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  1. L

    RE: Region 4 Babylon 5 series

    Re: Region 4 Babylon 5 series AWSOME!! can't wait - and I have the money!! hehe
  2. L

    B5 mentioned in DVD article

  3. L

    RE: Region 4 Babylon 5 series

    Re: Region 4 Babylon 5 series I hope it comes soon
  4. L

    Miniseries Anyone?

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> I thought the Ranger movie took place after A Call to Arms. nup, totaly wrong their B5 2262, Crusade 2267, Rangers (i forget, but something like 2265)
  5. L

    Valen and UK showing of Rangers

    the Ranger DVD is already listed as 'comming soon' on some region 4 sites
  6. L

    Liandra and Enfali concept designs

    lol, yes, well I haven't touched the site since like the start of the year......always been meaning to do something else with it anyways - other than b5 i mean. One day, when i'm actually not busy
  7. L

    Liandra and Enfali concept designs

    I still have them on my old site http://jumpgates.tripod.com under the rangers section - naturally lol
  8. L

    Favourite Crusade episode?

    The Well of Forever - i loved it's pass Racing the Night was the such a GREAT first ep eh, How many others shows have a first ep so good - of course, TNT kind'a stopped it from being the first ep <sigh> lol I love Crusade - and man, those unproduced Scripts - COOL AS!!!
  9. L

    File Request

    thanx - too bad you can't really hear Galen's voice in it lol - but thanx for the clip
  10. L

    I really hate to ask this

    well i'm not in the US, so I never actually saw what happened with the sci-fi run But, look, letterbox - you will get black bars at the top and bottom regardless of whether it is fake or not (unless you have a widescreen tv). I mean, it is WIDESCREEN - is your tv wide? no?, then you'll get...
  11. L

    File Request

    cool, i'd really love the font
  12. L

    File Request

    i'm after two things 1. The font used for the Crusade title - I still can't find it - heard there was something similair called 'Stones' ages ago - does anyone have the font or something close 2. a sound file of Galen saying "Expect me when you see me" taken from 'Racing the Night' - I already...
  13. L

    "Rangers" to air again in September

    Re: \"Rangers\" to air again in September No, river of souls falls behind them all. It had its moments, but it was just a basic bore overall - but each to their own it's always interesting that everyone has a different view on which of the tv movies is best and which is not
  14. L

    Your Top 5 Babylon 5 episodes (spoilers spoilers)

    i'm a comes the inquisitor fan
  15. L

    Who Are You?

    haha, true - did he ever get out in the end? - I have only seen the Pilot thus far
  16. L

    whats a triluminary?

    I heard that also a long time ago question: does sinclair loose his link during one of those eps? or i guess he could just give it to the guys from the planet lol
  17. L

    Quick question re. preordering through Amazon.com

    Amazon charge once they ship the product - i think
  18. L


    Opening Credits: are decided on how many times an actor appears. I THINK so anyways, with B5 - if a character appear more 13 times+ in a season, they were placed in the opening credits at least I THINK - don't quote me on that
  19. L

    Best of Babylon 5 CD -- How do I get it?

    I have a copy that came with the B5 ref CD