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  1. Chilli

    What are you watching now?

    Went to see a random Japanese movie called Always Sanchōme no Yūhi when in Budapest the other day, and running into an artsy-fartsy movie theatre with friends. Basically about life on a random street in a low-class district of post-WWII Tokyo. Was sappy as hell, and I get the feeling that the...
  2. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    None of the revelations of this episode shocked me with their retardedness, really. Mostly because I, after the revelation of "ZOMG!Tigh has been a Cylon all along", I was not expecting a resolution that wasn't retarded, and what we got made more sense than I was expecting, really. Damn it was...
  3. Chilli

    LOST Casting Spoiler

    Pretty sure the girl was not young Rousseau. British accent instead of a "French" one, wrong hair colour, wrong name, wrong age, wrong setting, wrong name. I'm next to certain the girl we met was Mr. Hawkings.
  4. Chilli

    LOST Casting Spoiler

    I was actually thinking he was less worried about it going off, and more worried about it radiation leaks. Though who knows. Faraday, of course, matches the general theme on Lost of having character names match up with the names of big thinkers (Faraday, Hume, Locke, Rousseau) .. I only now...
  5. Chilli

    LOST Casting Spoiler

    Snotty European moment coming up. There should be laws against American actors speaking Latin in movies and in TV series, lest they receive intense coaching. "See placette .. see placette" Ugh. OK. Enough snotty Europeanness. Got some definite theories after this episode that I'm sure...
  6. Chilli

    Rant Time: Over Marketing of Shitty Movies

    In the old days, European nations fought deadly wars every few years. Now we have the Eurovision Song Contest. Some say Europe has become a more peaceful and loving place. When in fact, Europe has just ascended to a new level of evil.
  7. Chilli

    Rant Time: Over Marketing of Shitty Movies

    I, too, agree with what KF said. I'm pretty annoyed about the attitude film-makers recently have, though, that anything directed to young people has to be stupid. Films for young people don't have to be stupid - just think of, say, "Spinal Tap" or "School of Rock". Definitely geared at a...
  8. Chilli

    Rant Time: Over Marketing of Shitty Movies

    Oi. Don't diss Mamma Mia. ;)
  9. Chilli

    RIP Patrick McGoohan

    For me, he'll be the guy that took the explanation for what the hell happened at the end of the Prisoner to the grave. You win this time, McGoohan. :wtf: I loved him in everything I saw him in, though. Well, can't say I loved him Braveheart, as I don't remember him from Braveheart. Or anything...
  10. Chilli

    Rant Time: Over Marketing of Shitty Movies

    What I find especially annoying is .. when watching TV shows on the web, and being given the same damned add for the same bad movie in every single add break. This was "Paul Blart, Mall Cop" just recently. Wasn't going to watch it the first time, wasn't going to watch it the gazillionth time...
  11. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    You know, this is another thing that has bothered me. They've got spines that glow kinky red when they have sex, but with Galactica's extensive medical resources, they are not able to determine a way to distinguish between humans and Cylons?
  12. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    My own crazy theory: They're not really on Earth. Have we seen a nice shot of the planet from space? Have we seen the continents? I honestly do not remember.
  13. Chilli

    RIP: Ricardo Montalban

    Died at the age of 88 This has been a rubbish day for geeks.
  14. Chilli

    24 - Season 7

    Yeah, this has been bothering me too. Especially when seeing bits and pieces of the Republican primary debate, and more than half the guys brought up Jack Bauer when asked if they would ever authorize torture. "If a clock was ticking, and Jack Bauer .." Er, yeah. Show me one historical...
  15. Chilli

    RIP Patrick McGoohan

  16. Chilli

    24 - Season 7

    I've probably been giving this show more leeway for batshit insane right-winged paranoia due to the occasional batshit insane left-winged paranoia they've had in their plots. I'm kind of cursed with generally being a completist - I have a hard time giving up on a show if I ever was into it, as...
  17. Chilli

    24 - Season 7

    Anyone still watching? The TV movie which aired last November was actually somewhat decent .. but the plot spoilers for season 7 don't make it sound like the show is jumping back behind the shark again. In any case, double episode, this coming monday.
  18. Chilli

    Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (Possible Spoilers)

    Well, there was Jon Pertwee, whose family changed its name from Perthuis to shroud the Frenchiness :D As for the whole race thing .. it has been established that certain genetic characteristics do change from regenration to regeneration. The eye colour has switched at least once.
  19. Chilli

    Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (Possible Spoilers)

    I don't really think a Bond flick written by two guys qualifies as an act of radical feminism. Especially when it sucked quite this much. It's not uncommon for (predominantly male) writers to create female characters, attempting to make them "strong", and mostly doing so by writing them either...
  20. Chilli

    Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (Possible Spoilers)

    I really don't know where you're coming from with the women stealing men's characters' thing - this is not meant as a snide remark, I reall don't. What cases are you thinking of?