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  1. L

    The Well Of Forever (promo)

    i sooooooo love you right now
  2. L

    Theatrical Release

    jms has also said that there WILL be a B5 film when of course - is a completely different answer
  3. L

    J.M.S. stars in this Crusade promo

    cool, thnx you know, that racing the night seen looks good
  4. L

    A Question on The Gathering: Special Edition

    re the lyta g'kar thing just re-editing in the original when g'kar was making his 'offer to lyta' she said something about how disgusting the ideas was - it was a long time since i watch the original - but in the SE version you just saw the look on her face
  5. L

    Vorlon ships.

    the shadow or the vorlon?? the vorlon - has the texture, and the design - layers people, onions have layers (like ogors) and the petals on the vorlon ships
  6. L

    Region 4 DVD news

    About time we had some R4 news down here!!! hehe
  7. L

    Earth's Last Hope (promo)

    Re: Earth\'s Last Hope (promo) thanx - i want more hehe
  8. L

    A Question on The Gathering: Special Edition

    it's re-edited to fit more with the rest of B5. Seeing as how The Gathering was a pilot was made without the series.
  9. L

    Vorlon ships.

    I know - and i always thought that was quite cool
  10. L

    A Question on The Gathering: Special Edition

    yeah, could be a bit of a collectors item one day
  11. L

    the Path of Sorrows

    didn't jms say that she wasn't available at the time?
  12. L

    A Question on The Gathering: Special Edition

    Welcome yeah, the box doesn't say much - in fact the credits on the back make it look as if it is the 1993 release. But it IS the special edition (and it says so at the start of the movie).
  13. L

    Crusade returns (video promo)

    OMG OMG OMG thank you so much. I need more vid clips of crusade i have those as soundfiles - but great ot see them keep them comming as the weeks go on
  14. L

    the Well of Forever

    i think about it to - but have no idea - i wish the show had continued - Crusade's characters were great - and i wanted to get to know them more
  15. L

    B5 Movies on dvd

    There are rumors of LoTR comming out But I guess it all depends on how the box sets do eh
  16. L

    First Season DVD's

    Re: First Season DVD\'s and i'm buying it after it comes out
  17. L

    Yet another music question of sorts I think ?

    it worked too
  18. L

    Does anyone else remember...?

    If i remember right (which i might not, lol) - the Excalibur was to have an organic hull. But with the plauge and the destruction of the ship yard - it was never completed - as it would have taken too long to grow the organic hull - and the excalibur was needed right away. The power issue...
  19. L


    The author took down the page didn't they - it no longer exist in any form as far as I know - it was sooooooo cool though
  20. L

    Does anyone else remember...?

    it's here: http://jumpgates.tripod.com/crusade.htm