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  1. B

    EpDis: Revelations

    There was one thing that bugs me. It is a very little thing, but here goes Who tidied Delenn up, and did her hair - ah new hair? Minbari aren't exactly hairy - the most you see is a few beards on the males. Delenn, as we see in "Soul Mates" hasn't the slightest idea what to do with it, or...
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    EpDis: Soul Mates

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    EpDis: A Race Through Dark Places

    Actually, I think that was the episode "Eyes" where the Colonel Ari ben Something - Garibaldi refers him as "Colonel Ben Hitler" - has it in for Sinclar, and is accompanied by the telepath who wanted to be a pilot, but couldn't because he turned out to be a telepath. It is this telepath, who...
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    EpDis: Comes The Inquisitor

    Slightly OT here. Last year, we adopted a little rescue cat. His name? Sebastian - he had been named that by his previous owner. "Inquisitor" was so impressed on my mind, that I tried to persuade my mother that we had to change his name - Sebastian as a name really creeped me out. In the...
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    Lennier also uses the word "Earther" in "Points of Departure" when he is talking to Delenn, while she is still in her chrysalis. I noticed this while while watching it last night. I am making the guess that some of the other races would lump all Humans together - they wouldn't see it in...
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    New Sherlock Holmes on PBS

    Slightly OT Is this series up there with the Jeremy Brett series of the late 1980/90s?
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    JMS to write for SupermanWonder Woman

    This is going to be interesting. I have always liked Superman and Wonder Woman, and though it's been 12 years, there hasn't been a show to match B5 yet.
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    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    Was anyone expecting a "reset button" ending? Where at the end of the film, everything would go back to the Trek universe we all know?
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    What if Captain Micheal Jankowski had held his fire

    It was not just Captain Jankowsk's attack on the Minbari that started the war. An equally valid question would be "what if Delenn had cast a different vote?" What if she had been a bit more rational, and decided that things should be investigated instead of "No mercy!" Or what if Sheridan had...
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    The Day the Earth Stood Still

    Keanu Reeves? No! No! No! The only thing that could possibly be worse is Tom Cruise as Klaatu! If they're gonna remake 'Day the Earth Stood Still', there are plenty of actors, known or unknown who could pull or off better.
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    Superman Graphic novels/comics

    Thanks for that. I actually ordered one from Amazon the other day. The book was about $10.30, postage to NZ around $12. And the kind of credit card I use charges $3.50 for overseas transactions. And by the time you factored in the exchange rate, the total came to $32. Afterwards, I thought...
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    Superman Graphic novels/comics

    Okay, I feel ridiculous. But recently, I have become interested in Superman. I have collected a number of the DVDs and movies. I have also collected a small number of the comics/graphic novels - mostly secondhand. I am interested in getting more. The trouble is, that they are not that easy to...
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    Flash Gordon

    How does it match up against the 1980 movie?
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    Does anyone watch Jericho?

    I guess there is an advantage of getting TV shows later than America or Britain. Here, there was no hiatus for 'Jericho'. It ran straight through, so you could actually follow the storyline. Years ago, when B5 was on, we got it late - not until late 1995. The upside of it was that the...
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    controversial sci-fi....

    "Fahrenheit 451". The issues of censorship and burning of books still remain relevant.
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    Does anyone watch Jericho?

    I Can't Believe I just did this. I went and signed the petition - for all the good it will do. NZ is in the middle of screening "Jericho" at the moment. I never planned on watching it - I only started because it came right after "CSI:LV" and hadn't gotten around to turning the telly off. But...
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    Really Hard Question

    I remember reading a story along similar lines when I was a kid - it was called "Let's Go to Golgotha". The premise being that in the future, time travel was a reality, and offered time travel tours to the crucifixion.
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    What books are we reading now?

    I read a graphic novel years ago "Who Killed Captain Kirk?" - yep - "Star Trek". In one part of the plot, there is a telepath on board the 'Enterprise' who had been reading "Dante's Inferno" He falls asleep while reading it, dreams about it. Trouble is, his dreams affects almost everyone else...
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    Robin Hood

    Someone said that the actor playing Robin Hood looked too young. Until reasonably recent times, young people - especially young people of the nobility often shouldered their adult responsibilities young. Ie, Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife was only 15 when she married and him, and...
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    Robin Hood

    I haven't seen this series - it hasn't reached NZ yet - if it ever will. But can someone answer a question for me. Is the actress playing Marian a redhead? Every TV adaptation/movie I have seen, Marian has been a redhead. Is this deliberate, or just one of those odd coincidences?