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Search results

  1. dawnchild

    Who would you have liked to have seen more of?

    Welll ... I think I have to pick .. Dukhat I found that character very interesting. Am sure there are others too , but can`t think of any names right now *g* dawnchild
  2. dawnchild

    In the beginning

    The best B5-movie! I too think "In the Beginning" is the best B5-movie of the lot! It is simply great , on par with some of the best episodes in the series. The other movies are cool too , but the first rules! Can`t wait to get it on DVD here in Europe in April! dawnchild
  3. dawnchild

    Babylon 5 Gaming Survey

    Filled in. It was sad when "Into the Fire" was scrapped! Hope this helps .. dawnchild
  4. dawnchild

    New respect for Season 1.

    I agree with you .. , I too thought season 1 was somewhat inferior to the later seasons ( especially Season 4 , my fav! ) first time I watched it. Having watched some of the Season 1-episodes again , however - I find them better the second time around. As often is the case with B5 , I am now...
  5. dawnchild

    Just watched War Without an End

    I truly enjoyed it .. , thought it was way cool , but then again I enjoy all the B5-episodes *g* The multitude of interlaced-storylines , characters , great diversity and creativity in all areas is what drew me to the series in the first place. dawnchild