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  1. Chilli


    Just saw Avatar .. and to my great surprise, I loved it. Yeah, the story was simplistic, predictable, at times, the metaphor was getting a bit thick. Probably the most blatantly "message"-driven movie I've ever seen .. but this didn't bother me in the slightest, as it was a damned good message...
  2. Chilli

    Doctor Who: The End of Time (You have been Warned)

    Yes, this is true .. but he was not involved with the Timelord stuff at all. RTD wrote the script up to the regeneration .. and then asked moff for a line or two for 11. As 11 was "his" doctor, RTD felt that he should write the first words that he says. Of course, Moff sent RTD a bit more than...
  3. Chilli

    Doctor Who General Request:

    I'd go for 3/1 or 3/3. 3/3 has the better episodes, in my opinion .. but if being scared was a negative thing for this friend, trying to start him with Blink is probably not the bestest of best ideas. Smith and Jones has the additioinal bonus of being a season starter, and the first episode...
  4. Chilli

    Doctor Who: The End of Time (You have been Warned)

    .. in theory :D This was, for me, one of the weak points of TGitF. Mme de Pompadour came off as way too random to explain the doctor's infatuation for me. As far as I know, the certain parts of the fandom are still at war regarding the question if the Doctor loved Rose or not. But Rose's...
  5. Chilli

    Doctor Who: The End of Time (You have been Warned)

    It's possible, but Moff and RTD don't have a good track record here. A lot of people were bugged, back in season 2, about "The Girl in the Fireplace" not fitting in with the rest of the season. While that season had this big Rose-Doctor-Love thing going on, The Girl in the Fireplace had the...
  6. Chilli

    Doctor Who: The End of Time (You have been Warned)

    To not speculate any further on what RTD might or might not have been thinking when he set up that scene, I asked my sister about what he says about the scene in the Audio Commentary. In RTD's own words: "I wanted to have Wilf as Luke". He also admits that Jack's bar scene was more than just...
  7. Chilli

    Doctor Who: The End of Time (You have been Warned)

    This is kind of ad hominem .. but considering how open RTD has been in the past about seeking inspiration in other materials, I would be very surprised if the scenes in question were not Star Wars inspired. (Yes, even if it didn't occur to me at first - the turrets, at least. The council chamber...
  8. Chilli

    Doctor Who: The End of Time (You have been Warned)

    She did mention his name - Tom Milligan. But others are right - they were engaged, not married. Oh, another thing that struck me as kind of off: Jack is currently off to find himself/to learn to live with himself after he killed his own grandchild. The Doctor finds him .. and makes sure he...
  9. Chilli

    Doctor Who: The End of Time (You have been Warned)

    I can't recall his exact words, but I read an interview at some point in which he indicated that the doctor might be "romantic lead" of a sort. Which, for me, just isn't the doctor, in any incarnation.
  10. Chilli

    Doctor Who: The End of Time (You have been Warned)

    Honest question .. which parts did you feel were Star Wars rip-offs, aside from the council chamber? And yeah .. Martha and Mickey .. er .. didn't RTD already marry Martha off with this Tom Milligan guy? And can someone please explain the logic behind that cabin thingy to me - in particular...
  11. Chilli

    Doctor Who: The End of Time (You have been Warned)

    I didn't enjoy it at all, but that didn't come as a surprise to me. The more RTD goes for "grand", the worse his scripts get for me - the S1 finale was not very good, the S2 finale was bad, and the S3 finale was just terrible - and with each one, he was trying to outdo the last one. It's not...
  12. Chilli

    What are you watching now?

    This is weird. Just last week, I watched a random X-Files episode - "Drive" - about a moustached redneck rambling about the Jewish world conspiracy that needs to be heading West for his ear to not explode. The guy seemed vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place him. Checked IMDB - yep, it's him...
  13. Chilli

    What are you watching now?

    I enjoyed it. I'd be lying if I said I fully appreciated - if there was every a movie you'd need a chart to understand, this is it. But I'm OK with that - I don't mind bizarre plot twists and convoluted story lines as long as it was obviously planned out, and as long as it all makes sense in...
  14. Chilli

    What are you watching now?

    Primer. My brain hurts.
  15. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    Maybe I'm mixing something up. I remember thinking that Worf's mom was a blatant caricature of the Jewish mom clichee, but I guess it wasn't stated on the show. Though a quick check on google reveals that I wasn't the only person that thought this when watching "Family", hah. Link. (Right ...
  16. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    Funny how pretty much everyone knows that Spock was played by a Jew, but it generally goes unmentioned that Kirk was, too. Shatner just looks too much like an Aryan Übermensch, I guess. They even made a dig at that in Patterns of Force. Regarding the no Jews on Star Trek: I don't think there...
  17. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    ... does Zachary Quinto come from Vulcan? :D And then you had a Korean guy playing a Japanese guy with a Filipino name. ZOMG.
  18. Chilli

    Torchwood: Children of Earth (Spoilers)

    Re: Torchwood: Children of Earth (Spoliers) RTD has claimed that a fourth season is ready to go, if the third season's performance satisfies the BBC. No word from the BBC, yet, AFAIK, but the ratings were quite good.
  19. Chilli

    JMS and Jeremiah.

    Basically, season 2 will not be released till JMS and MGM stop hating each other's guts. Which isn't happening anytime soon. Season 2 was quite good too - pity it ended there, but there was some closure, at least. JMS was quite happy with Jeremiah from a creative point of view, but left the...
  20. Chilli

    Torchwood: Children of Earth (Spoilers)

    Re: Torchwood: Children of Earth (Spoliers) Have only seen the first part, so not reading anything in this thread, but so far .. it's a whole different show. One that doesn't suck. Not sure yet if it will stay this way, but so far, I'm quite impressed.