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Search results

  1. dawnchild


  2. dawnchild

    Star Wars: Episode VII?

    Actually I thought AoTC was great movie-entertainment, even if it did not quite stand up to the original Star Wars-movies which were classics. The criticized "romance-scenes" (bad dialogue) are only a small part of the movie: check out the CGI-details of the depicted worlds, the exilerating...
  3. dawnchild

    Star Wars IV, V & VI DVDs

    This is bloody great news if you ask me, Star Wars rules! :D Whether they be the original versions or the "enhanced" ones, they will be great additions to my DVD-collection. Have been waiting long for this DVD-release! :cool: Can't wait for Star Wars ep 3 in 2005 either, will be great I am...
  4. dawnchild

    FINAL Cover Art for Season 5 set released!

    I think the cover-art looks great! :D
  5. dawnchild

    So who else is counting the days until...

    I believe Sci fi/fantasy is doing pretty darn well these days, both at the cinema and on dvd. The Matrix-sequels (great films, I think!), Star Wars ep 2 (which btw is a very good and hugely entertaining movie! :D , despite the bashing it undeservedly receives by some, and which has done pretty...
  6. dawnchild

    Shelob ROCKS! (spoilers for ROTK)

    All I can say is: Bravo Peter Jackson! Bravo! Bravo! :D RoTK is a magnificent ending to a magnificent movie-trilogy, the 3 films together (especially in Extended DVD-versions) are a masterpiece! :D ;) PS. The Shelob-sequence was one of the many, many great scenes that together made this...
  7. dawnchild

    Greetings from a Newbie

    Welcome to this place , have great fun! :D ;)
  8. dawnchild

    Matrix Revolutions Kicks Ass! (spoilers)

    Well , I watched this movie at the cinema today and I must say I think The Matrix Revolutions rocked!! :D :D Somewhat different - and though not entirely satisfying it was a sci-fi-action-blast that was just awesome!!! :D What a sci-fi trilogy! Go Matrix!! :D ;)
  9. dawnchild

    Farscape Season 2 Box Set

    Go Farscape! :D ;)
  10. dawnchild

    Season 3 R2 Release Date

    I sent an email to Play.Com UK in July asking about this very thing and got the following in reply: Hi there Thank you for your email. The information regarding item specifications comes directly from the releasing studios. Whilst we strive to keep our website as up to date and as...
  11. dawnchild

    SPOILER thoughts on Matrix Reloaded

    Many very interesting thoughts on the Matrix-universe in this thread :). I saw the film at the cinema a few weeks ago and enjoyed it muchly must say! :D Though I still rate the first Matrix-film a little higher , it was still a very good sequel. :) One can always find things in every movie...
  12. dawnchild


    Re: NEW HERE, NEW TO B5, AND LUVIN\' IT SO FAR ^o^! Welcome to the board! :) B5 is indeed a fab sci fi-series , with a multitude of fascinating characters and a great story-arc , enjoy watching the seasons! :D Myself I can`t wait for Season 2 on DVD soon!! :D :D
  13. dawnchild

    Sleeping in Light

    SiL chokes me up to the extent that I almost can`t bear watching it .. a very good episode indeed , but it pains my heart to watch Delenn and Sheridan ( my 2 fav chars in B5 ) saying the final goodbye at the end ..
  14. dawnchild

    Hans Zimmer

    I think Zimmer makes great movie-soundtracks. The music from "The Rock" is among my favourites , makes shivers go down my spine every time I listen to it. A great action-movie it is with some great music!
  15. dawnchild

    Lord of the Rings Shorted

    Personally I am overjoyed to see LoTR : The Two Towers get as many nominations as it got , among them in the very prestigious Best Picture-category. There were many good films last year and I thought it might get snubbed alltogether. Great recognition of what will be a brilliant movie-saga...
  16. dawnchild

    Any JAG fans out there ?

    I like JAG , have watched the episodes a few times.
  17. dawnchild

    Anyone read Terry Goodkind?

    There are many great books in the Wheel of Time- series , all in all a marvellous fantasy-saga! - but as others have mentioned here : the story must be read from the beginning ( book 1 : "Eye of the World" ) for it to make the most sense. It is after all one waylong fascinating epic story...
  18. dawnchild

    Knight Rider

    I used to watch Knight Rider as well in the 80s , thought it was quite entertaining then .. watched series like the A-team and Airwolf back then too .. Feels a lifetime ago ..
  19. dawnchild

    Anyone read Terry Goodkind?

    Terry Goodkind`s "Sword of Truth"-series is very enjoyable reading I`d say! I still believe Tolkien`s "Lord of the Rings"-trilogy , Robert Jordan`s "Wheel of Time"-series and George R R Martin`s "A Song of Ice and Fire"-saga are even better ( they are fantasy-classics!! ) but Goodkind`s books...
  20. dawnchild

    Movies galore in '03

    Re: Movies galore in \'03 Well - I thought The Matrix and T2 were great movies and will certainly go to the cinema to watch the Matrix-sequels this year + T3 + of course LoTR Part 3 : The Return of the King , which I am sure will be a superb climax to a superb piece of cinematic work