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Search results

  1. E

    Attn. Doctor Who / Douglas Adams fans

    BBCi / Big Finish productions have reproduced the incomplete 1980 Douglas Adams story SHADA. Meant to be the finale of Doctor Who's seventeenth season, production was never completed due to a strike at the BBC. A truncated form, with linking narration by Tom Baker himself, was released on...
  2. E

    Family Guy movie?

  3. E

    JMS tidbits

    JMS was fortunate enough to have a great deal of control over his creation. To have saved wads of irrelevant information and notes would have meant he was not happy with the way the project turned out. It's comforting to know that he was so secure in the fact that his visions had been...
  4. E

    Beastmaster (the fate of supporting players)

    Where do supporting actors from cancelled scifi shows end up? Well, when B5 wrapped, several ended up on DS9. Peter Jurasik and Jerry Doyle ended up on Sliders. After Crusade ended its "limited" run, Marjean Holden ended up on Beastmaster. And now, so have ex-Farscapers. I just glanced at an...
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    SCIFI/COM Crusade Main Page - Question

    You don't watch nearly enough Simpsons. :cool:
  6. E

    SCIFI/COM Crusade Main Page - Question

    You don't watch nearly enough Simpsons. :cool:
  7. E

    Scifi article

    Yes. I am the only one who doesn't want to watch something a little dumber. Who needs Farscape when I have Tremors and Scare Tactics? Perhaps a Monica Lewinsky guest spot would boost the ratings. If I wanted to watch television for idiots, I wouldn't have far to look. I actually read it...
  8. E

    Scifi article

    Yes. I am the only one who doesn't want to watch something a little dumber. Who needs Farscape when I have Tremors and Scare Tactics? Perhaps a Monica Lewinsky guest spot would boost the ratings. If I wanted to watch television for idiots, I wouldn't have far to look. I actually read it...
  9. E

    How many of IMDB's Top 50 SF movies have you seen?

    Re: How many of IMDB\'s Top 50 SF movies have you seen? You've just described what is called "speculative fiction" - a genre term used for fiction that isn't based entirely in reality, but also doesn't fit into scifi or fantasy. Writers like Heinlein and King fit in this category.
  10. E

    How many of IMDB's Top 50 SF movies have you seen?

    Re: How many of IMDB\'s Top 50 SF movies have you seen? You've just described what is called "speculative fiction" - a genre term used for fiction that isn't based entirely in reality, but also doesn't fit into scifi or fantasy. Writers like Heinlein and King fit in this category.
  11. E

    How many of IMDB's Top 50 SF movies have you seen?

    Re: How many of IMDB\'s Top 50 SF movies have you seen? I got an even 50%. It was odd to see "A Clockwork Orange" and "Young Frankenstein" on the list, though. I guess I just don't know what sci-fi is anymore. :rolleyes: X2 and M2 - I'm still waiting for the crowds to thin out. I may have...
  12. E

    How many of IMDB's Top 50 SF movies have you seen?

    Re: How many of IMDB\'s Top 50 SF movies have you seen? I got an even 50%. It was odd to see "A Clockwork Orange" and "Young Frankenstein" on the list, though. I guess I just don't know what sci-fi is anymore. :rolleyes: X2 and M2 - I'm still waiting for the crowds to thin out. I may have...
  13. E

    Scifi article

    :mad: If they want to steer away from cult shows, why are thy playing the old Star Trek all day today? It's not surprising that STEVEN SPIELBERG's Taken and FRANK HERBERT's Children of Dune were successful. They have recognisable names attached to them. Likewise with Stargate. And after...
  14. E

    Scifi article

    :mad: If they want to steer away from cult shows, why are thy playing the old Star Trek all day today? It's not surprising that STEVEN SPIELBERG's Taken and FRANK HERBERT's Children of Dune were successful. They have recognisable names attached to them. Likewise with Stargate. And after...
  15. E

    Vorlons and jamming Shadow vessels

    I'd say that having the ability to break off a piece of consciousness and put it in someone else's mind for a little while would suggest that they're telepaths. :)
  16. E

    Vorlons and jamming Shadow vessels

    I'd say that having the ability to break off a piece of consciousness and put it in someone else's mind for a little while would suggest that they're telepaths. :)
  17. E

    No Tears for Tyr (Andromeda spoilers)

    So Tyr has left the Andromeda crew to become the leader of the Neitszchians (sp) and I, for one, have to say "Thank god". Of all the staff to jump ship, his was the most welcome for me. I was never really too fond of the Rev, but at least his character had depth. Tyr's grumpy, egotistic...
  18. E

    24 twist 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Season Finale(Spoilers)

    Re: 24 twist 7:00 - 8:00 (Spoilers) I think Mike got a raw deal. He tried to be cool with Palmer up until the situation was out of his hands. He warned him like fifty times that he thought he was making the wrong move. If anybody should have gotten the axe it was Prescott. He's the one that...
  19. E

    Enterprise Notches Two Hugo Noms

    Judging by Enterprise's competition, Im assuming that the Hugos areen't limiting themselves to scifi. And as they've split the category, there's precious little to choose from. It's hard to find a scifi tv series that hasn't been cancelled. As for the films, I'd have to choose Minority...
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    They were still making Celebrity Deathmatch?