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  1. KoshFan

    EpDis: And Now For A Word

    Torqueman is raising a totally natural objection to Delenn's transformation. (She's doing it in an incredibly passive-aggressive, brutal, and un-journalistic way, of course, but her point still stands.) And Delenn realizes Torqueman has a point, an angle she never even considered -- an angle...
  2. KoshFan

    EpDis: Hunter, Prey

    I never found that theory totally satisfactory... but it's the only one we've got any evidence for.
  3. KoshFan

    Possible 2018 San Diego Comic Con Panel

    Yeah, I watched a TED Talk about it. When I remember the researcher's name I'll post it here.
  4. KoshFan

    EpDis: Knives

    Sure, that's plausible, but this is about what Sheridan thought, not about what might have happened; and I don't see why he would have thought of the Icarus exploding in space for the reasons given here when he'd just been told that it had made it to the surface, and was not told that it took...
  5. KoshFan

    EpDis: Knives

    In the original airing order "Knives" aired one episode after "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum" as opposed to one ep before. So in the original order, Sheridan "saw" Icarus explode one week after learning that it hadn't.
  6. KoshFan

    Possible 2018 San Diego Comic Con Panel

    This is gonna veer into the Politics forum now, but: From what I've heard, it actually takes about 7 to 12% of the people in a country to shut it down through nonviolent protest. That's not what Trump's supporters seem to be aiming for, but they could do it if they wanted to and got organized...
  7. KoshFan

    EpDis: Knives

    "Knives" was always out of order on the DVDs, especially since Sheridan sees the Icarus explode (which he later learns didn't happen).
  8. KoshFan

    EpDis: Hunter, Prey

    ....Oy. I posted that comment thirteen years ago. No wonder I couldn't remember writing it. Yeah, I always wondered about that. Same guy, going through a temporary cash-flow problem? Less-talented twin brother? Unwise casting decision? I never could decide.
  9. KoshFan

    Some Eye Candy.

    I love playing games and I love B5; I just don't have as much time as I'd like!
  10. KoshFan

    EpDis: Acts Of Sacrifice

    My favorite bit of the Corelliwhatever/Taq plot (which was interesting) is where Taq bows to Ivanova at the end. The servant was quicker on the uptake than the master!
  11. KoshFan

    EpDis: All Alone In The Night

    A fine episode. While there could have been more Hague, yes, I love the final scene -- it's such a surprise since it doesn't fit the tone of the rest of the ep. And the dream is pretty nifty even if it doesn't actually mean much of anything, other than "Kosh is watching you."
  12. KoshFan

    Biggest unanswered questions...

    Yeah, the journey was the important point in "Grail" -- but it would be kinda funny if, in a million years, humanity figured out how to be beings of light, occupied the Vorlon homeworld, reconnected with Ironheart... and found the Holy Grail as a sort of side note.
  13. KoshFan

    Biggest unanswered questions...

    Aldus never did get to ask Kosh what the Vorlons knew, if anything. And I doubt Thomas asked before he left. And if any of the ambassadors would know, it'd be Kosh. So while I fear Thomas never found the Grail, if he at least found other seekers to keep the search going, perhaps the order did...
  14. KoshFan

    What was the original 5-year plan?

    For an old half-abandoned message board, we're pretty friendly around here. And I'm a teacher, so I can officially say: there are no dumb questions! There are questions we may have answered many times before... but nobody's born knowing!
  15. KoshFan

    Biggest unanswered questions...

    Fair enough -- and I agree, building more suspense leading up to the confrontation with the Zarg could have made things a lot better. (Honestly, I don't mind "Gray 17" as much as I think of it as a wasted opportunity. And the B plot is magnificent.) On the other hand, I think a lot of the...
  16. KoshFan

    If you could change B5 without changing it....

    Now that's a good idea, Looney -- an entirely alien-perspective ep on, say, some human matter.
  17. KoshFan

    If you could change B5 without changing it....

    Oh, heck yes. Also I'd de-emphasize the planet's defenses. That beam weapon was just overkill, JMS knew it, and had to spend the rest of the show carefully working around it and explaining why they couldn't use it this time. Far more sensible would have been an "information-tech" approach: the...
  18. KoshFan

    Biggest unanswered questions...

    Fair enough. I'll grant you that five minutes here or there would have made things a lot better. I remember how the endings of both two-parter eps got mangled because they had to move stuff around to meet the time limits, and if they'd been able to just do one 40-minute ep and one 48-minute ep...
  19. KoshFan

    Biggest unanswered questions...

    I've gotta disagree on this one. Writers work best when under limitations. I just finished Stephen King's book "On Writing," and one of his secrets is that the second draft should be 10% shorter than the first one. And Joss Whedon once said of Buffy that the writing simply had to be as good as...
  20. KoshFan

    Biggest unanswered questions...

    I guess we just need to be careful about how we're using "canon." A lot of times fans use "It's not canon!" as a way to say, "I don't like it, and if I can say it's not canon I can ignore it!" This is cheating. I readily admit the trilogies are canon; I also admit that JMS's explanation for...