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  1. Nukemall

    "Summoning Light" and "The Geometry of Shadows"

    Re: \"Summoning Light\" and \"The Geometry of Shadows\" <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr> Otherwise, why in A Call to Arms isn't Sheridan surprised to to see the mages alive? In other words, why doesn't he say to Galen, "I thought all you guys were dead."...
  2. Nukemall

    "Summoning Light" and "The Geometry of Shadows"

    Re: \"Summoning Light\" and \"The Geometry of Shadows\" Yeah, I noticed this too as I specifically watched TGoS after reading Summoning Light
  3. Nukemall

    Jumpoint warfare

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr> <font color=yellow>I could maybe see it as a weapon if you were having thousands or hundreds of ships opening jump points right into the middle of a fleet. Sort of like "In the Beginning" when we saw endless jumppoints being formed, what...
  4. Nukemall

    They're at it again

    Re: They\'re at it again It's incredibly funny, seeing as I am British, though not old.
  5. Nukemall

    Real World Stuff That Evokes B5 Thought

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KoshN: Too much B5? Is there such a thing? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I dunno, but then again I've only seen the entire run of B5 about 5 times (and Crusade only once). ------------------ 'So you go in there...
  6. Nukemall

    Real World Stuff That Evokes B5 Thought

    Mark this one under 'You know when you've watched too much B5 when...' ------------------ 'So you go in there and get your HR Steam Cleaner all fired up, and you bring it on out into the living room and you take care of all the dog juice on the orange carpet at 180 and the letter G.' - Taco...
  7. Nukemall

    Jumpoint warfare

    Remember that forming a jump point requires a huge amount of energy, so forming an 'entry' jump point on a ship might not be a good idea if after you destroy said ship you have to leave in a hurry. Also we saw the Dralafi take out a formation of Earth ships in ITB which is probably a lot easier...
  8. Nukemall

    Crusade Un-aired Scrpt Discussion MAJOR SPOILERS

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KoshN: So does the Technomage trilogy, to a certain extent, and everybody can have access to those. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, but if the eps had been made and broadcast, we'd have known two years earlier...
  9. Nukemall

    Crusade Un-aired Scrpt Discussion MAJOR SPOILERS

    The unaired scripts were where the plot thickened considerably and would have had me instantly hooked (ie. can't-miss-TV) had they been made and broadcast. Certainly resolves the issues over who destroyed the Cerberus. Just a shame that *** decided to cancel before the show had a chance...
  10. Nukemall

    The hand.... Thirdspace

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tobias: GaribaldiHairs, how can this have been discussed 4639 times before? the movie is only 1 month old.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A ballpark figure, but nonetheless, a subjest that has been discussed many times...
  11. Nukemall

    The hand.... Thirdspace

    Gah! Beaten to it... ------------------ What's the integral of one over cabin with respect to cabin? Natural log cabin + c = houseboat. -- yan@ranger.b5lr.com
  12. Nukemall

    B5 character strings

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jade Jaguar: Oh, no, Joe D has slipped off into the chronosynclastic infindibulum! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The what now? I think someone here keeps a thesaurus by their computer...
  13. Nukemall

    Why no male nudity?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hypatia: Now if THAT were true, no guy would get "lucky" EVER. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, there is such a thing called alcohol. ------------------ "Wild Dog! Why's it taking you so long to get...
  14. Nukemall

    Current projects

    Haven't seen the Rangers cast round here in a while. Does anyone have any info on their current projects? Aside from Alex Zahara in Jeremiah I'm pretty much ignorant of what the everyone else is doing. ------------------ "Wild Dog! Why's it taking you so long to get ridda them?" --...
  15. Nukemall

    Real-life President Clark

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> The europeans and others remind a lot of the league of non-aligned worlds from B5 both before and after the formation of the ISA. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think it's all about fear - I for one don't want my country attacked all...
  16. Nukemall

    can anyone confirm that this is the rangers movie?

    It appears to be. I don't think that Antony is too keen on links like that given the response on threads about IRC and peer-to-peer sharing. ------------------ "Wild Dog! Why's it taking you so long to get ridda them?" -- yan@ranger.b5lr.com
  17. Nukemall

    Real-life President Clark

    You can't get any puns off Clark's name regarding Yugoslav prostitutes though. ------------------ "Wild Dog! Why's it taking you so long to get ridda them?" -- yan@ranger.b5lr.com
  18. Nukemall

    Real-life President Clark

    'The Gathering' aired in 1993 according to the IMDb. ------------------ "Wild Dog! Why's it taking you so long to get ridda them?" -- yan@ranger.b5lr.com
  19. Nukemall

    Real-life President Clark

    The conflict in the Balkans started about the same time as the Gulf crisis (1990), with Croatia and Slovenia(?) splitting from Yugoslavia causing a whole lot of unrest in the region. Bosnia-Herzigovena(sp?) followed not long after. ------------------ "Wild Dog! Why's it taking you so long to...
  20. Nukemall

    Londo's Three Chances

    Re: Londo\'s Three Chances <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lovegaribaldi: Just a quick note on that, I also remebered that he was on Z'ha'dum when Sheridan crashed the ship into the city. Morden should have died. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Should...