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Search results

  1. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Queen E4-F3 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: They could not see anything out there but Delenn felt a threath nonetheless. A premonition. It is not worth to chance it whoever is out there. Not yet. She contacted Sheridan and agreed that they were to pull back. As they headed...
  2. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Right Bishop B5-D3 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Security Chief Michael Garibaldi listened to the reports from his men , but his mind was only partially on what they were saying. There must be spies of the enemy aboard. But who are they ? Where do we look ? They had acted...
  3. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Queen D5-E4 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Delenn decided not to take any chances and so ordered Whitestar 10 to pull back from the area where they had destroyed the enemy-ship. They opened a jumpgate and entered hyperspace. A message was sent to Sheridan at B5 detailing what...
  4. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Queen D1xD5 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: "Fire!" Delenn commanded and a beam of fire left Whitestar 10 and struck the foreign vessel in the bow. Retaliatory fire shook the Whitestar-ship but it was holding up well. So far. Through a third party they had been told that...
  5. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Pawn D4xE5 Am sure you meant C8-D7 ( not C8-C7 ) , the only possible move for that chess-piece. Okies , your Bishop is now on D7. <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Whitestar 4 , with Captain Senhiar at the helm , only got a second`s warning and then they were under fire from...
  6. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Right Bishop F1-B5 <font color="green">Comment</font color>: I have found that our storybuilding has perhaps become too complex atleast compared to what I had in mind and is inadvertantly slowing down the game , atleast for me ... , I will therefore focus on shorter roleplay-posts from...
  7. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Pawn D2-D4 <font color="green">Your question</font color> : Is fine by me if this topic is moved to General Discussion. Due to its diverse nature I was unsure where it belonged and so put it in Off Topic. <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color>: Command Centre had received reports that...
  8. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Left Knight B1-C3 <font color="blue">Roleplay</font color> : Staring into space Markas wondered at the approaching night. We serve and protect, the Ranger-part of him whispered , but are we ready for what comes ? Vigilance was a part of him , his Ranger-training had seen to that , and...
  9. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    White Pawn E2-E3 : The game begins I am ok with what you suggest. I think the easiest would be to just begin the game and see how things go and then we can modify things as we go if that should become necessary . The gaming-aspect is what matters and pairing that with some roleplay in the...
  10. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    Okies , we have a game , Lennier! One thing , as I see it we cannot have the same chess-piece characters. Londo is either a white piece or a black piece , so we won`t get the situation you mention ( a shady grey Londo meeting a white Londo etc ). I suggest Londo in our game is a Black...
  11. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    Interesting idea , 2aMageing. We have a game over here called RISK where you try to conquer other nations , is that the one you were thinking of ? Lennier , I agree with your assessment but for the purposes of a RPing chess game we need two opposing forces , black and white , and so I think it...
  12. dawnchild

    Chess Game in the B5-Universe , anyone ?

    Anyone fancy joining me in a Chess Game "with a twist" ? The "twist" being that we set the game in the B5-Universe , the War against the Shadows , and pair the chess moves with short roleplaying posts ? For example , White shall be the Forces of "Good" ( with say Delenn as the White Queen ...
  13. dawnchild

    B5 mentioned in DVD article

    Coolies! With every day we come a tad bit closer to the B5 Season 1 DVD-Boxset release , can`t wait!
  14. dawnchild

    "We're Number One!"

    Re: \"We\'re Number One!\" Very nice , good news indeed! Can`t wait for the B5 Season 1 Boxset!
  15. dawnchild

    Looks like we're going to have pre-order soon!

    Re: Looks like we\'re going to have pre-order soon! It depends on what you compare with , Antony. Blackstar are not in my experience dearer on everything compared to several other vendors , they are about the same price or a tad cheaper ( aka my statement fair price ) though perhaps a few...
  16. dawnchild

    Looks like we're going to have pre-order soon!

    Re: Looks like we\'re going to have pre-order soon! I see the point Kribu and Antony make. *nod*. To me that is minor however , other things about the firm far outweigh this profit-motivated move .. Blackstar are a professional firm ( but they are in business to make money same as everyone...
  17. dawnchild

    Looks like we're going to have pre-order soon!

    Re: Looks like we\'re going to have pre-order soon! Personally I would highly recommend Blackstar . I have bought 30 DVDs or so from them the past 12 months and they have given me very good service , quick dispatches ( often a few days before the release-date ) , fair DVD-prices ( atleast...
  18. dawnchild

    Who Are You?

    I am the Child of the Dawn
  19. dawnchild

    most favorite B5 season intro & theme?

    Hard one this , since I kinda liked each season-intro at the time . Well , ummmm , *thinks* if I have to choose I think my fav is the season 4-intro and theme closely followed by that of season 5
  20. dawnchild

    B5 DVD Box Artwork Up!!!

    ooohh , me likes - me likes! *goes to see if a R2-B5boxset can be preordered at a UK DVD Internet-site*