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  1. R


    I might believe that Kosh was meant to keep sinclar straight and on path to become valen if he had more plot interaction if that was a budget problem or not is unknown to me. There is a perfect peak where sherridan comes and he does pay more attention but from a watchers point of view it feels...
  2. R

    Reboot Crusade?

    another point i thought of replying to the casting thread was ; What i would love to see is a mixed race crew, and no not what you think LOL! Instead of hiring token Asian token "black guy/African american" like many shows do and they're so bad for doing i'd like to poke fun at the shows...
  3. R

    IF There Were Going To Be A Crusade Reboot, Who Would You Cast?

    ^ LOL my feelings exactly! i don't think him has a captain would work very well he's not really a leader type he's snarky(sp) looking which is why his role works so well. I don't know who i'd cast but if i ever made a list i'd then be sad when they cast it with people i'd never heard of before...
  4. R

    Reboot Crusade?

    I might focus more on the flight crew not so much on the ship and where it is going, but the characters would have conversations/interactions with the pilots and command staff often. However if we take the story from the pilots point of view they are on stand by don't know what is happening and...
  5. R

    WB considering upgrading B5 for Blu Ray

    Yeah i like the idea of running the people along side the cast, it Could even be the Agamemnon(sp) as long as some effort is made to fill their roles during the earth minbari war or they could even do a dilgar war starter as long as its actiony enough to draw in attention for a Scifi tv movie I...
  6. R


    Thinking back on it now as a story point that makes good sense that lorrian was a kosh replacement but i never really put the pieces together until now. I would've thought that Kosh with his interest in humans would have been the one to give Jack the ripper his new job, But if you think back he...
  7. R


    Oh!! i like those theories, i'll have a thinks about it later today and get back to you with some more thoughts ^_^ One theory sounds kind of like the founders from DS9 but cooler lol
  8. R

    WB considering upgrading B5 for Blu Ray

    If they are going to re-hash all the Cgi and bring the video to 2014 I still think a re-telling of "In the beginning" from different perspectives They could cover other parts of the war sherridan/sinclar weren't part of, use voice overs or clips for the major scenes. Even if the re-telling...
  9. R

    The Aborted Reboot

    I don't think running another series right off is a great idea, i still think a movie would be the better way to go the start of the telepath war in movie form? I don't think the telepath war would require actors that aren't with us anymore it could bring in new characters for a crusade or other...
  10. R


    Yeah i'd like to hear more of your thoughts, bouncing around ideas of "what if, what might be" is interesting to me. And my thoughts on the vorlons not rebuilding were if they knew the shadows were coming back, because they purposely didn't wipe them out since they were battling ideals over and...
  11. R

    Season 1 hump....

    I'd try the movie first before the episodes The gathering, is also abit slow you could start with in the beginning then the gathering it might be easier to watch knowing the war that came first.
  12. R


    Some random thoughts i had about the vorlons. First off, Kosh's death killing a character is a good way to create drama he was a moderate character but not a major character from a story stand point it was a good idea. I don't like it, I think the pace of season 3 and 4 could've been slower...
  13. R

    The Aborted Reboot

    The galaxy could do without the rangers movie. The ship looked fine the cast were dealable for a tv movie, then some chick starts doing kung fu to fire the ships weapons. That's it kids, we are turning this car right around and we are going to watch babylon 5 from the start again! I love the...
  14. R

    Season 5: List of grievances

    I'm glad what was made was made. But mostly because i am the once tried what i know is better than what i don't know. It could've been good, i would've liked him to release it as maybe a book or comic series. But i still love the current universe and characters too much to change anything...
  15. R

    Season 5: List of grievances

    I agree, and that plot sounds pretty cool though b4 was then used in the plot as a base for the last shadow war but it would've fit in the future having apparently been similar (no need for new sets) and more heavily armed, yay! From a show stand point somebody in charge can order the station...
  16. R

    Season 5: List of grievances

    I know not techincally season 5 but the final episode where they blew up babylon 5. UGH! I know it was symbolism john is gone the ISA is active but the story for the most part is done, but i felt it was too final. I mean why wouldn't the ISA buy b5? and just leave it operational with a couple...
  17. R

    Season 5: List of grievances

    I think i liked view mostly because it was a bit of a change up from the rest of the bleh being the only episode where byron portrayed a human being (imo at least) That's true about warlocks i didn't really have any info to know they have gravity it just seemed like that would considering they...
  18. R

    Best SciFi Series of All Time? Vote Here!

    Stargate if you are going to watch it, its not too hard to pick out some shitty unrelated episodes but some episodes have stuff used later even though they aren't great and once the ball gets rolling the interaction between the characters like in TOS makes any plot more tolerable.
  19. R

    Season 5: List of grievances

    Ah but you forget that you are thinking about current military practices, the Centari are somewhat based on the English from the periods before WW1 and the start of WW1 in terms of. Nobles = Generals - if they can lead themselves to water or not. Land owners = Nobles. So its possible the...
  20. R

    Best SciFi Series of All Time? Vote Here!

    I like trek, and have done so before i watched babylon 5 but i never jumped into the fan boy boat of "my interest is better than yours because i'm overly attached to mine and i should rage at you now" lol Babylon 5 was great at its time, i wish more people would've seen it, I wish we would've...