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  1. L


    Not even to cute girls? Ut oh ... You know, I really need to get my original recordings of "Crusade" back sometime ... at least she's pretty safe with VHS - she has a good hundred or more of other series she's taped to keep so I trust her. However, my best friend ran into a bad problem when...
  2. L

    One very ticked off comment...

    Okay, this is just off topic but it's ... amusing so I want to share. I just made a post on the main (and justified) rant on the Crusade forum and had a problem loading the pages ... when I reloaded, I ened up ... here in the main (and justified) rant on the B5 forum. Did someone split in a...
  3. L

    One very ticked off comment...

    The thing that surprises me most about this announcement ... is that they're actually showing a series that could be considered SF! With their recent trend ......
  4. L

    The Shadow Without

    I seem to recall early speculation that it was a piece of Shadowtech that Morden had for whatever reason. The CCG (which sometimes was very on the ball, sometimes not) seemed to agree with that idea so I guess that idea was being bounced around. However, I do like Cavelos' explanation as it...
  5. L

    Babylon 5 changes

    <Kribu>She said that without any knowledge of what a certain Narn could do</Kribu> Sorry Kribu, heehee. I figured saying that about G'kar would sound better coming from you. Oh dear, I think my mind is in the wrong forum ....
  6. L

    My B5 Christmas Wish

    Good luck! I was hoping to make my New Year's resolution be to definately watch a new B5 series and / or movie in 2003 and then convince all the people involved that this is one resolution I cannot turn back on.
  7. L

    Rangers Redux (fiction)

    Re: Hints? I agree ... don't say that, channe! If I thought that upon seeing every writer who is better than me, I might never write again ... but I ignore that and keep writing. Plus you might have as many fans here as does "Firefly" ... stupid Fox execs ...
  8. L

    Universal Translator

    Don't forget when Picard speaks in French ... I guess the translator only effects some non-human languages ...
  9. L

    Crusade Costumes

    I've been so tempted to try to make a Galen costume for various things like SF conventions - especially the staff. Well, okay so I could make the staff but my mom would probably have to make the garb, heh. I haven't seen any place to look for patterns or even ideas though ... A ranger outfit...
  10. L

    Rangers Redux (fiction)

    Re: Hints? Malcolm Reed's older brother? Aren't we mixing series here and different centuries?
  11. L

    Universal Translator

    <joke>Well, maybe they were speaking English - they'd come across a dictionary floating in space and such. But they were speaking propper English - something very few Humans actually speak ... so when the EA fleet shows up, they have no idea what these creatures are speaking ... Kinda like...
  12. L

    Universal Translator

    Joke I once heard long ago ... Q: How do you tell a foreign person in America? A: He speaks a foreign language fluently and speaks English poorly. Q: How do yo utell an American in America? A: He doesn't speak a foreign language at all and speaks English poorly. The idea might be cliche but...
  13. L

    Universal Translator

    Agreeing with the above but adding a bit ... Delenn mentions at the end of season 5 that English is the language of comerse and trade (meaning it's wide spread, at least in that sector) which does make sense since the EA saved pretty much every Legue world from the Dilgar, establishing them a...
  14. L

    in the beginning question (spoilers)

    I was quite amused when (in season 1), Franklin was doing an examination on Delenn and the two discussed what each other was doing during the time of the war. Franklin told the truth (as we saw in the movie) but Delenn basically acted like she had no part at all in the war, heh. I found that...
  15. L

    B5 collectable card game

    It's been awhile for me too but I would still like to play if ever got around to it. I played and collected a great deal my freshling year of college (probably explaining my grades at the end of that year) but the two other biggest players left the school after that so I was a bit stuck. I...
  16. L

    Lise's Ex-Husband and child?

    Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child? Of course still there is no word on what happened since Franz left. I would think Lise would want contact with her first daughter if not even get her back. With the resources of both Edgars Industries and Garabaldi's cunning (and sometimes ruthlessness) I'd...
  17. L

    Who destroyed Babylon 1, 2 and 3?

    You're all forgetting the obvious factor ... it actually was Jinxo! Everytime he left, a station blew up or disapeared. Regardless of who sabotaged the stations, it wouldn't have worked if Jinxo had stayed. Heck, even he admits that! The only reason B5 was spared was because he decided to...
  18. L

    Girfriend & B5

    Heh, once again my geek filled college skews my vision of the world; I know many girls who play video games and are as much addicts as the guys. In fact I seemed to have ended up in the gaming circle (even though I'm not nearly as much of a gamer) and often things like B5 and other SF get...
  19. L

    The Gathering

    This is a bit off topic (not much, I hope) but I'd imagine what the assassin saw was a hand. During this time, I'd say, everyone was still seeing the Vorlons as the angelic forms most (all?) the younger races had been conditioned to see. Of course, Kosh could have specifically made it...
  20. L

    If Claudia stayed for S5...

    Re: Ivanova in Crusade (Spoilers for B5 S4/5) Ah, thanks Joe, I didn't know all that. I thought DoFS was suppose to be aired just before SiL if there was to be no S5. I should have thought about the fact that that would mean 23 episodes were planned and shot for S4 but it must have missed it...