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  1. dawnchild

    Is it time to go beyond the rim?

    Just popped in after a long abscence.. and am sad to see you are considering shutting down the forum :( If there was a little more activity here (what about f.ex fun RP in the B5 world?) I would come here more often, I remember with fondness the activity-level we had 14-15 years ago when I...
  2. dawnchild

    Legend Of The Seeker

    Is always a matter of taste as with everything else ;) Btw I also enjoy "A Song of Ice and Fire" (though I wish Martin would get "A Dance With Dragons" done, waiting 4-5 years for each of his books is a bit of a pain..). I also tried the first couple of "Malazan"-books but they were not really...
  3. dawnchild

    Legend Of The Seeker

    Never heard of this tv-series.. interesting. While I do believe Robert Jordan's grand epic Wheel of Time-saga is even better ;) , and that Goodkind mirrored (some would say "stole") some of Jordan's ideas and concepts in his Sword of Truth-universe, I too have enjoyed the story of Richard and...
  4. dawnchild

    'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers) Ep 3: Great movie, superb entertainment, gave me the shivers on several occasions.. now the story is complete! Yay!! :D Bravo George Lucas!!
  5. dawnchild

    Poll: What about the Crusade DVDs?

    I won't be buying this (was never a big fan of Crusade, much preferring B5), have my eyes instead on the "Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars"-dvd coming in January ;) :D
  6. dawnchild

    ROTS Teaser Poster

    Did I say I think the poster is way cool ?! Guess I did yeah .. :D :D ;) Sometimes, I think people just love bashing anything that can be bashed .. and bashing Lucas for what he has done with Eps 1-3 has become a sport for some .. go Lucas and Star Wars!! :D :cool: :D
  7. dawnchild

    Star Wars Trailer, link here!

    Just watched the teaser, looks great! Can't wait for the movie in 6 months time. Go Star Wars!! :D :D
  8. dawnchild

    ROTS Teaser Poster

    I think the teaser poster is great! Simple but oh so to the point! :D ;)
  9. dawnchild

    Sleeping in the light - Did you cry?

    Oh yes, tears were falling .. a very emotional moment when Sheridan says his final goodbye to Delenn ... gets me every time that scene ..
  10. dawnchild

    Top Ten moments in sci-fi...

    These are some of the most special moments for me in sci fi (series/films) : Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - The infamous lightsaber-duel between Luke and Darth Vader with the Emperor in the background watching .. Oh man, I get the shivers every time I watch that scene, perhaps the Star...
  11. dawnchild

    Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars DVD

    Go Farscape!! :D Can't wait for the "Peacekeeper Wars" to come out on dvd! :D :D
  12. dawnchild

    ROTK: Extended Edition Release Date

    This Extended Version of the already brilliant RoTK may become my favourite film ever!! :D I almost get the shivers just thinking about watching this version soon on dvd ... :D :D ;)
  13. dawnchild

    Star Wars Eps III now has a name

    Great title!! :D :D I love Star Wars (aye, the original three films were the best, true classics! but the newer films are better than their rep.), really enjoyed AoTC and am very much looking forward to this third film next year (SW ep 3) :D ;)
  14. dawnchild

    Farscape: Peacekeeper War pictures

    Go Farscape!! :D :D Once again, all honour to the multitude of Scapers around the world whose constant campaigning made this mini-series completion of the saga possible .. :cool: :)
  15. dawnchild

    Does anyone know the S5 R2 Release date?!?!

    :D *waves to his fellow Nordic friend* :cool: Am so glad I bought a regionfree dvd-player .. more flexibility, less waiting for releases .. :D
  16. dawnchild

    "Today we lost Richard Biggs"

    Re: \"Today we lost Richard Biggs\" Sad indeed :( Our prayers go out to his family. He will remembered. Always.
  17. dawnchild

    King Arthur

    Well, reading this whole thread my first comment is .. ... I actually liked and enjoyed First Knight (Arthurian saga) , Armageddon (B&B-film), Pearl Harbour (another B&B-film) and also Star Wars ep 2 for that matter (another film often trashed in this forum) .. guess that makes me a freak huh...
  18. dawnchild

    Farscape Returns

    Farscape is so great because of its fantastic and ingenious weirdness and whacko parts ! :D :lol: ;)
  19. dawnchild

    Farscape Returns

    The thousands of Farscape-fans and their never-ending campaigning in the US (and other places) for a return of their fav show is the primary (if not only) reason for this miniseries seeing the light of day from what I have read, and I want to pay tribute to those fans (some of whom might also...
  20. dawnchild

    Well, . . Got my Season 5 dvd. . .

    I have pre-ordered my B5 region 1 season 5-dvd from Play.USA , hope to get it in the post within a week or so! :) Can't wait ... simply having all 5 seasons of B5 on dvd is greeeeaaat!! :D :D