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Search results

  1. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Queen F5-H5 Check <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: It had happened 1000 years before and now history repeated itself. In a Wheel of Time , ever spinning in a dynasty of ages , the conflict returned - to be fought and died over. Anew. Though many secrets remained hidden to the...
  2. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Queen G5-F5 Check <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Onwards they sped through hyperspace toward the homeworld of the Shadows. So far they had not encountered enemy-vessels but Delenn felt sure that they would before arrival. Into the fire we go. This is destiny. The huge...
  3. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Queen H4-G5 Check <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Delenn found it good to be back on Minbar. She hadn`t been there for a long while and it was good to talk to her old friends and advisors in the Religious Cast. Her oldest friend , Servath , looked at her and said "Delenn , you...
  4. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Queen F2-H4 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Delenn needed some time on her own. Oh Lennier , my dear , dear friend .. that it should come to this. She hid her grief well , but Sheridan understood and saw that she needed some solitude. And there was a second matter to be...
  5. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Left Castle A1-E1 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Commander Ivanova , 2nd in command on Babylon 5 , strode purposefully toward Command Centre. She had an idea she wanted to share with Sheridan and Delenn , a possible attack-plan now that they had gotten intelligence-reports on...
  6. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Left Bishop D2xF4 <font color="green">Comment</font color>: I guessed it was a mistake on your part Lennier. I have made some errors of judgement as well in this fun game .. Still , all is up for grabs here - is a close game and those are always the best! <font...
  7. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Queen E1-F2 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Delenn of the Minbari , head of the Rangers , acted as soon as she got the message from Venn Nevain. War. Destruction. Is that all there is for this Age ? Conferring with Sheridan about this possible biological-technical...
  8. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Pawn F3xE4 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Whitestar 6 heard the distress-call from its sister-vessel and headed toward sector 4 at full speed , keeping Command Centre informed of their manouvre. Over the intercom from Whitestar 5 screams were heard , orders shouted frantically...
  9. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Pawn E3-E4 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: "Head into sector 4" was the order they had gotten from Command Centre and now they were doing as ordered. The Captain of Whitestar 5 , an earth-Captain of middle years and hard stare called Mirradon , conferred with his 2nd in command...
  10. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Queen D1-E1 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Delenn`s mind was on something else as Sheridan spoke. "We have gained the support of our allies , but we must bide our time." Where is the piece we are missing ? "Sinclair agrees that we must move soon. We must move deftly and...
  11. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Short Castling <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: "I agree , the danger is great." Jeffrey Sinclair , Ambassador to the Minbar , spoke in a lowered tone. "But we need to do something ." Zack , your sacrifice will not go unpunished , thought Sheridan as he listened to Sinclair`s...
  12. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Right Knight F4xD3 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: The Whitestar-ship took them by surprise. Zack had to admit that luck had played a part , but even so he felt a thrill seeing the enemy-vessel fall to pieces before their eyes. Several missiles had hit the other ship before it...
  13. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Left Bishop C1-D2 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Lennier , 2nd in command on this mission , spoke over the intercom with the other Whitestar-ship and monitored their movements. They were in a path that mirrored the other , waiting for enemy-vessels in hyperspace. What will...
  14. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Right Knight H3-F4 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Intelligence-reports suggested that an agressive move by the enemy was imminent and Zack felt it prudent to act upon this threath. He had conferred with Sheridan who had agreed. Now as he spoke to his assistants and sent them...
  15. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Right Knight G1-H3 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Zack stared long and hard at the security-report in his hand but his thoughts were on Garibaldi. Light Michael , how did it come to this ... Security on and around the station was tight but still there were many unanswered...
  16. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Pawn F2-F3 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Whitestar 6 patrolled the area around Babylon 5 , security having been heightened after the recent events. Then the order came that they were to head toward the Minbari Homeworld to bring back Ambassador Sinclair. They entered...
  17. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Pawn B2xC3 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Whitestar 1 fired but missed and soon Whitestar 2 joined battle with the enemy-ship. Marcus Cole of the Anla`shok gave the command to fire back but even as the words left his lips they were hit by a blast from the other vessel. The...
  18. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Pawn A2-A3 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: After the incident with Ambassador Kosh and Michael Garibaldi the station was put on full alert. When the Ranger who had disposed of the enemy-agent was found killed soon after Sheridan called a Security Council. It was time to act...
  19. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Pawn C2xD3 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: They were on their way to see the Vorlon Ambassador Kosh when it happened. As the figure stumbled into Garibaldi , in that second of mutual surprise as Garibaldi stared at the other with genuine surprise in his eyes , time stood still...
  20. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Queen F3-D1 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: The Whitestar-ship docked at Babylon 5 and Delenn hurriedly disembarked and headed toward Command Centre. Soon she was conferring with Sheridan. She was glad to be at his side again , but at the same time wondered what lay ahead. "I...