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  1. Chilli

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Found a different version which actually loaded for me. Whut. If we're already on extracurricular activities of SMG at the time, let's not forget this!
  2. Chilli

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Stupid copyright. What's in the clip?
  3. Chilli

    Chilli's Movie Star Career Takes Off/Chilli is Never Going to Russia Again

    Google did. Maybe someone else here will get it without cheating. And I didn't really do much translating - while I can say things like "ouch!" and "huh" in several languages - and while apparently infants even scream in different languages .. I don't think most people are given the chance to...
  4. Chilli

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    I think it's kind of inevitable for a show centered around hip and trendy teenage life to become dated very quickly, I guess. Fortunately for myelf, I've become such an old fogey that's so completely out of touch with what is trendy and hip right now that most of this will pass me right by...
  5. Chilli

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Re: watching Buffy and Angel at the same time .. I started doing this, but soon quit. The styles of the two shows are so radically different that it really "clashed" for me - after watching an episode of Buffy, Angel seemed painfully gloomy and emo; after watching an episode of Angel, Buffy...
  6. Chilli

    Matt Smith Dr Who

    And still under BBC supervision - that's good. The Torchwood America rumours sounded absolutely crap - "We like your show, but couldn't Jack be straight?" :rolleyes:
  7. Chilli

    Chilli's Movie Star Career Takes Off/Chilli is Never Going to Russia Again

    Yeah, I'm hoping there will be a DVD or something. CV = curriculum vitae = resume
  8. Chilli

    Chilli's Movie Star Career Takes Off/Chilli is Never Going to Russia Again

    (Some of the language that will follow is not safe for work, or for fragile souls. You have been warned.) I've already been rolling in self-indulgence today, so what the hell. Some of the regulars might know some facts about me: * I speak Estonian - not in the same way the native Estonians...
  9. Chilli

    Anyone still watching Lost?

    Look, I also found it pretty lame how they built a show built on mysteries and riddles, and had none of the answers .. but don't you think you're being a bit .. dramatic? You didn't lose 6 years by watching Lost. You spent one hour a week, less than half the year, watching the show, and must...
  10. Chilli

    Ashes to Ashes... The End.

    With Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes, I saw the main arc primarily as the means to an end - the end being having an awesome retro cop show (which makes it quite different than Lost, which was marketed to be about the mystieries, yadday yadda yadda) So I was never expecting a science-fictiony payoff...
  11. Chilli

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Does it constitute a spoiler to say that Ethan is one of the best things about BtVS? In a moment of massive immaturity, I laughed out loud when I noticed that Byron was reptile boy. Back in 2003 when I watched the episode.
  12. Chilli

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Another problem with the witty dialgoe, especially on Buffy .. no-one ever laughs. Xander has some insult thrown at him, and comes up with the perfect comeback within the blink of an eye .. and his friends don't even react. What kind of robotesque friends are those? Why do people even bother...
  13. Chilli

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    I actually preferred season 6 to season 7 - season 6 was mostly brain-numbingly stupid, but enjoyable in the same way season 1 was for me - brainless stupid fun. Season 7 was just tedious - with even fewer exceptions than there were to season 6's sucking. Regarding the hipness/trendiness of the...
  14. Chilli

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Angel got some character by the time he got his own show, but not too much. It's mostly the supporting characters - two in particluar - that carried the spin-off for me. I can't really say too much here without spoiling anything, but .. while Angel remains pretty bland an uninteresting most of...
  15. Chilli

    Ashes to Ashes... The End.

    Actually saw this as it aired, as I'm currently in Wales (Swansea now, Rhosilli when it aired). Loved it. Also loved how the actual A2A resolution was what people have been kicking around as a possible Lost respolution from day 1. :lol:
  16. Chilli

    Anyone still watching Lost?

    Yup .. Chekhov's Gun.
  17. Chilli

    Anyone still watching Lost?

    My favourite quote from this last episode: :lol: I gave up on the notion that they might have a "plan" a long time ago, so I won't be too annoyed by a shitty series finale. I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that B5 was, infact, unique when it comes to this whole "knowing what the hell...
  18. Chilli

    Matt Smith Dr Who

    I actually "like" WWII and all that, in that I think it's a great setting for a story. It was the space scenes with the new pregnant Daleks that made this episode fall flat for me - I would have much preferred if they had gone somewhere with the ground-based story. Also, talking a bomb out of...
  19. Chilli

    Matt Smith Dr Who

    Any credible poll, then. I've been following DW internet discussions after episodes air since the show was revived, and every week, people are saying that the last episode was either the best, or worst, episode ever. Any poll including the current doctor will be biased so badly by default that...
  20. Chilli

    Matt Smith Dr Who

    If I'm understanding them correctly ... it should be noted here that the crews felt much the same way about Tom Baker when he took over from Jon Pertwee back in 1974. Pertwee was universially loved by anyone that had ever worked with him, while it's very rare to find anyone that ever worked with...