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Search results

  1. M

    War of the Worlds (SPOILERS)

    Re: War of the Worlds (SPOILERS) Yeah, I've seen the Pendragon advertising, though I'm not sure how real that's going to be... its due for release now, I believe! Infinium Labs Phantom, anyone? ;-) It certainly sounds like a good film, I just would like to see something lavish that's not...
  2. M

    War of the Worlds (SPOILERS)

    Re: War of the Worlds (SPOILERS) So the mighty reimagining and adaptation billed 'The War of the Worlds' actually bears little resemblance to HG Wells novel at all.... Not even known as Martians? Whilst I accept it looks like a good film, its starting to sound a little like I Robot (which I...
  3. M

    War of the Worlds (SPOILERS)

    Re: War of the Worlds (SPOILERS) According to the novel the Martians just never encountered bacteria on their own world, either it was eliminated eons ago or never developed and survived. The Mars of the book was dying and had been for a long time. The planet was much farther along its...
  4. M

    War of the Worlds (SPOILERS)

    Re: War of the Worlds (SPOILERS) Its no doctor in the book. He's a journalist / writer type fellow. Some philosophical stuff perhaps. From what I've heard of the film it doesn't follow the book that closely - no family for a start. The book is more concerned with the reaction of society than...
  5. M

    War of the Worlds (SPOILERS)

    Re: War of the Worlds (SPOILERS) Yeah, big tripods with metal tentacles to manipulate things, including heat ray guns. They had big baskets to put people they caught in - I believe you know what for. This is a pic from the musical adaptation: The book remains excellent, and its only a...
  6. M

    War of the Worlds (SPOILERS)

    Re: War of the Worlds (SPOILERS) Can we have spoilers for a 100 year old novel? ;-) The Thunderchild is an ironclad warship that attacks the tripods in the mouth of the Thames in order to allow some steamers with refugees on board to escape. It does very well for itself... but the phrase...
  7. M

    War of the Worlds (SPOILERS)

    Re: War of the Worlds (SPOILERS) Now I haven't seen it judge so I won't judge it as a movie - but I wish they could have done a faithful interpretation of the novel with a big budget... It would be fantastic to see turn-of-the century people facing the Martians. Plus the Thunderchild...
  8. M

    More B5 wiki stuff!

    Registered... I also mooch around Firstones as Meaddrinker. If work is fairly quiet I'll see if I can contribute! Its good to see such dedication in the fanbase still - Nice Work
  9. M


    That's an excellent description.
  10. M

    Hello and a Promotion

    Hehe... I'm getting the hang of it - I practised on some Raiders. It's just like in the show! Hmmm... wingmen - next order of business... Anubody else here play spacey fighter shoot 'em up games? Its top fun; I've been engaging raiders when a Hyperion came out of space with all guns blazing...
  11. M

    Hello and a Promotion

    Primus, I've registered at the Proxima Fleet and have started playing The Babylon Project... but I can't hit anything! Any hints or tips - do you know any good guides? Cheers!
  12. M

    'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers) :D :lol: :lol: :D Jedi Pron?
  13. M

    Battlestar Galactica new

    I'd love to see an absolutely kick-ass future version of this Earth... I agree that I really don't want to see a modern day Earth. I want a big fleet, battleships, cruisers, carriers & fighters - it would still be a hard fight, but maybe the Cylons could plan a sneak attack and the Galactica has...
  14. M

    'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers) They tried the mind trick thingy in the Phantom Opera... didn't work on that flying mini-elephant. Otherwise I guess morals or something were in place, help one gotta help 'em all. I think they should have rescued her, bought her etc but I guess...
  15. M

    Hello and a Promotion

    Hello indeed! I will be downloading and playing The Babylon Project in the next few days... Will see how my piloting skills have held up!
  16. M

    'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers) Weren't guards starting to show up? I'm sure enough could distract Yoda enough for the Emperor to make him a toasted little green kebab. And there weren't going to be any reinforcements for him at that point. As I recall he fell rather a long way...
  17. M

    Battlestar Galactica new

    I thought it was great. Story, acting, FX, music etc... Plus what happens one episode has an effect on the next! Why wasn't this thought of before? :D Can't wait for the next series. I too had the initial reaction of ' why did they change all that? ' but got over it. I also though the...
  18. M

    'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers) Agreed. As I recall, there are apparently only 20-30 film plots when you take them right down to the bones of the story. I've a friend from Hull, he's in the Navy... can drink like a fish!
  19. M

    'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers) Gandalf says it best: "Only a Ranger!" cries Gandalf. "My dear Frodo, that is just what the Rangers are: the last remnant in the North of the great people, the Men of the West" :p I love that stuff... anyway, this is off topic - back to Star...
  20. M

    'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers) The Rangers in Tolkien's world were the remnants of the Men of the West - Numenoreans - and were called the Dunedain. If you remember the start of the first film with the fight against Sauron, lots of the humans there would have been from the...