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Search results

  1. D

    Spread out s4 into s5?

    Do you think Babylon 5 would have benefitted overall if they knew they were going to get a fifth season early on? Do you think it would have been better to spread out the arcs and end s4 with "Intersections in Real Time"? I can see this having advantages and disadvantages. It would probably...
  2. D

    Favorite episode or scene

    this is very hard, but I'll see what I can do. (Guaranteed I'll forget 500 other things I wanted to put after posting). Favourite Scene: Well I like the scene in "Z'Ha'Dum" where Sheridan jumps into the chasm after setting off the fusion bomb on the WhiteStar, and all the while Delenn watches...
  3. D

    Crusade: "Where are you going?"

    Crusade: \"Where are you going?\" ...or more acurately "Where were you going?" I'm new to this message board, so please forgive me if this has been discussed before, or if I generally go against the grain. I've been a B5 fan ever since it first aired in my country (the UK). I was wondering...