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  1. Chilli

    Wizard Magazine's "25 Greatest Sci-Fi Shows Ever"

    This specific bit of "terminology" hasn't become ingrained with anyone but geeks and nerds.
  2. Chilli

    Wizard Magazine's "25 Greatest Sci-Fi Shows Ever"

    This usage of the word "genre" is just fucking stupid. It's like calling all books published in the French language "language books".
  3. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    Heh .. yeah, my SPOILERS!! note might have indicated more spoilers than I've posted. I'm sure they'll come. Here's one spoiler: A redshirt dies. :wtf: I'm mostly with you - I never cared about Berman ruining Roddenberry's universe. When watching old Trek, new Trek just didn't happen for me...
  4. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    Hah. Seems like I got it a day earlier than everyone else. This whole thing was stupid. The idea was stupid, the plot was stupid, it never should have been done. But it was still rather fun, in an entirely not Star Trek way. Just for Simon Pegg alone, who was way too awesome to be a believable...
  5. Chilli

    Wizard Magazine's "25 Greatest Sci-Fi Shows Ever"

    Well, maybe Torchwood does deserve a place in the top 25 Sci-Fi shows of all times. Which just goes to show that there haven't been very many Sci-Fi shows.
  6. Chilli

    Wizard Magazine's "25 Greatest Sci-Fi Shows Ever"

    A list putting Star Trek: TNG four places over Star Trek deserves nothing but or contempt.
  7. Chilli

    "Best SciFi Theme Tune"

    They created this concept of a "split" crew, with all the Marquis people having actually been the enemies of Starfleet, yadda yadda yadda .. and something like three episodes in, everyone was huggy-luvvy-goody-cheery. :rolleyes: It started to suck there, and went only down from there. Remember...
  8. Chilli

    "Best SciFi Theme Tune"

    I actually think the Voyager theme could be good, if it wasn't mentally connected to seven years of fighting gag reflexes.
  9. Chilli

    "Best SciFi Theme Tune"

    The two coolest SciFi Theme Tunes ever are missing - The Prisoner, and .. Knight Rider. :p Dadadadadadadadadadada Dadadadadadadadadadada .. Dim da da da, dim da da da, dim da da da-da-daaaa
  10. Chilli

    Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead

    That would be Tegan. :p
  11. Chilli

    Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead

    I think "he" will be the Master - again. Which is a lot less scary than the foreshadowing was. :D Quite liked this one - nice surprise after the utterly rubbish Christmas special. The ZOMG-fuckup of the Dubai port authorities (damaging the bus when unloading it) fit the script perfectly.
  12. Chilli

    So...what is everybody reading now? (part Deux)

    Thread revival, as I seem to have been a year late with reading Ender's Game - which I just finished. Greatly enjoyed it, though I totally called the final plot twists half-way through. Hah! I've got Speaker for the Dead lying on my shelf, as I picked it up, with Ender's Game, at a flea market...
  13. Chilli

    Ashes to Ashes (Life on Mars Spin Off/Sequel)

    Seems like no one ever posted after the first episode - which sucked. Even if later episodes didn't suck nearly as much as the first one. Anyways, Ashes to Ashes will be back sometime later this month. Trailer HERE. Still not as hyped as I would be if this was Life on Mars, but definitely...
  14. Chilli

    LOST Casting Spoiler

    Even more ironic is that Jack, with his inaction, is responsible too.
  15. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Shh! He means this! ;) I don't think it's Christian propaganda. I just think it's a joke that'll be easier to appreciate for Christains.
  16. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    I have NO idea what you're talking about. You win. :D Maybe I should have clicked that youTube link ..
  17. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    That might be a better example if it wasn't a movie universially accepted to be utter shite from everyone everywhere, plot-wise :p God turning out to be a con-man isn't a plot device anyway. It's a plot. A really, really, REALLY bad plot.
  18. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Which fiction franchises DO involve god regularly?
  19. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Show me one piece of fiction in which the non-existence of god was used as a lame-ass plot device. :p