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Search results

  1. B

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    And it's not just people in America that are interested in Fahrenheit 9/11. If my city library is anything to go by, there is a great deal of interest here as well. Just after. I read Stupid White Men when it first came out. I had not really heard of Michael Moore at that stage, but the...
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    B5 Scripts

    Re: B5 Scripts - UPDATE I was able to borrow some money from my mother and buy a new VCR. It is quite good, although nothing fancy. It is mono sound [but that does not really matter as it's in my bedroom and I have a stereo TV] and it has four heads. It cost only slightly more than buying...
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    AFI 100 Songs

    The Whitney Houston song 'I Will Always Love You" was originally performed and recorded by Dolly Parton. I prefer Parton's version.
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    B5 Scripts

    Sindatur Thank-you - that was it! Looks like I should go and bookmark the Lurkers guide site. Is there a site - a legal site where I could find B5 quotes? Thank-you again, guys Lately with all the things going on in the world, I've been thinking about that quote a lot - it just seems to fit...
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    B5 Scripts

    Thanks - I guess I should have made it clear - I am talking NZ dollars - not American. I think the NZ dollar is worth about 61 American cents.
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    B5 Scripts

    I am looking for a quote from the third season B5 episode, And the Rock Cried Out 'No Hiding Place' Ihere is this scene where almost everyone winds up at a gospel-style church service. During this, the ministe conducting the service talks about the 'enemy', and who the 'enemy' really is. It...
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    Alexander Trailer

    I've lost count of the number of films/mini-series that I've seen where I've ended up thinking "they got that wrong!" or "did that really happen?" The upside of that was that I often ended up reading up on that subject to try and find the truth of it - if there is truth to be found. I must...
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    The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was coming!)

    Re: The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was comi I've forgotten a lot of the Roman history I've read [and a lot of that came from I, Claudius ] But I seem to remember that living under the Romans was no picnic. I seem to remember reading somewhere that there was a rebellion in Palestine...
  9. B

    The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was coming!)

    Re: The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was comi Yes, I've had a quiet chuckle about that more than once. I've seen several films mini-series down the years set in biblical times, and always laughed at the blonde-haired, blue-eyed people running around. I have seen Jesus of Nazareth...
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    The Passion of the Christ (ya knew it was coming!)

    Re: The Passion of the Christ I have not seen the film, so I cannot really judge whether the film is anti-Semitic or not Nor am I Jewish, but with the Holocaust still being in living memory, I can understand why many Jews are uneasy about it. I did see a documentrary on the film last night...
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    A warning about spoilers for everyone

    Others times, teasers can be quite deceptive about what the show is going to be about. I can remember once seeing a teaser for the show "Special Victims Unit". The trailer seemed to suggest that the plot was going to be about the effect video games have on adolescents. The plot actually...
  12. B

    Why are people complaining about Rotk ending??

    When Bilbo got hold of the Ring, he was quite a different person from Gollum than when Gollum had gotten hold of the Ring. Bilbo could easily have killed Gollum - he had every excuse to kill Gollum infact. Gollum had made clear his intention to kill and eat Bilbo. [Bilbo had realised that the...
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    Remarks on Passing through Gethsemene

    Okay, let,s take another case of "mindwipe" or "death of persoality" in B%, although it was not done by Earth, and was a totally different case. When Anna Shreidan was taken captive by the Shadows, they put her into one of their ships as a "central processing unit" When she was taken out, all...
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    Why are people complaining about Rotk ending??

    The Rohan monarchy seems to be similar to the British monarchy. When a monarch dies, the succession goes to the closest male heir - usually a son. Of course, if that monarch only has daughters, then rhe succession falls to the oldest daughter. If the monarch has no children at all, the...
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    Why are people complaining about Rotk ending??

    The Lord of the Rings, Return of the King Visual Companion mentions the Mouth of Sauron. The author had some contact with the filmmakers, and had some access to behind the scenes information, so I think we can be sure that it was filmed.
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    Why are people complaining about Rotk ending??

    When I first saw TTT in the theatre, I went through the whole movie mentally going "Eek!" And this was even though I knew about the changes. It was only when I saw it for about the third time, that I could actually enjoy the movie for itself, rather than just compare it with the book. With...
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    Shelob ROCKS! (spoilers for ROTK)

    The hobbits are remarkable for their endurance. Yes, Hobbits do seem to be quite tough. SPOILER! Pippin bounces back quite quickly from his looking into the Palintir, while doing the same perverted Saruman, and drove Denethor mad. [okay, Denethor and Saruman probably had repeated...
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    TT, EE, DVD

    I am Region 4. The "Council of Elrond" Easter-egg is on my disc - and the TTT trailer of FOTR-EE. And my R4 TTT-EE has the MTV Movie Awards clip on it. Come to think of it, I have heard strange stories before about stuff being cut in Britain that wouldn't even raise any eyebrow elsewhere [even...
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    lotr rtok spoilers

    LOTR required reading in schools? Interesting idea. When I was at school I can remember there were a lot of "teenage" novels as required reading. Stuff by S E HInton [is she still around?] Novels like The Pigman and The Pinballs [anyone remember that one?] Trouble was, I had read most of...
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    In support of stereotypes (Rings)

    Years ago, my mother and I went to the movies Full Metal Jacket and Platoon . On both occasions, we were the only women in the theatre. It was rather a strange experience to say the least. On the other hand, when I belonged to a science-fiction society a few years back, most of the members...