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Search results

  1. dawnchild

    What`s your favourite B5-episode ?

    If you had to pick just one B5-episode as your absolute favourite , which one would it be ? Hard to pick just one I think ... but I believe I would pick Into the Fire What is your favourite ?
  2. dawnchild

    Seen the B5-actors in other shows ?

    <blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sky: <font color=yellow>It's funny no one mentioned Bester's (don't know his real name) role in the original Star Trek as Pavel Chekov. True, it was before B5 ever existed...</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote> True , I...
  3. dawnchild

    DVD R1 RCE?

    <blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by A_M_Swallow: <font color=yellow>The R2 DVD version of "The Gathering" and "In the Beginning" are due out in the next few days. .</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote> Aye , I have ordered my DVD-copy of "In the Beginning" from...
  4. dawnchild

    New respect for Season 1.

    <blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by superbob: <font color=yellow>I guess it does boil down to individual taste but Crusade should have been given the chance to go further and in so doing give us the oppurtunity to make an educated decision whether we liked it or...
  5. dawnchild

    JMS's current feelings for B5

    Re: JMS\'s current feelings for B5 <blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by hypatia: <font color=yellow>This is interesting:</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote> Very interesting I think , thanx for posting it hypatia JMS quote : "I'm unspeakably proud of what we...
  6. dawnchild

    New respect for Season 1.

    <blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by superbob: <font color=yellow>Unfortunately Crusade was never given the opportunity to develope it's full potential!</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote> I seem to be one of the few who wanted Crusade to be such a great...
  7. dawnchild

    Who`s your fav B5-character ?

    <blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by DW: <font color=yellow>Probably her Minbari way of thinking made her do that. You know the whole tell half a truth or not to tell the whole truth until it's necessary thing.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote> Witholding...
  8. dawnchild

    Who`s your fav B5-character ?

    <blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by *Sigh*: <font color=yellow>Were are the Delenn lovers to back me up?</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote> I started the thread , also by saying Delenn was my favourite-character , so you are sorta backing me up Am sure...
  9. dawnchild

    B5 DVD's?

    Re: B5 DVD\'s? Thank you very much , Joseph - for that comprehensive reply
  10. dawnchild

    Who`s your fav B5-character ?

    <blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kribu: <font color=yellow> However, I think many people here would like to kick me as I couldn't stand either Delenn or Sheridan.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote> *kicks you* But I don`t hold it against you .. Is...
  11. dawnchild

    B5 DVD's?

    Re: B5 DVD\'s? <blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kribu: <font color=yellow>As far as I know, the situation is the same as before - i.e. no official announcement, or no official word at all really. Just some rumours that there will be DVDs later in the year -...
  12. dawnchild

    Who`s your fav B5-character ?

    I am sure this topic has been up many times before , but I just wondered : if you had to pick one B5-character , who is your chosen character and why ? I loved many of the B5-characters must admit , but I think I would have to pick Delenn ( she had wisdom , power and guts , that lady! ) , a...
  13. dawnchild

    Season (Series) One Starts Again Today!

    Thanx , will check out the Lurker`s Guide
  14. dawnchild

    What did you do before ...

    Good question that .. *g* Well , when I think about it I often watched my fav Star Wars-movies on video and X-files. I also spent time fantasy-RPing on the Internet ( writing in communities ) at various sites , something I found fun and something I still do when I have time for it. Though I...
  15. dawnchild

    Seen the B5-actors in other shows ?

    Thanx , I will check that out dawnchild
  16. dawnchild

    season 1 and 5 similarities

    I think you have a point , it does come full circle in a way with season 5. Still , the seasons of conflict are my favs , especially season 4! *g* dawnchild
  17. dawnchild

    Pushing the British Babylon 5 DVDs

    Can`t wait for the European\UK release in April of the B5-DVDs of "In the Beginning" and "The Gathering"! *g* Btw , does anyone know if Warner Bros Europe\UK intend to include some "extras" on these DVDs ? dawnchild in Norway
  18. dawnchild

    Season (Series) One Starts Again Today!

    I have seen the original episode of "The Gathering" , and I thought it was cool though perhaps not up to the standard of some of the later episodes. I now read somewhere that there is a "new" version of "The Gathering" being released on DVD ( in the US already I believe , here in Europe in April...
  19. dawnchild

    Seen the B5-actors in other shows ?

    Just wondered if anyone had seen some of the B5-actors and actresses in other shows ? I was truly surprised the other day to see Peter Jurasic ( Londo ) in a non-B5 movie. The man looked somehow familiar , and then as I studied him closely I recognized him as he was , without the...
  20. dawnchild

    The Fall of Centauri Prime

    I too think this is an emotional and powerful episode *nods*. "Sleeping in Light" is however the most emotional episode of the lot for me .. seeing Delenn take farewell with Sheridan just breaks my heart every time I watch it ( which is not that often anymore since I just can`t bear it *g* )...