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  1. Nukemall

    post already exists....

    Nah. It's just my inherent British-ness. I guess in a way it's a mild cuss word, a lot like 'damn,' 'bugger' or 'b*ll*cks.'
  2. Nukemall


    Apparently the Iliad isn't historically correct since it was written a fair few years after the events and brought 'up to date' so to speak. Though I guess there's going to be a few changes even from the Iliad, especially when it comes to Achilles' love interest ;)
  3. Nukemall

    post already exists....

    So I'll just have to make the post different then?
  4. Nukemall

    post already exists....

    I've been trying to reply to the Guess the Celebrity game, but when I try and submit my reply it comes up with the Post already exists screen. I've logged out and an again, but I've still got the problem. I've had the problem before, but only when posting to the Psycho Game, so perhaps it has...
  5. Nukemall

    King Arthur

    I think what you actually mean here is that First Knight wouldn't have been so bad if it had actually been good.
  6. Nukemall

    Woo hoo - finally S4 DVD arrives in the UK!

    Deconstruction? That's because it replaced SiL as the Season Four finale. And probably the first season finale that didn't leave me going "Holy F**k!" If only they hadn't had the uncertainty about whether season five was go...
  7. Nukemall

    Vorchan, Whitestar, SunHawks

    I'd agree with your assessment of their relative manueverablities, though when it comes to armament and armour it's heavily stacked in favour of the Victory class destroyer - for a start, it can fire in more than one direction simultaneously and it carries a fair number of Thunderbolts. I guess...
  8. Nukemall

    Vorchan, Whitestar, SunHawks

    Well I guess it depends for what purpose they're better, and also the relative age between them and their destroyer counterparts. Though for the Whitestar class ships, you'd be looking at the Victory class destroyers (i.e. the Victory and the Excalibur) as a comparison.
  9. Nukemall

    Still lovin' it

    Re: Still lovin\' it Guess I don't own as many series on DVD as you do, but I feel more or less the same way. I guess some of it's because I'm reminded of the first time I saw the series god knows how many years ago. Ah, for a simpler day when I didn't have to work for a living...
  10. Nukemall

    Woo hoo - finally S4 DVD arrives in the UK!

    Just got seasons three and four this morning and spent most of the day watching random episodes from both seasons. Personally I prefer the new packaging to the old, though since I've never gotten any scratched discs I'm not particularly choosy. Btw, is it just me, or has 'Into the Fire' got a...
  11. Nukemall

    King Arthur

    I read somewhere, or heard on the telly that it's set during the end of the Roman period.
  12. Nukemall

    Most TV I ever watched in one day...

    Animaniacs was awesome, though the only two decent segments in it were the Yakko, Wakko and Dot bits and Pinky and the Brain. You have to admire the pure songwriting genius behind it.
  13. Nukemall

    A time when JMS missed on a humor attempt?

    Obviously it means that he eats quickly, though the fact of the matter is that Garibaldi doesn't have to make sense. How many times have you been caught talking a load of crap? :)
  14. Nukemall

    Red Dwarf the Movie

    If I'm not mistaken, Rob Grant and Doug Naylor already wrote a book with the back story in.
  15. Nukemall

    Red Dwarf the Movie

    Have you ever watched 'Auf Wiedersehn, Pet'? It's about a bunch of Geordie builders. Comedy ensues.
  16. Nukemall

    Red Dwarf the Movie

    Sir, unless you are indeed a 'Scally' I don't think you'll truly understand Scousers. Maybe Scouse, but not Scousers.
  17. Nukemall

    Red Dwarf the Movie

    It's about a Scouser, a hologram, an evolved cat, an android and a senile computer stuck on a large red mining ship/small green transport. Comedy ensues.
  18. Nukemall

    Red Dwarf the Movie

    It wouldn't happen to be Charles Augins who played Queeg?
  19. Nukemall

    Red Dwarf the Movie

    The Cat was played by Danny John Jules, Holly was played by Norman Lovett. Hopefully whatever SFX they use will be endearingly crap. It wouldn't be the same if they used big budget effects. Damn! I bet I sound like a Doctor Who fan...