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  1. J

    The Gathering

    I know this post is two-years old, but FYI Lyta's dialogue was added to the original version of the pilot. It wasn't there in the initial showing at LosCon but was added before it aired on PTEN for the first time.
  2. J

    Sinclair and Kosh

    How far in the series have you watched? I think it's made clear in season three why Kosh knew Sinclair...certainly the Minbari told the Vorlons that Sinclair was related to their prophecy either way, so Kosh would be interested in meeting him. As for the Vorlons being telepathic I think it's...
  3. J

    EpDis: Grey 17 Is Missing

    I introduced and watched the entire series with two different people on two separate occasions. They both liked the Zarg. I think Jeremiah's ramblings are interesting if you listen to the words - similiar to Minbari beliefs, but through the lens of someone who's not entirely sane. I love his...
  4. J

    EpDis: Mind War

    Wonder no more. JMS stated it clearly:
  5. J

    Anna Sheriden's entrance

    He is already deep into a relationship with Delenn and sleeping with her that very night...not every reaction to your dead ex-wife has to be about the shadows.
  6. J

    EpDis: Believers

    Well people have been using religious reasons to justify their actions for centuries, so it is really a timeless theme... Just like life.
  7. J

    EpDis: Deathwalker

    I think the discussions in "In the Beginning" imply that the Dilgar were a pretty small power that was easy to defeat but morally right to fight. It was one of the reasons there was the arrogance from the Earth government that they could take on the Minbari without a problem.
  8. J

    The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

    It's just the design they picked. Not actually a DVD-R written on with pen, just made to look like it.
  9. J

    EpDis: The Fall Of Night

    Oh I forgot that speech from Byron. I haven't quite made it up to the fifth season in my current run-through. I was thinking that those were Lyta's actual memories of when the Vorlons made modifications to her to increase her powers.
  10. J

    EpDis: The Fall Of Night

    My impression is that the Centauri weren't involved with the Shadows or Vorlons prior to the time of B5. Morden talking to Londo was their first contact with them. It was an advantage for the Shadows that the enemy Londo had was the race without telepaths. In dialogue, I'm pretty sure that we...
  11. J

    Cenuri and narms

    It's more of a general sense of history. These themes manifest in different places and times. I've seen Joe describe the Centauri concept as Roman, Japanese, and British, and I'm sure there are many other interpretations out there.
  12. J

    Babylon 5 panel at Megacon 2012

    But Crusade takes place after the Telepath War. It would have had a better shot if TNT hadn't canceled it before it had aired a single episode, and then deliberately aired it out of sweeps period so even if it had rated high it would be meaningless.
  13. J

    Tv Guide photo

    My work computer blocks this as pornography...
  14. J

    "The Shadow Within" & "To Dream in the City of Sorrows"

    You're probably fine on the Shadow Within and Sorrows book around mid-season four or so. Though it has been awhile since I have read them so don't remember what spoilers there are.
  15. J

    Settings in the B5 universe

    Well it doesn't really matter how far locations are apart since long-distance travel in the show is done through hyperspace. The reason the beacon system exists is because hyperspace doesn't work in a straight line.
  16. J

    Thirdspace setting

    We could just assume it takes place concurrently around the time of "Atonement". The Chronology places it after "Lines of Communication"; with that placement you have to assume that Delenn didn't pack for Minbar as fast as she could have though.
  17. J

    "The Shadow Within" & "To Dream in the City of Sorrows"

    Also the prologue in that novel is based on a certain scene in Grey 17 Is Missing.
  18. J

    Talia Winters

    Well certainly Joe said #1 and #5 - #8 were canon at the time, since he wrote the first issue himself and did the story outline for the arc starting with issue #5; particularly where it relates to how Sinclair and Garibaldi first met. Check the dialogue from "Infection" when Garibaldi is...
  19. J

    Failed Babylon 5 Projects

    Ah got it. I was hoping a script was floating around somewhere.
  20. J

    Failed Babylon 5 Projects

    Yes it was Shadow tech, but it was an Earth ship, according to "End of the Line". Where'd you find information on this one? I've never seen anything about the story anywhere.