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Search results

  1. E

    Farscape DVDs -- where are the season boxsets?

    Zocalo has it listed as being released in August for $149.99. But I've checked the Farscape site, TV on DVD and Amazon and none of them have any information on a S2 Boxed set. :(
  2. E

    what r u guys watching on scifi?

    I watch nothing on the SciFi Channel.
  3. E

    2004 movies I most want to see

    I'll always watch a Terry Gilliam film, simply because they're usually so different from they typical Hollywood drek. They may be hit and miss, whether groundbreaking (12 Monkeys, Time Bandits), weak (The Fisher King), or just plain bizarre (Brazil) - they're always interesting to try and...
  4. E

    JMS: Kitten Crusader

    As a plumber, I can totally relate to that story. Most drains are designed to go one-way and you can find the strangest things in them.
  5. E

    August 12th

    The S3 set already broke the top ten on Amazon and it's not even out yet. :cool:
  6. E

    Aliens Spoil

    I don't know why you're watching it, either. I think I gave up before you did because I have no idea what you're talking about.
  7. E

    Feature Film without the original cast??

    I don't think there would be any point in having a feature film made without some of the original cast. Doubtless, there would have to be a certain degree of clout amongst the guest stars as well. And having Walter Koenig would seem to be essential... I just hope that they don't change...
  8. E

    New fall TV lineups

    I predict an early demise for "Coupling". Not to be prejudiced, it's just that in the cutthroat environment of prime time, it doesn't sound promising. Viewers tend to shy away from clone shows regardless of the hype. Remember the show touted as the next "Seinfeld" - ABC's "It's Like, You Know...
  9. E

    And Now For A Word...

    There are two other instances (I have yet to see on DVD) where I can remember visual mistakes in the letterbox format. One is the footage from Keffer's Starfury when the Shadow vessel attacked him. In the full-screen version, there is a graphic that frames the view. In the letterbox...
  10. E

    And Now For A Word...

    I've been pacing myself through the S2 DVDs and have reached this episode with trepidation yesterday. Several moments into the show, my expectations were disappointingly fulfilled. The letterbox transfer of the episode is as botched as the one that airs on TV. I'm sure a few of you know what...
  11. E


    I just picked up the complete run of this series this week (it's packaged in one DVD set as well as sold sep) and have already made it halfway through the second year. I remember it from PBS and had only seen a few eps from various times, but all of them are hilarious. Rowan Atkinson is a...
  12. E

    Farscape DVDs -- where are the season boxsets?

    I bought it Tower Records for $99 shortly after it came out. :) Don't care much for online shopping. In comparison of release schedules, I've seen the Lexx season two set is now available and there are several volumes of the third season of Farscape out there (2 eps, not sure how many)...
  13. E

    JMS Recently Replied Re. Crusade:

    I almost knew that was you when I read it as you always make your thoughts clear on those subjects here. I couldn't agree more about the absurdity of a botched pilot for a new series instead of rebooting Crusade.
  14. E

    28 days later

    It looks like an interesting twist on "The Omega Man", and from the guy that made "Trainspotting", it almost has to be good. I can't wait for it to be out on DVD. :p
  15. E

    Time for sci-fi to hibernate?

    I recently read this article about the decline of the current sci-fi selection in the mass media. Like most of us, I'm concerned with the dumbing down of the genre to accomodate the Elimidate crowd and this article sums up a lot about the way I view the current state of sci-fi. It's kind of...
  16. E

    More Family Guy

    The Family Guy Volume Two set (season three - three discs) is set for a Sept 9 R1 release. Lucky Brits, R2 is set for the end of this month. Preorder is available some places, prices around $35. :cool:
  17. E

    Jerry Doyle for Governor in California!

    The whole Recall thing is bogus. If it goes through, it will cost taxpayers so much money it won't be worth what Gray Davis is supposed to be responsible for losing.
  18. E


    What's this all about? Anyone seen it? Is it any good? I seem to remember hearing about anime shorts made in lieu of previews in theatres.
  19. E

    Top 100 Heroes & Villians

    I think they did a little better with the villians than the heroes. Rocky and Lassie? Come on. I guess it depends on your perspective. A hero is defined differently by everyone, while a villian is pretty standard. The man in Bambi is something that would have never occurred to me.
  20. E

    Talia and Londo fail to meet in lower Manhattan

    I'm trying to think of a time I saw Londo and Talia share a scene, but I can't think of one.