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Search results

  1. E

    Changing Faces

    Darren Stevens. Becky Connor. Morty Seinfeld. James Bond. Even Batman. They're all characters that, for various reasons, have been played by different actors. Granted, in movie series, it doesn't make as much of a difference due to the singular format. But during the course of a...
  2. E

    Steve Bacic in Andromeda

    Any idea when the new season is supposed to start? I haven't seen it listed anywhere.
  3. E

    Robert Russler on Enterprise

    I recognised the voice from somewhere - but he looked totally different. I didn't realise it was him at all.
  4. E

    About Books...

    The Psi-Corps, Centauri and Technomage trilogies were all based on JMS outlines. Other than those, only the last three of the Dell novels ("The Shadow Within", "Personal Agendas" and "To Dream in the City of Sorrows") are considered to be "canonical" in the B5 sense. On the original printings...
  5. E

    Season 4 DVDs for R1 in January?

    I think it's kind of clever that Garibaldi is the only one looking away, considering his role in the fourth season.
  6. E

    Best DVD Release in September is TOMORROW!

    Quagmire: "Hey, fat girls need love, too. But they gotta pay."
  7. E

    Daniel Dae Kim on Star Trek

    He's back on the Roddenberry train, playing a space marine on Enterprise. In the season premiere, they introduced his character, but we didn't really hear much from him. But since they introduced him by name (can't remember it though), I'm guessing the role will be recurring...? He wasn't...
  8. E

    Season 5

    The problem with series five wasn't the lack of good storytelling or characterisation, but image. Having most of the arc threads tied up by the end of series four left the action a little flat. Pretty much from the middle of the third season up until the end of the Earth civil war, there...
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    JMS and Jerry Doyle

    Jerry Doyle should learn from Richard Hatch's mistakes.
  10. E

    Swearing in TV

    There is actually an episode of South Park where they made a really big deal about saying the word "shit". Even though South Park is on cable, it's still on commercial TV - so the most offensive they tend to get is saying "asshole". But Comedy Central went ahead and crossed the invisible line...
  11. E

    Adios Futurama

    Futurama has actually been out of production for over a year now. It was actually cancelled last year, but the episodes were already complete, so they went ahead and aired them - whenever it was convenient for them. :rolleyes:
  12. E

    On second thought...

    I saw the movie "Natural Born Killers" in the theatre and hated it. Granted, I was on the last date with my soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend at the time and not quite sober, and I walked out on it. And her. When watching cable a few years later, I caught it from the beginning and watched it straight...
  13. E

    Farscape Season 2 Box Set

    Only suckers pay retail. :p I'm sure a little digging is all anyone needs to do. Just stay away from the big chain stores. Just put it on my calendar. :cool:
  14. E

    Guess the Season 4 Box Color!

    I'm prone to think silver/grey, too. Since the arc of season four deals with wars primarily, it seems appropriate. I'd guess they would save the purple for season five, where Londo and the Centauri get a good bit of the story.
  15. E

    Convince me

    Recoil, I don't care if you care. :) Pillowrock, all the VHS tapes from seasons 1, 2 & 4 are fullscreen. It's kind of weird to watch it that way now, seeing as how they haven't shown it that way on TV since it was on TNT. Heavy. The Tao of the Jade Jaguar. :cool: You know what? I...
  16. E

    Convince me

    I have considered this - even when I bought them. But they looked a hell of a lot better than my vcr recordings w/commercials. And I had been planning on getting the whole series on tape. :mad: :mad: :mad: The ironic part is that the DVD season sets are a lot cheaper than the tapes were...
  17. E

    Convince me

    Hmm. Now we're getting somewhere. JMS commentaries are always insightful. I am kind of curious as to what sort of "behind the scenes" features they came up with as well. But all those tapes... Has anyone had any luck selling them off? I doubt the local resale shops would want to take them...
  18. E

    Tru Calling

    Oof. Oh well, since I'm not really fond of either of those shows, I'll give Tru Calling a shot. Fox doesn't exactly have a great track record with shows like this, but it sounds good to me. It's sad that you almost have to expect going in that shows like this won't be around for the following...
  19. E

    Convince me

    Sigh. Anyone else?
  20. E

    Convince me

    I have all the VHS tapes released, seasons 2 & 3 on DVD, and I'm not a B5 fan? :rolleyes: Sorry, SM. You've not convinced me.