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  1. Estelyn

    EpDis: The Parliament Of Dreams

    I really enjoyed rewatching this episode! That is due mostly to the excellent character development - not just G'Kar (who is wonderful all the way - a bit over the top, but I take it to be played tongue-in-cheek), but also the introduction of Lennier and Na'Toth, both wonderfully played by their...
  2. Estelyn

    EpDis: Infection

    Having just rewatched this episode, I must say I agree with much of what has already been written here - the main story is below par for the series, but some aspects (McCallum, Garibaldi confronting Sinclair, Ivanova) do redeem it somewhat. I'm not sure whether I like the closing lines -...
  3. Estelyn

    EpDis: Born To The Purple

    A detail that I've been pondering since previously posting is a brief moment of cinematography I really like - the transition from Londo alone in his quarters, looking at the brooch and thinking of Adira, to her, also alone in her quarters, holding and looking at the data crystal. (The...
  4. Estelyn

    EpDis: Soul Hunter

    I know that's what it's supposed to be, but it looks like playing - the scene has a very childlike feeling to it..
  5. Estelyn

    EpDis: Born To The Purple

    This is an enjoyable episode, with lots of character moments, something I particularly appreciate. Knowing Londo's later fate, it is nice to see him happy - and I can't help wondering how different things would have been had he been able to keep Adira. I like the first signs of lighter-hearted...
  6. Estelyn

    EpDis: Midnight On The Firing Line

    Thanks for the explanation, Jan! I had the same perception of the relationship, KoshFan. Good reminder of important arc information, JoeD80.
  7. Estelyn

    EpDis: The Gathering

    I'm reminded of the actress who plays the doctor on Crusade and had a very different role in - was it CtA? JMS' commmentary explained that they were perhaps twin sisters. ;) So perhaps Morden is the evil twin? :eek:
  8. Estelyn

    EpDis: Soul Hunter

    This is not one of my favourite episodes, though I can't quite define my reasons. It does raise the important question of Delenn's true nature and what purpose she has on B5, but I find her behaviour rather erratic and inconsistent. At the beginning she panics and gets violent, wanting to have...
  9. Estelyn

    EpDis: The Gathering

    One detail that I hadn't previously noticed and that actually caused a double-take was the presence of Ed Wasser (aka Mr. Morden) near the end of the pilot. He's one of the crew (I'm not sure whether military or civilian tech) that helps to stabilize the station after it has been put out of...
  10. Estelyn

    EpDis: Midnight On The Firing Line

    After my B5 marathon, I am now watching the series more slowly and allowing myself time to notice details - and to post about them. I agree with the previous posters who have written that the question of rating this episode depends on what one compares it with. Compared to normal TV fare (which...
  11. Estelyn

    So Who's Watching It Now??

    I just finished my B5 marathon a week ago, watching the whole box within a few weeks - all 5 seasons and all of the movies. I really enjoyed feeling the internal drive of the story directly. The third and fourth seasons are especially intense! Now I'm watching Crusade...
  12. Estelyn

    "Best SciFi Theme Tune"

    I'm not sure it's a candidate for the "best ten" list, but I do like the theme of "Galaxy Quest"! It is certainly a bit of musical parody, yet memorable on its own. I like the way it's used on two levels - as the theme of the "original" TV series and as the theme of the movie.
  13. Estelyn

    EpDis: A Call To Arms

    Hi! I just finished a B5 marathon, having purchased the box with the complete series and the movies. When I first saw the series back in the 90s, I was blown away by it, even though I couldn't hear the original voices and dialogues. (Like almost every production, it was translated and dubbed for...