understand is SO F****** COOL. Can we please have more of this???" Yes, sir. Yes you can.
  6. KoshFan

    It Was the Dawn of the Third Age of B5-Watching...

    We just watched our first ep separately: "The Illusion of Truth," which I've always hated. Not because it's bad, of course... because it's done so well... For all that we watched it on different days, we still had a good discussion afteward. Anyway, my ex's first comment was "Mechanical...
  7. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    This could be a lot of fun.
  8. KoshFan

    It Was the Dawn of the Third Age of B5-Watching...

    The actual Gray 17 bit is an interesting idea with rushed/budget execution.
  9. KoshFan

    It Was the Dawn of the Third Age of B5-Watching...

    The breakup had more foreshadowing than Londo & G'Kar's death. "Gray 17" didn't even budge the needle. I think my ex actually liked it. (Actually, I'm always a little surprised how not-terrible that episode is, due to the strength of the Neroon plotline.)
  10. KoshFan

    It Was the Dawn of the Third Age of B5-Watching...

    Heh. Yes, that's totally it! ...In all seriousness, it's because I'm such a linear-story guy. When I introduce people to the show, I start at the beginning. Then half the fun is watching their reactions. Then they stop watching the show, and I stop too. I've never gotten a convert past "Into...
  11. KoshFan

    It Was the Dawn of the Third Age of B5-Watching...

    Some years ago, my partner finished showing me Star Trek Voyager and we moved on to a show of my choice. Since we'd already finished Buffy, I picked B5. We got as far as "Gray 17 is Missing" before we broke up. But not all was lost, because my ex remains committed to watching the whole show! And...
  12. KoshFan

    Worst Acting Performance

    Fair enough. Yep. That whole scene is still a delight after all these years.
  13. KoshFan

    JMS approved Chronological viewing order

    The bylaws of the Book Group prohibit answering rhetorical questions. That's why.
  14. KoshFan

    Worst Acting Performance

    O'Hare was indeed a stage actor. I used to think as you do... my friends and I used to laugh at how he would always be smiling slightly, even in dark/dramatic scenes. And yes, he could be ponderous. But you may have missed the news: a) he died some years ago and b) after his death, JMS revealed...
  15. KoshFan

    EpDis: Moments Of Transition

    Welcome, Talvitar! Good to see someone new around here.
  16. KoshFan

    JMS approved Chronological viewing order

    Aww, man, that's terrible.
  17. KoshFan

    JMS approved Chronological viewing order

    Self-care! Self-care before arguing about decades-old science fiction arcana on the internet!
  18. KoshFan

    JMS approved Chronological viewing order

    Aha. Those are indeed good reasons. People may argue (because people always argue...) but there they are and now we have them. And you had good reasons for not telling us up front, as I suspected -- because you had much bigger fish to fry. I hope you can catch a breather soon, and maybe some...
  19. KoshFan

    JMS approved Chronological viewing order

    I've stayed out of this, because I haven't seen these eps in a long, long time (and in the case of "Day of the Dead," never -- I never got around to buying the S5 DVDs). But I see well-intentioned folks arguing in a usually very polite place, so I'll wade in. Here's what I've seen so far...
  20. KoshFan

    EpDis: And Now For A Word

    Considering how the Grey Council talk to each other sometimes, I expect Delenn has been talked to that way before. Remember, she got savaged by Neroon in "All Alone in the Night." And heck, the one she was talking to in "In the Beginning" (when she picked out Sinclair's fighter) wasn't exactly...