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  1. F

    Interesting note from JMS re: UK viewing

    Oh, in my case it's Spanish channel AXN. :)
  2. F

    Why do people sympathize with Mars?

    They suck. They were neutral in the Earth-Minbari war, so they are a bunch of traitors. Now that they are independent, why don't they build their own damned fleet to defend their planet, instead of having Earthforce do it for them? Cowards. I say let them be taken over by the Dilgar or...
  3. F

    Latest Speculation thread

    But the actors are not getting any younger, that's the main problem. If you are gonna wait any longer to tell the telepath war, I won't blame WB if they recast.
  4. F

    uh-oh....this doesn't sound good.

    Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good. The name is quite appropiate.
  5. F

    uh-oh....this doesn't sound good.

    Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good. If Earth is being taken over by the Psi Corps, any help will be welcomed. They wouldn't look so much like terrorists. Or I hope so. :confused:
  6. F

    Interesting note from JMS re: UK viewing

    I never watch that damned box. So for me it's download and DVD. No one would lose audience when they air something here because I would have never watched it on the channel in the first place. Go figure.
  7. F

    uh-oh....this doesn't sound good.

    Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good. No. JMS has always said this is the main cast's big paycheck.
  8. F

    uh-oh....this doesn't sound good.

    Re: uh-oh....this doesn\'t sound good. :lol: :lol: That's pathetic. That's the lamest plot someone could make up for this movie. Either it's someone's fan fiction trying to pass for the real thing, or someone in WB has gone insane. Either way, funny shit. I really would not understand why...
  9. F

    Crusade DVD's

    Re: Crusade DVD\'s I'm going to be honest, JMS should have predicted something like this was gonna happen. Right, like he could get away with bashing TNT through WB's official DVDs on something many people would see like a personal vendetta. No matter how good his relations have been with WB in...
  10. F

    Comparing TMoS with other projects

    Perhaps because if they don't keep things as secret as possible some idiot from Paramount will find out and try to copy their ideas?
  11. F

    "Cast Of" Solution: List Your Favorite TV Casts

    Re: \"Cast Of\" Solution: List Your Favorite TV Cas B5. Buffy. Angel. 24. Frasier.
  12. F

    Good episode guides

    City of Angel BuffyWorld Those are my favourites. :)
  13. F

    Good episode guides

    I'd say look for fansites for the particular show. You would be surprised what a fan with no life can do.
  14. F

    EpDis: Believers

    How do you know Franklin would not have saved him? Besides Babylon 5 is an Earth Alliance station... one thing is respecting the beliefs of other races, but Earth law is applied there or should. You would think the parents would be arrested for murder.
  15. F

    Byron in Halo 2

    Yeah, by all means, if you like it, enjoy it :) It's just that it seems more like a computer to me, a microsoft computer. And the console elements are kinda weird. a XBOX logo that takes half the control pad? Auch. I guess i'll buy it if they start making GTA exclusives for it now that the...
  16. F

    Byron in Halo 2

    You actually bought a console from Microsoft? :eek:
  17. F

    SW EpIII Game Trailer (spoilers! spoliers!)

    Ahh, true. Anakin is Palpatine's bodyguard by then. I forgot :) It would be really cool if Palpy finished him off with force lightning, as i read somewhere. Man I need to ease off on the spoilers. They are ruining the movie for me.
  18. F

    SW EpIII Game Trailer (spoilers! spoliers!)

    Man that game is gonna kick serious ass. Kinda pissed that trailer doesn't have spoiler warnings though. Anyways, yeah Dooku is gonna get it in front of Palpatine ala Return of the Jedi. As for Windu... Fried in Palpatine's office when he confronts him. I thought it was by Palpatine...
  19. F

    Pixar sued

    Well at least something George Lucas created seems to be well liked. Though movies about bugs and toys aren't really cool.
  20. F

    Timothy Zahn's Star Wars as Movies?

    Re: Timothy Zahn\'s Star Wars as Movies? I haven't read any EU stuff (I just won't read anything that isn't cannon, to me it's just fan fiction) but: No. Lucas is sick of Star Wars and wants to move on. Someone else might, as an animated series ala Clone Wars, for the money.