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  1. T

    Did anyone else see this during B5 tonight?

    Hate to be the bringer of bad news Raider, but when i clicked on your link i got a 404 error, so i think something is broken somewhere Hope you get it fixed man. ------------------
  2. T

    Loriens ship

    I have absolutely no clue about Loriens ship, but it is a neat thought that it might just turn up here in the future. About Anna's ship though, since i havent' seen the ep in a while and can't remember how big it was, was it small enough to have been loaded on the white star??? If it wasn't...
  3. T

    Ranger pin

    Quick question guys. Since they are about to release a new movie and possibly a series about the rangers, then do you think that JMS might re-release the ranger pin??? You know make it a little easier for ppl to find a get a hold of one since all the online dealers dealing in the real ones...
  4. T

    How to start a new Crusade...

    I think an email campaign would be a great idea that or some sort of online petition type thingy that could be linked to here, scifi's website and the b5 encylopedia would probally be a good one to hit also. Just my thoughts. ------------------
  5. T

    There is a Scifi rangers site. . .

    In my opinion it will be an entirely new race that we'll get to meet, but he could bring in one of the races from crusade or from B5 itself that didn't get much time in the series, but that's just my opinion, and as always with JMS, we won't be disappointed ------------------
  6. T

    Story arc

    If you'll remember correctly, and i can't remember the exact name of the episode, but the Rangers started taking members from all other races. I remember this because in this ep there is a big to do over a Ranger who got jumped by some guys and there in the end the teacher who was with them was...