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  1. Nukemall

    Transformer Movie

    I haven't, but I think the link you probably want is http://movies.go.com/movies/T/transformers_2004/index.html
  2. Nukemall


    I don't think there were bugs in the sound - it's just they put the dialogue together in a shitty way (mix and match).
  3. Nukemall

    (stargate) Full Circle theory...

    That's what I thought he meant the first time I watched it. Those that died in the firefight in the temple before the planet got blown up appeared also to have ascended.
  4. Nukemall


    I got a Sabre. Incidentally, since there are Nomads still in Outcast space (in the gas cloud near Planet Malta) and their weapons don't have any energy usage (which is sweet). Hopefully there will be an expansion soon. I've started playing the game from the start again.
  5. Nukemall


    I think it was mainly because of the narrator. If you got him to say 'It was the dawn of the Third Age of Man...' then you'd think it sounded like the S1 opening. Just my opinion anyways.
  6. Nukemall


    I'm now leaning toward the Outcast faction now (since their missions pay about 140k and I still haven't got a top of the line ship yet). Did I mention how I thought the opening cinematic was very B5-esque?
  7. Nukemall


    I've got it. It does get a little boring after you've finished teh story line (unless you either play it online or you liked Elite). Still, I was quite happy it ran on my machine (700MHz Athlon) - time to upgrade in time for Half Life 2 methinks.
  8. Nukemall

    There's nothing left for me to watch

    Re: There\'s nothing left for me to watch I don't really watch TV much these days either. Probably because I'm not a lazy student anymore. However, I avoid watching most sci-fi shows these days, having stopped watching Enterprise due to it being crap. FWIW, here's my TV watching schedule...
  9. Nukemall

    British Sitcoms

    Sometimes they get 'unofficial' advance warning . After all, the inspectors have to ask permission to get onto university property. I also seem to remember that the detector vans only work with CRTs, so you're essentially safe using an LCD monitor.
  10. Nukemall

    British Sitcoms

    I remember once, someone asked my boss whether he'd seen The Office. Apparently he thought it was a documentary.
  11. Nukemall

    FOTR easter eggs

    Heh, I was reading this just as I was changing my sig . Anyhoo, the spoof isn't on UK Region 2 discs since it wouldn't have got a PG rating otherwise. Fux0r .
  12. Nukemall

    Hint for dial-uppers

    I used to use cable, now I use dial up
  13. Nukemall

    How do I get my R2 "And the sky..." DVD replaced?

    Re: How do I get my R2 \"And the sky...\" DVD replaced? I can't find the original thread about the ratio problem on R2, but is the ratio messed up for the whole episode? I've just got my set and decided to watch "And the sky..." first to see whether I had the problem. It appears that for most...
  14. Nukemall

    Official B5 site facelift

    Some of the supporting cast have the wrong pictures (Neroon and Clark for example).
  15. Nukemall

    Why B5 Worked and Crusade/Rangers Didn't

    Re: Why B5 Worked and Crusade/Rangers Didn\'t <font color="yellow">Did the Vorlons turn out to be what they seemed to be in The Gathering?</font color> Weren't they willing to blow up the whole station if they didn't get Sinclair? I figure that's like hiding something in plain sight.
  16. Nukemall

    Vorlon ships.

    Apparently the Shadow vessels are based on a dog's nose.
  17. Nukemall

    What was the episode that got you hooked ?

    'A distant star'
  18. Nukemall

    Babylon 5 Season 5 on UK Sci-FI at 10 a.m.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> I'm not sure we ever saw a man wearing a tie at any other time in B5! Can anyone remember another? Sebastian (aka Jack) wore a tie IIRC.
  19. Nukemall

    Babylon 5 Season 5 on UK Sci-FI at 10 a.m.

    Perhaps Sci-fi UK and Bravo have the same owner.
  20. Nukemall

    Delenn croaking it

    I'm a little confused as to your argument Lennier... any chance of explaining it via hand puppets or diagrams?