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  1. Chilli

    Star Trek *spoilers*

    If I can go grumpypants on this movie ... :D I'm getting less interested in this movie with every new trailer that's released. I was quite thrilled by the first trailer - the one that had nothing in it but Leonard Nimoy, and the Enterprise. The second one made the movie look like a random...
  2. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Not sure if anyone else noticed this, but .. when Sam starts talking jibberish, among the stuff he's blabbering, there's: "There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza!" Is there any meaning in this? Or am I just stupid for not having managed to blend out modern-day Earth pop culture on...
  3. Chilli

    LOST Casting Spoiler

    Do we know the statue was intact in 1974? The time our guys saw it was further in the past than that. Quite a good episode - the show might be getting somewhat confusing, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Only worry I have now is that they'll revive the Sawyer-Jack-Kate-Juliet love .. square.
  4. Chilli

    Terminator Salvation

    LOL. That whole thing is probably the main reason I'm definitely going to go and see this movie.
  5. Chilli


    Re: New Joss Whedon show Implant them with fitness-freak personalities 3-4 hours a day. Job done.
  6. Chilli


    Re: New Joss Whedon show I thought it was quite clear that tactile experience, body control, and anything of the sort is included in what they can program the dolls with. That's why they put the short-sightedness and the asthma in in the first episode. They shouldn't be able to make her a...
  7. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    This is so true, too. Initially decent characters on this show have, one by one, become so useless - first Baltar, then Starbuck and Apollo, then Roslin and Adama. Right now, only Ellen and Tigh still marginally interest me - they've killed everyone else that didn't suck.
  8. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Yes. But it's still stupid. :p
  9. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Same. I don't care about the science behind the Cylon test, but when you devote an entire season to "ZOMG, everyone could be a Cylon! We can't test it!", then suddenly have a test in one episode, and then suddenly can't test again in the next episode .. .. well, it reminds makes me love B5 just...
  10. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    I think I'd let the show get away with a lot more if it, itself, didn't take itself so god-damned seriously at the time. I mean, I let Buffy and Firefly get away with ANYTHING, because they never pretended to be anything but a show about a high-school girl fighting vampires, or a Western in...
  11. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Their spines glow red when they have hot sex, but it's impossible to distinguish them from humans in a medical examination! (Yes, I hate this show, and will belittle its dramatic intricacies to the very end.)
  12. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Even after a C-Section? Alluveal does have a point, though - we don't even know if Cylons scar. Still would love to see that essay, though. :)
  13. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    I never got evil Boomer. I didn't even get why she shot Adama in season 1, awesome as that might have been at the time. Maybe it makes more sense to people that did not tune out on all the Cylon episodes a few years ago? I can't say. As for the kid in the box - maybe she attached it to a...
  14. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Often, yes. But not always. I've had the same experience in university courses, where you'll have dozens of people - and rarely will I be the only non-Austrian in the group. Names that are quite comfortable to our English-speaking ears, but that aren't actually our names - aside from Sam...
  15. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Aww. You called me Eurotrash! *smooches* :p The one thing in this whole discussion I've forgotten, regarding how we all remember names, and how it might or might not be easier to remember characters by familiar names .. at least I, on BSG, *don't* remember bloody anyone by their forenames...
  16. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Not being familiar with Zulu in the slightest, I have a hard time making arguments here. I'll just say that for me, names in some cultures are a lot easier to capture than in others. I had an incredibly easy time learning words, and names, in Estonian, for example, also if this is a language not...
  17. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    I very much doubt my name is the first strange, foreign name such people have learned. OK, take Lord of the Rings then - which has a HUGE set of characters, compared to both Star Wars and BSG, with very few of them based on languages the reader might be familiar with, lest he by chance knows...
  18. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    The ole clichee of .. diferent cultures having different names? :wtf: I think it could also be a cultural factor - for me as someone living in a place where I'll be in three different countries with distinct languages and distinct names within an hour's drive, it feels pretty goofy to tune in...
  19. Chilli

    LOST Casting Spoiler

    Which I'm guessing Ben might have known - so he could still possibly be not completely evil? The slimy bastard.
  20. Chilli

    Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

    Years of reading Dreamwatch, SFX magazine, internet message boards, and not completely living behind the moon. :lol: