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Search results

  1. Chilli

    Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (Possible Spoilers)

    Part of it is that we're on the internet, and the internet was made for pathetic whining :D Part is, also, a nervousness of the show going in some new direction which might not be appealing. Personally, I'm a bit afraid of Moffat trying to make the Doctor too much of a standard romantic lead...
  2. Chilli

    Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (Possible Spoilers)

    He doesn't look it. Not with that haircut, at least. Like I've said, I'll keep my final judgement till I've seen him in action, but in general, while all doctors have been different, they've all had a certain gravitas - even Davison and Tennant (though Tennant was quite weak in his first...
  3. Chilli

    Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (Possible Spoilers)

    Well, it's official for our girls and guy-liking guys .. lusting for the Doctor has just become cradle-robbing. :rolleyes: I've never seen him in anything, so I'll withhold my judgement, but the doctor being a goofy teenager is not encouraging.
  4. Chilli

    Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (Possible Spoilers)

    David Tennant accidentially busted that rumour by stating that he envied the bloke they've chosen. Thank god. While I have no problems with a black actor in principle - as long as he has a convincing British accent - it would kind of focus how the last nine have consistenly been white guys. But...
  5. Chilli

    Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (Possible Spoilers)

    I .. don't think that is too likely. :D In other news, seems like the 11th doctor will be announced tomorrow.
  6. Chilli


    Re: New Joss Whedon show Ah. Well, that's what I get for getting all my news from Wikipedia. :p
  7. Chilli


    Re: New Joss Whedon show Been a while, but .. The show will start airing on 13 Feb. First reports not making me too optimistic. Still will probably give the show a try though, also if neither the cast nor the concept seem intriguing.
  8. Chilli

    Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (Possible Spoilers)

    Agreed on both points. I have been crossing my fingers quite a bit that Morrisey won't be the next doctor, AND this special sucked completely. It had its good parts. Sadly, most of those were in the first two minutes, which had already been released.
  9. Chilli

    Doctor Who Christmas Special 2008 (Possible Spoilers)

    I agree with you on Morrisey. He's too much like the 10th doctor for him to be a different incarnation. Looking forward to this. And cursing my sister's boyfriend, who flew to London last night and will be watching this on BBC as it airs. :rolleyes:
  10. Chilli

    RIP: Majel Barrett

    She did.
  11. Chilli

    RIP: Majel Barrett

    Died earlier today from leukemia complications. Damn. :(
  12. Chilli

    What are you watching now?

    Currently watching "The Prisoner" for the first time. There are no words for how awesome this show is.
  13. Chilli

    What are you watching now?

    I saw 2001 .. I'm not sure I got it, but I found it dreadfully, dreadfully boring. I saw it again years later, and definitely got it .. and still found it dreadfull, dreadfully boring. I understand that it is a milestone of filmmaking. I also understand just how amazing the special effects in...
  14. Chilli

    What are you watching now?

    Insomnia was only the second movie with Al Pacino I've ever seen. I suck. Talking about stuff everyone else has seen but not me, off to watch "Citizen Cane".
  15. Chilli

    What are you watching now?

    I've loved all the Nolan flicks I've seen so far, and I seem to be a bit of a minority here in actually having loved The Prestige. It's the rare movie that was intriguing for me in the beginning before I knew what was going on, and that actually made sense once I did. Also, I'm a sucker for...
  16. Chilli

    Star Trek *spoilers*

    From another article .. here
  17. Chilli

    Star Trek *spoilers*

  18. Chilli

    Breaking Doctor Who News (MEGA SPOILER)

    As long as he speaks with a British accent, I'll be happy. :p
  19. Chilli

    Breaking Doctor Who News (MEGA SPOILER)

    I find if funny that of four of the top people under consideration, three have been on the show (or will have been on the show) .. such a little pool it is? :lol: James Nesbitt would be my personal favourite, as long as he plays him more Jekyll, and less Hyde. Wouldn't mind John Simm, but him...
  20. Chilli

    What are you watching now?

    Stuff recently watched: * Two of five Seasons of "Press Gang", a British youth show from the late 80s/early 90s, written by a very young Steven Moffat of Coupling fame, and the new showrunner on Doctor Who. Like everything else he has ever done, I enjoyed it greatly. * Watched the Tim Burton...