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  1. B

    Has there been an update?

    For what it's worth, I get an alert message that this website wants to execute "remote data services data control of Microsoft Corporation".
  2. B

    Scif and fantasy's funniest moments some intentionall and some not

    The SG1 Wormhole Extreme parody, in particular the first one.
  3. B

    Scif and fantasy's funniest moments some intentionall and some not

    Star Wreck (Fuckoov!). Futurama, I am surprised this was not mentioned earlier. Not so much Sci-Fi but fantasy: Life on Mars.
  4. B

    IPX from Infection (And later)

    It says nowhere that front-companies need to be small. Maybe IPX is a still front for the warfare division. As long as no-one knows of IPX's links to the warfare division that is no problem. Disadvantage of such large companies is of course that they are more likely to be investigated by the...
  5. B

    "do not kill the one who is already dead" niggle

    Another interpretation is the the profecy relates to Morden, who had been "repaired" after the nuke. Londo did kill Morden, and as a consequence the Drakh invaded Centauri Prime. Funny show B5, way too many angles to look at it!
  6. B

    Why Is Earthforce Still Using Star Furies?

    The armed forces tend to use basic designs very long once it has proven its worth. But obvioulsy the basic designs are upgraded. From the outside the differences may be hardly noticable, but step in the cockpit and you will immediately see the difference. * B-52, first flight 1954, expected to...
  7. B

    B5:TLT - Show Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    All those "Lyta did this" and "Lyta did that" examples are very nice. But Lyta was of course a special telepath. I think she should be kept out of the discussion on the capabilities of mundane telepats. Also, we know different species got different skills. Remember for instance the Centauri...
  8. B

    Valen Class Cruiser (LoTR, ViTD related)???

    Maybe it was a different class of vessel? Perhaps the LotR version was a battlecruiser and the TLT version a luxury cruiser (like Nimitz vs Love Boat)?
  9. B

    B5:TLT -- just the news. And we mean that.

    I trust the mail even less then Ryanair. And with the airfares nowadays it's cheaper to fly and collect then to sent it by DHL or somesuch. Well, almost anyway. ;)
  10. B

    B5:TLT -- just the news. And we mean that.

    Typcial. Mainland Europe (the Netherlands) won't get it till early november. So now the question becomes, do I step over my hatred of Ryanair to get TLT a few week earlier. :D
  11. B

    Babylon 5 RPG Game!

    Are you two married?
  12. B

    B5:TLT -- just the news. And we mean that.

    I know it is slightly off-topic, but you can download movies from Youtube using http://vixy.net.
  13. B

    The Gathering -- Original Version

    Feel free to differ all you want, I am telling you I got the original edition on DVD region 2. Have no DVD player on the computer so can not make screencaps. I could of course put my camera in front of the TV if you want to get picture-proof. I know the difference since I have seen the special...
  14. B

    The Gathering -- Original Version

    The original version was released on DVD a long while ago in at least region 2. But it does not say on the packaging that it is the original. So you can not see from the outside which version you got! I got the original version and I always assumed it was the special version until I actually...
  15. B

    TV,films and clips

  16. B

    Is the board supposed to be acting up?

    Speaking of lost threads, what happened with the B5-TLT CGI-testframe discussion thread?
  17. B

    Shadows and Time Travel

    Re: Technomages and Their Tech (implants) So perhaps the shadows did build the GM, and left a TechnoMage in charge. This TM would then have become one with the tech and removed the shadow programming so Draal could take over. In many ways the great machine seems similar to what we have seen in...
  18. B

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: JMS\'s 12/1 post The mail has been sent out: December 1, 2006 As I write this, we have finished principal photography on "Babylon 5: The Lost Tales," coming in under budget and finishing a full day ahead of schedule. This first DVD, entitled "Voices in the Dark," covers the same 72...
  19. B

    Been Away Forever-Need B-5 News

    Or, slightly more realistic in context, telepaths. Hey, I really believe it can be done! After all, if a virus can be made to kill teeps, perhaps a virus can be made to activate teep genes. Perhaps Bester had a hand in it? With the help of Drakh. I'll shut up now.
  20. B

    JMS giving B5:TLT hints?

    I always assumed it may have had something to do with the manhunt Garibaldi opened on Bester. With the resources available to Garibaldi, it could have been messy.