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  1. KoshFan

    Worst Acting Performance

    I'm thinking bots are getting smarter.
  2. KoshFan

    Ship of Tears questions

    My guess is that Bester came in the slow way to avoid detection: dropped off out of range, then spent a few hours flying closer. But suddenly the "motherships always stay in hyperspace" raises an interesting question. I'm guessing the motherships have their own jump engines so they could get out...
  3. KoshFan

    Question about Eilerson spoiler

    I'm not sure, since I don't have much behind-the-scenes access. But my guess is that there are simply so many attempts, that some get through via brute force and sheer numbers.
  4. KoshFan

    Streaming B5 - Legally - USA

    My only problem with this is that I really dislike Amazon.
  5. KoshFan

    Avengers: Infinity War

    I've been less and less enchanted with the Marvel film/TV stuff in general, and so while I know I'd quite like some (say, Thor: Ragnarok) I've de-prioritized them all. So haven't gotten around to seeing quite a few. Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther are the exceptions. And I got somewhat...
  6. KoshFan

    Possible 2018 San Diego Comic Con Panel

    And word on the street is that Stan Lee has been pushed well beyond his stamina for the sake of the cash, but that's off-topic.
  7. KoshFan


    I think this was in one of the DVD commentaries somewhere. Centauri hair was originally going to be more tightly curled -- like the guards seen in "Signs and Portents" -- and not stand up at all. But Peter Jurasik and his hairdresser decided to play a joke, put Peter's hair up in the style we...
  8. KoshFan

    Streaming B5 - Legally - USA

    If Go90 loses the rights I'll be ticked. I'm still working my way through the series with my ex, but due to that "ex" part we don't watch in the same place, hence the need for Go90. And my ex's internet connection has been so lousy we've only barely made it through a few episodes. If Go90 drops...
  9. KoshFan

    Biggest unanswered questions...

    I never liked the Technomage trilogy explanation either, because it made Sheridan look like he couldn't do anything without Galen's help. My own headcannon (and yes, I know it conflicts) is that the Eye primarily affects minds, and the White Star was uncrewed, so it punched its way through.
  10. KoshFan


    That's probably because it got into the show by accident.
  11. KoshFan

    Biggest unanswered questions...

    That Centauri telepathy question that came up the other week is a good one.
  12. KoshFan

    B5 On Cracked

    I saw that too. Laughed aloud. Cracked's got our number; Cracked's got the number of any number of groups/people/ideas...
  13. KoshFan

    Telepathy - why not use it more often?

    By the way: great first post, Zimmix. Thought-provoking. Welcome to the forum.
  14. KoshFan

    Telepathy - why not use it more often?

    The Centauri connection to the Shadows is extremely tenuous. But: 1) The Shadows are all about eyes. Their defense system over Z'ha'dum takes the form of Shadow eyes, and Morden refers to "our eye." The "Keepers" are practically nothing but eye, physically. And the oldest symbol of Centauri...
  15. KoshFan

    Telepathy - why not use it more often?

    Ivanova's wrath/fear plus her latent talent might have been giving Bester something, yeah. I've often wondered about the Centauri telepaths. They definitely seem more laissez-faire, more freelance, than the Human or Minbari structures. But here's another wrinkle/can of worms: most of the...
  16. KoshFan

    JMS' Viewing Order

    Ah, I'd forgotten that Chrysalis was one of the ones where they were down to the wire. And I keep forgetting that they would have invented the Shadow ship for Chrysalis and re-used it in Signs and Portents rather than the other way around.
  17. KoshFan

    JMS' Viewing Order

    Short answer: yes. This happened quite a lot on B5 -- "Chrysalis" was filmed in the middle of Season 1, for instance. (Actually, for some time now I've wondered if that was in part because JMS was hedging his bets on Michael O'Hare's health, the way he hedged by filming "Sleeping in Light" at...
  18. KoshFan

    What was the original 5-year plan?

    For aliens, I think he abandoned N'Grath pretty quickly because he wasn't satisfied with the look. And he had to abandon the "Bureau 13" plotline (or more precisely fold it into others) because that term was already copyrighted.
  19. KoshFan

    What was the original 5-year plan?

    JMS had all sorts of contingencies for disruptions in cast, etc., and used several of them -- but I'll bet he didn't have a plan for "the network exploded but you'll still get to do the last season anyway."
  20. KoshFan

    Change in "Be Seeing You" Prisoner Reference

    Ah, but did he do it from the eye? Watch again: he does it from the forehead. As to why he stopped: couldn't say. Maybe they just felt the line was enough and the gesture didn't work well as a recurring theme. In all honestly, I can't remember Bester doing that line again, but it's been a long...