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Search results

  1. L

    Rangers Redux (fiction)

    Interesting ... and if JMS ever uses that about the Drazi we'll all know where it came from. Have we ever heard a Llort speak? I get the impression they were always background characters to the make-up and costume department didn't give them realistic moveable faces, heh. I guess other Vree...
  2. L

    Delenn croaking it

    Okay ... well ... um ... one of the points Lennier made was the same atoms that made Sinclair / Valen when he died made Sinclair when he was born and the atoms that were in B4 in the past were used to make B4 in the future (or so he seemed to say - correct me if I read wrong) ... I don't see why...
  3. L

    the babylon 5 experience

    Also, English - as mentioned in B5 - is the Human language of trade and comminucation. It's probably a language most Earthers learned from a very young age. Accents are picked up because it's how we hear our family and others around us speak but - at least I'd presume, I've never heard facts...
  4. L

    favourite line?

    My favorite Kosh quote has to be part of a conversation with Sheriden .... *Paraphrased* Sheriden: You come and go so often and inside that encounter suit ... how do we know you're the same person? Kosh: I have always been here. Sheriden: I hate it when you say things like that. Kosh: Good.
  5. L

    Play.com now taking R2 pre-orders

    *wonders if any other Kia dealers are doing such*
  6. L

    whats a triluminary?

    Is there a reason - maybe JMS mentioned it at some point - why we didn't see any more Triluminaries after Sinclair went back (except in flashbacks)? I guess there wasn't much of a use of them in what we saw of the plot ... might have been interesting to see the Rangers Council borrow one when...
  7. L

    SciFi and the B5 DVDs ...

    Okay, now I know that SciFi won't get any direct revenue or other perks from the DVD collection ... but given they are the only channel airing the showing in the US, I'm sure they will be looking to try to increase audience and comercial advertisers because of it - at least if the DVDs sell...
  8. L

    Netter Digital

    Aww! But wasn't that the site you could download .mpg's of that datachrystal Eilerson had? Seriousily, that's great news. Now if we can just find a way to ressurect the business itself.
  9. L

    Top 5 battle sequences

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> 2. Lines of Communication-- Delenn's first encounter with the Drakh--this ep was on yesterday. An amazing sequence (whitestars vs. the Drakh mothership). "who ever said we were going back to babylon 5?" I like two other lines...
  10. L


    Heh, that reminds of a discuss some friends and I had awhile ago ... what is the security clearance of the cleaning staff for such places like the Pentagon (the high security rooms) or Norad or top secret installations ... who cleans the labs at Grooms Lake?
  11. L

    favourite line?

    Some of these might be paraphraed - don't have the actual quotes ... My three favorite would have to be: Delenn: "Why not? Only one Human captain has survived battle against a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else." Za'thras...
  12. L

    For you who don't have a DVD player...

    Re: For you who don\'t have a DVD player... Okay, this is on topic (sorta) ... which is now off topic given the last 3/4 of this thread, heh ... but I would probably buy the DVD set even if I didn't have a player (at the moment my only player is a 3 year old one that came with my computer - I...
  13. L

    most favorite B5 season intro & theme?

    At least SciFi (this time around if not others) respects B5 and/or the fans enough to not interrupt the special ending credits - like for "A Rock Cried Out" and today's episode - "Atonement" I think (thanks Joe) which had Marcus singing from "The Pirates of Penzan". Usually they kill the sound...
  14. L

    The First Time

    In some ways, my coming in in the middle of season three was an unintentional bonus ... I got to be very surprised by the "Break away from Earth" arch ... I didn't see any episodes that led me to believe that was coming; I was very impressed at a TV show presenting Earth as the bad guys and...
  15. L


    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> Jeffery Willerth was in the Kosh suit, Ardwright Chamberlain provided the voice. Not only that, but Jeffery Willerth married Pat Tallman (Lyta) in 1999 (or they were at least engaged then). There's a cute picture of her...
  16. L

    A small goof

    Okay, I know there are many "X-Files" fans ... but I never liked the show and I'm not bashing Chris Carter here but I still think it was foolish to say they didn't want a show because it was written by JMS and not Carter ... Did they ever actually compare the writings?! If they were worried...
  17. L

    The First Time

    Yeah, I really wish I could ... though unlike many series, rewatching them is almost as good as the first time since I can see them in a new light, how I see the characters and plot going, what secrets are revealed to explain actions, etc. I think one of the marks of a good story - in whatever...
  18. L

    Rangers Redux (fiction)

    Yeah, don't let anyone get you down ... not even yourself, heh. If you're anything like me, you are your own biggest critic. Maybe it's because when I write something I can see it clearly in my head so I know that what I just wrote didn't convene it properly ... but I guess others don't have...
  19. L

    JMS-Written Article for San Diego Comic Con

    It wouldn't display the page for me either ... Not that I could go of course, anyway ... but I like to hear about stuff.
  20. L

    A small goof

    I understand that concept ... but there's also the saying "You have to spend money to make money." Gee, they cut budgets and didn't put wings on the play ... I wonder why it didn't get off the ground.