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  1. GeoKuutio

    BSG Season 1

    I actually liked Admiral Cain. Yes, she was maybe a bit bitchy and yes some of her decisions were not Adama-like, but I liked her nevertheless. And no. We won't lie to you. Mwaha!
  2. GeoKuutio

    Andreas Katsulas Dies

    Sad. Very sad. :(
  3. GeoKuutio

    Yet another quiz, Serenity style!

    I am Inara :cool:. with 81%. Neat. All that with something Jayneish 50%. So what am I? A trigger happy whore?
  4. GeoKuutio

    BSG Season 1

  5. GeoKuutio

    City of Heros videogame question?

    Someone forgot the Ultima Online.
  6. GeoKuutio

    Rangers DVD coming to R1 in March

    Now that makes much more sense doesn't it? So, after all these speculations and blaming Scifi and almost everyone on-board the project itself, it all came down to this... some petty ownership conflicts. Actually, now that it is explained (thanks Joe!) I must agree with Joe's viewpoint and...
  7. GeoKuutio

    Problems with Cafe Press ???

    Everything has been smooth on this end too. Although I live across the pond, their shipping was relatively fast and it took only about one week 'till the book arrived. This time I could get my hands on it straight away, thanks for the smaller packaging that is. I've never even heard about...
  8. GeoKuutio

    Odyssey 5 is coming to DVD!

    Yeah, it didn't have ending of any sort. Just like Crusade - one day it just wasn't there. But all in all, O5 was something different and entertaining.
  9. GeoKuutio

    Odyssey 5 is coming to DVD!

    At long last! I remember when local tv channel was airing this series, it was absolutely brilliant, the plot, the characters and foremost the setting! Sadly I missed about half of the episodes they aired, but it seems that now we will have a glorious DVD release, I hope there will be at least...
  10. GeoKuutio

    Babylon 5 smilies, avatars and wallpapers

    That's cool. I prefer this one because the docking bay is illuminated in this one. Good work.
  11. GeoKuutio

    JMS Scripts Ship Date?

    Yay! Got mine today. And the I saw the book and the book was good. And now I shall read it. :D
  12. GeoKuutio

    EpDis: Point Of No Return

    I actually like this one. I don't know exactly why, maybe because of dialogue or setting or the overall mood of the episode. But I gave this one A. In my opinion, it deserves it. Call me a weirdo, but I almost prefer this to Severed Dreams.
  13. GeoKuutio

    Babylon 5: The Complete Universe Box Set

    You can buy so-called "bypass kit" for the PS2. At least they are sold in a couple of places... I just don't know how legal they are in US.
  14. GeoKuutio

    JMS Scripts Ship Date?

    Groovy. Now we just have to lay our greasy geeky hands on the volume 1 if it ever reaches this corner of Earth that is. Dammit, will I get volume 1 before volume 2 will be out?
  15. GeoKuutio

    JMS Scripts Ship Date?

  16. GeoKuutio

    JMS Scripts Ship Date?

    I got e-mail from Cafepress this Friday in which they said sorry for the delay with the scripts. And they said that they will ship mine on coming Monday. Since I live in Finland, I'll guess it takes about 5-7 days for the book to appear in my mail box.
  17. GeoKuutio

    Terminator News

    Terminated news Dear god. This sounds terrible. I mean, the third movie was awful, it was like... Doom. And now the tv-series? About what? A woman on the run? I sense a souls in search for money... Anyway, of course being a sci-fi person myself I will give this tv-series a chance, I thought...
  18. GeoKuutio

    B5: Legend of the Rangers

    Darn. Now I must say only one word, ouch. Well, on the other news, I didn't saw that other picture... but yeah, thanks for the info anyway.
  19. GeoKuutio

    B5: Legend of the Rangers

    So as we all know, this fine tv-movie has been released in Region 2 area and we also know that the cover on that movie was pretty awful. Anyway, today I finally got my copy of it (I love Play.com) and guess what, it had totally different cover, it resembles Season 1 of B5 actually. Anyway...
  20. GeoKuutio

    Babylon 5 novels and graphic novels

    That sounds pretty nice to me. Although, on the other hand, how much liability Miss Christian has in these things? I mean, what does she actually knows about these things? And RW, happy birthday!