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  1. D

    Do Star Gate-SG1 and Jeremiah share sets?

    Well, they certainly share actors... Though it was rather curious that both of them were cast as Jeremiah's parents. Maybe MGM/Showtime wanted them as recurring charceters in hopes of attracting more Stargate viewers?
  2. D

    Rangers Series?!?!

    As busy as jms is, I don't see him skipping out on one lousy post, especially one as important as this. And the subject seems to come up regularly on rastb5m, the most recent being the "Latest word from Sci-Fi?" thread, started yesterday. Besides we still have actors posting here, hoping for a...
  3. D

    Rangers Series?!?!

    "Other projects" meaning more comics for Marvel. And let's not forget "Polaris", which the SciFi Channel was interested in giving a 44 episode commitment (according to Dreamwatch). That was before they got the ratings for Rangers, though. Given that he hasn't said anything about either it or...
  4. D

    The Traitor

    Wasn't Na'Feel one of the crewmembers that got worked up about David not telling them about his little plan to blow up the ship guarding the jumpgate?
  5. D

    Hermann Huppen (was New to Jeremiah?)

    <blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lyta: <a target="_blank" href=http://www.hermannhuppen.com/intro_english.php3>Hermann Huppen's Official Site (in English)</a> -- He created the comics which the show is based on<hr></blockquote>More like "He created the comics...
  6. D

    Possible shape of a series arc?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JMB1138: Is it already over by 2265?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Yes. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1...
  7. D

    B5LR on tvguide.com

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dark Lord: "This is the best television show ever made." I think that about sums up TV guide's look at B5. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Not exactly, given that it's from an article Scott "Dilbert" Adams wrote about his...
  8. D

    OK Listen Up...

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tobias Clutch: Rangers is the idea Joe originally wanted to do as a series after B5<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>You know that for a fact, or are simply assuming based on the initial reports that The Babylon Project...
  9. D

    IGNFF LOTR review

    Here are the production dates for Crusade according to Babylonian Productions. They match everything jms said as far as I can see. The Needs of Earth 8/3/98 to 8/11/98 The Memory of War 8/12/98 to 8/20/98 Racing the Night 8/21/98 to 8/31/98 Visitors From Down the Street 9/1/98 to 9/10/98 Each...
  10. D

    The special effects...

    Arrghman, as I've said here before, I generally feel the same way about Netter Digital. The framing and angles of the CGI shots in the Rangers trailers look much more interesting. As for Crusade, you should try watching the show in production order. There is a massive decrease in FX/CGI quality...
  11. D

    OK Listen Up...

    Want some criticism? Ok, I thought Na'Feel's outburst in her "Trading Card" clip was awful. Somebody needs to tie Jennie Hogan to a chair and force her to watch wall-to-wall Na'Toth (Caitlin Brown version) 24/7 until she starts to sound convincingly angry and frustrated. ------------------...
  12. D

    War Zone - Eeuuuuuuuwwwwwww!

    Welcome to the club. ------------------ "Come out kittycat... I won't hurt you... much..." (hear it) -- Blackarachnia, "The Spark", Beast Wars drakh@spamcop.net
  13. D

    B5LR TLaDiS review that pi**ed me off...

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris Springob: Is that so complicated' <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>IIRC, it's one of the dreadded copy and paste from Word bugs. ------------------ "Come out kittycat... I won't hurt you... much..." (hear it)...
  14. D

    Matter of perspective

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe: Now, he had B5 stewing in his brain for at least a couple *years.*<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>The concept came to him in 1987, the pilot was produced in summer 1992. Official development of Crusade started in...
  15. D

    IGNFF LOTR review

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by glenoliver: Your statement here is incorrect in numerous ways, and reflects belief in a spin control & "party line" (floated at the time pf the events) which ended-up not being entirely...
  16. D

    B5LR TLaDiS review that pi**ed me off...

    It smells of bias from the first paragraph, when the reviewer claims jms is covering his ass in case the series isn't picked up by refusing to call it a pilot. Life can be so convenient for those who don't have to worry about real, actual facts. ------------------ "Come out kittycat... I won't...
  17. D

    Will Rangers become a series? What are your feelings?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arrghman: in terms of raitings: at this point its pretty impossible for any b5 fan anywhere to not know about b5lr by now, so i think it can be gaurenteed that the raitings will be in the same ballpark as...
  18. D

    Matter of perspective

    Given that jms created the concept in 4 days, and then wrote the script in 1 and a half week, he'll obviously have a lot of fleshing out to do should the series become a reality. ------------------ "Come out kittycat... I won't hurt you... much..." (hear it) -- Blackarachnia, "The...
  19. D

    Does anyone know when B5LR is coming on VHS or DVD?

    But in Norway at least (and in other European countries from what I've read), SF pilots have a tendency to show up in rental stores, lately also on DVD. I know "The Gathering", and the seaQuest and Stargate pilots were out long before the shows came on TV. ------------------ "Come out...
  20. D

    News post: Dylan Neal in Relic Hunter

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dark Lord: You're going to make Dean cry at this rate - And Warren -<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I know. I'm a bad, bad person. MOWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. ------------------ "Come out kittycat... I won't hurt you...