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  1. KoshFan

    Read Between The Episodes

    That's true enough -- and since that wasn't really what I was trying to say, I'd better clarify. I meant that (in my personal theory) the Babylon Project was begun as the EA's one line of defense after the fleet was destroyed, but by the time B5 was finally finished, they had a fleet again. So...
  2. KoshFan

    Read Between The Episodes

    I don't remember ever getting an in-universe explanation about why Takashima left. As to what would have happened to her -- that we already know, via Word of JMS. He pointed out that there were many clues pointing to Takashima as a member of the internal conspiracy that led to President Clarke...
  3. KoshFan

    Read Between The Episodes

    The most glaring need for "reading between the episodes" is Sheridan's opinion of G'Kar in "The Long Twilight Struggle." Sheridan says that he doesn't want to go the next ten years without G'Kar's insight. But what insights? What wisdom? Yes, G'Kar was right about the Shadows, and yes, he'd just...
  4. KoshFan

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Depends on the posting. Most bases? Private. HQ? Colonel.
  5. KoshFan

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Yeah, Jan's got a great answer there. Funny thing, though -- when we see Ironheart rent a room, it's from a civilian. Subcontractor?
  6. KoshFan

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    I really wish they'd been able to schedule Patrick McGoohan for Knight Two. He would have done a much better job and it would have been the Prisoner reference to end all Prisoner references in a show full of them. But I don't think the Knights are totally inconsequential. They do shake loose...
  7. KoshFan

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    VL did say he was probably going to slow down.
  8. KoshFan

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Not really, in my book -- it would have made the episode much shorter. "Stay away from Earth, you Vorlon scu--AAAAAAAAH my brain is melting!"
  9. KoshFan

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    I hear you! I can start to feel myself running low on the stories I need, sometimes, and have to consciously remind myself of them. Last night was a little rough and I had to bring G'Kar back to mind, and the others, to get myself through it. Where would I be without G'Kar? (And Buffy, and...
  10. KoshFan

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Heh, funny thing: I had to think about this for a second because "War Prayer" also has a great example of someone from a character's past that works just great: Delenn and Shal Mayan. Delenn also has Draal come through later in S1. The only time I can remember an old friend of one of the...
  11. KoshFan

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    Two of the best from Season 1. These two give G'Kar a lot more depth -- "Parliament" that he's even more dangerous than he seems (but also hilarious on occasion), "Mind War" that he's a lot more decent than he seems. And more eloquent. I really like both Na'Toth and Catherine and wish they'd...
  12. KoshFan

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    I can see Andrei Ivanov holding on to life until Susan calls again, especially if he knows she's likely to and he has some unfinished business. The brain can have more of an influence on the body than is sometimes acknowledged. Melodramatic, yes, but sometimes reality is more melodramatic than...
  13. KoshFan

    Rewatching Babylon 5.

    I'm delighted to see you re-watching, Vacantlook, since I am re-watching myself in order to show it to my sweetheart. We are well ahead of you, however... closing in on the end of Season 3. If you catch up, I'd be happy to bring my own reflections to this thread. As it is, I've got the S3 drama...
  14. KoshFan

    RIP Stephen Furst :(

    Oof. I lost a friend to diabetes far too young -- it is definitely dangerous. As I show B5 to my partner, every now and again Adrian fearfully asks, "Are they still alive?" ...knowing how many of the actors are not. And now I will have to add one more to the list. Oddly enough, until we...
  15. KoshFan

    Audio levels

    I'm having a completely different experience with audio this time through the show, but for an equally complete different reason: my partner is partially deaf, and so we're watching with the close captioning. The challenge for me is to remember to watch the show as opposed to reading it. My...
  16. KoshFan

    Is it time to give season 5 another chance?

    Hah, sorry, I thought I'd included my explanation, which is simple enough. I first saw the show back in the VHS days, and my friends who had recorded the show had had some trouble taping it! I think they'd accidentally recorded over a few episodes and only had partials of others. That was senior...
  17. KoshFan

    Is it time to give season 5 another chance?

    In contrast, I've never even seen all of S5. I missed portions or the entirety of several of the telepath-focused eps, and I've also never seen "Day of the Dead." So in some ways I have missed bits of the season that are the most commonly disliked on the internet. (And while I have often started...
  18. KoshFan

    Babylon 5 Civlization IV Space Mod

    Not being able to build B5 in a B5-mod game would be a bit of a bug, yeah.
  19. KoshFan

    Babylon 5 Civlization IV Space Mod

    Welcome to B5TV, Blake, and thanks for sharing this. I always loved Civ 2 and Civ 3, despite being a fairly mediocre player. I've never picked up Civ 4, though -- but this may persuade me. This and the Final Frontier mod in general, which is fairly intriguing all by itself. I'd never heard of...
  20. KoshFan

    Game of Thrones, HBO series

    I never did see Season 2 of the show, due to my HBO connection (i.e. my buddies) moving out of town. I did eventually get some of Season 3, so I think the last thing I saw was the Red Wedding. This means -- as I pointed out to a buddy -- that people who only came in with the series got the...