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  1. L

    The Packaging

    Well, for the R4 release, we have a fold out version of what you guys have. and it's great, nothing falling apart at all (but you guys got 'and a sky full of stars' properly, so i can't really brag hahaa)
  2. L

    Which actor/actress did the best job of..

    Watch the Pilot: When Jerry Doyle comes to get Peter Jurasik (to make sure he will be at the reception). That part, just felt 'good'
  3. L

    Gary Cole in 1hr Photo

    really!!, I almost saw that movie - wish i had now lol
  4. L

    Lost Crusade Scripts...

    it is not a change of heart bookface let you read them, you could not download them, and you could not print them you could only view them online
  5. L

    B5 Spin-Offs

    Actually, i'd like to see a mini-series of all of the trilogies made Might cost a bit in SFX when they get to the technomage one - flying platfroms, oh yeah!! lol But all three would each make a good mini-series
  6. L

    B5 oil painting

    Here was the email i was sent, with the pics: "The first picture is taken with a flash to show the OIL in the oil painting. The second is taken with out the flash. There hasn't been any image manipulation apart from downsizing the image from 1024 x 768 to 640 x 480 pixels, cos I didn't want to...
  7. L

    B5 oil painting

    I can host it for you if you want, just email me light-nz@yahoo.com man, i would love to see what it looks like
  8. L

    What's in a Wing

    Re: What\'s in a Wing if i ever make my own sci-fi series, i'll give you are call
  9. L

    B5 Spin-Offs

    yes, i remember him saying that as well me, i just want the rest of Crusade - done without tnt lol
  10. L

    Conversion Report

    The are telepathic as to wiping out the Shadows, both the Vorlons and the Shodows follow the 'rules of engagement', of some kind, they don't attack each other directly (until sheridan makes them do so lol)
  11. L

    What ever happened to .........

    i believe the books are to show what was, and Crusade was to show us what was going to happen..the books were going done the same time as Crusade. It's just our bad luck that Crusade folded
  12. L


    hey, ya got to have a passion. Doesn't matter how you use it. I say good on 'em
  13. L

    question for the technomage trilogy

    just as a mages own chyrsalis cannot be used with any other mage as it is a part of them, has a adjusted and grown to them
  14. L

    To Dream in the City of Sorrows...

    I have only read the three trilogies and I LOVED ALL of them. I guess everyone has their own view on what they liked and didn't like, but ah well, that's life
  15. L

    question for the technomage trilogy

    yes, she did NOT have a place of power for the reason mentioned and i don't know about the dissociate thing, i mean, even if they did dissociate they would loose something that had been a part of them for years, something that they had grown to if mages were all happy and fine by dissociating...
  16. L

    To Dream in the City of Sorrows...

    um no, if jms agrees to what is written, then it is canon. Fact. would you also consider episodes of b5 that were not written my jms not to be canon??? it's how it works
  17. L

    TV Shows on DVD

    is that for real?
  18. L

    Help! R1 DVD pics

    ah cool, thanx yes, i'm wanting a comparrison, because warner NZ just gives an explanation about the cropping (as in, no one has really watch the ep, otherwise they would see what we mean by stretched, we are not complaining about the cropping) Just wanting to show them
  19. L

    Help! R1 DVD pics

    THANX!!!.........um.......all your images seem kinda squashed though? why is that? (notice Delenn in the last pic - she's looking very narrow lol)
  20. L

    Two Jumps from Minbar - SPOILERS

    yes, you may not have to come out and then jump back in, But you will have travelled two jumps. Probably just a standard way of saying it.